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Everything posted by errant_knight

  1. They were? Damn. That makes me sad.When your promos advertise the advancement of the game as being story, it really isn't something that should get axed. Especially when BT and Esseles are so clearly superior in terms of interaction and dialogue. But back to the topic, yeah, I'd like to be able to have some activity in the st, but only if it could be turned on and off. It would be weird in rp if Vette kept walking through a war council, lol
  2. Really? I was told they didn't. How is that explained? I suppose it could be a bribe, lol
  3. Hmm.... Don't think either faction will get an outright win in the game, but in the larger scheme of things, it's possible that the empire will hold power for awhile. At this point in history, the jedi held power for far longer.
  4. But the warrior is almost never a sarcastic bastard. You can only get so many lines with 3 choices, and we'd have to lose snarky LS to get straight up nice. Not saying 4 choices wouldn't be better.
  5. I'm not touching that last post with a ten foot pole, lol
  6. It's fake money I get from doing things I enjoy. I'm not exactly choked up about spending it.
  7. Actually, your smuggler and agent don't have to pay a fee as they can smuggle themselves across enemy lines. The ones who cant pay a small cost to be smuggled. I love that. It's a nice bit os detail and a case where they went with character immersion instead of undermining it. Kudos! It's about a thousand crd or something, nothing bank breaking.
  8. Me either. I saw more there I could actually use than usual.
  9. It should stay as is. The point is not that anyone who does the op can get it during the event, the point is that almost no one can. More stuff should be rare like that.
  10. Try not to get too levelled or you won't get xp. In other words, stop doing kdy and play the story. Do the class and planetary questlines, skipping sidequests until you're only 2 or 3 levels over where you should be.
  11. You should delete this and put ut in stories and lore/spoilers. It's a spoiler as it is and will be more so with answers.
  12. The tanks I really respect are the ones who are situationally aware enough to gauge the group and play accordingly. That takes a level of skill that , to me, is higher than just going fast and not dying.
  13. Lol, this. If any player is making a group miserable for another player, they're doing a bad thing. That includes dps who race ahead and facepull, tanks who don't adjust their play for the skill level of the group. and basically anyone who plays like they're soloing. Groups have to adjust for the members present. That might be annoying for the uber players, but making a new player or one with lag issues sweat bullets to finish 5 min faster is just not very awesome.
  14. The JK is not at all 'meh' if you let them struggle with temptation to the dark side. It;s not hard to do that. There are choices where you have to put your head in the sand pretty far to pick light. Pick all light without considering the choice in the context of the story and the possible results and, yes, it will be a tad dull. But that's the same for most of the stories. Turn off alignment on mouseover and really consider the implications of your choices and all the stories will be better.
  15. Haven't read because I'm saving them for in game. Much as I savour and anticipate the little nods to class stories in intros and mail, they also make me really sad. I don't think I need to explain why.
  16. This probably has more to do with bedtime than the game. Like they don't want their kid staying up until 4 am gaming, lol.
  17. Coruscant and Dromund Kaas are inexpensive so that level low level characters can buy them. This was stated in the twitch feeds. It wouldn't make much sense to make the strongholds that were available to low levels on a high level planet
  18. Not going to open the spoiler but this makes me very happy. I thought we'd get a kdy type fp wigh story to come later. Very glad to hear otherwisw. Watche the dulfy vid on arrival on the space and was really happy with how perfect it was. Can't wait
  19. Maybe the forum has finally reached an outrage tipping point. Lol, I wish. That will never happen. If only outrage could be used as fuel.
  20. Sum total of this thread: You can't please all the people all the time, but you can please some. Others will perhaps never be pleased and may even resent the fact that others are, lol.
  21. I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw kreia's robes, lol. And yeah, there's some stuff here that will really work for my characters. Most of these were only available to specific factions/classes before, so this is a good thing. some of the others are variations of extremely popular and therefore high priced cartel models previously released. I was actually very pleased with these packs, seeing more usable stuff than in some earlier ones.
  22. Just out of curiosity.... Some seem to feel that most, if not all, content should be immediately available to everyone. Tell me, if that's the case, what's the reward for putting in exceptional effort? How would you, as hypothetical game developers, reward that dedication?
  23. I have to agree here. Not doing Makeb is not about mobs. I liked the mobs. I have MANY characters and after 4 times through, I just don't really want to repeat exactly the same content. Which is odd, because I can watch the same cutscenes and make new characters over and over again. Just the little differences that more attention to reflecting your class which you get in the initial chapters makes them highly repeatable for me in a way that Makeb is not (for me). It's not about difficulty, it's not about trash or time spent. It's about the lack of any real differentiation between characters.
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