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Everything posted by WesleyJanson

  1. I really wish there was a tag that came with everyone posts that had their current list of characters Since I think I'm just being trolled by sorc/sage players
  2. The game has been out for more than a month, if you haven't leveled at least 1 class to 50 yet it's because you play less than an hour a week and are also currently leveling 4 alts Getting to 50 isn't hard, even with a full time job, which is what his point was. Being a dick when you're horribly, horribly wrong is not warranted here.
  3. Anything other than sorc or sage is a lie It's the best class in the game, xv1 which means any number of opponents vs just you
  4. Yeah a bunch of sorcs trying to defend force speed, it's really really fail man Thank god there's someone on my side I thought only sorcs were posting right now
  5. Um, pvp doesn't work that way Me: Usually it's "hey I found a sorc, time to shoot at him" *sorcs force speed is on cooldown* Sorc: Time to cast bubble so all his damage does nothing! *bubble dies* Sorc: Better use one of my many stuns to keep letting force speed recharge! *I'm stunned, break it* *3 of my teammates show up* Sorc: Better use my AOE knockback that also roots! *force speed is off cooldown* Sorc: Bye! *zooms off, heals self* This doesn't happen with other classes
  6. See that's exactly the thing buddy, if they make so many mistakes, I SHOULD be killing them, but theirs is the most forgiving class in the game because of things like force speed. Welcome to the conversation now that you managed to grasp the subject matter
  7. But BioWare still decided to nerf them which means one of two things Either they had access to better data than you do, so they had a better concept of how the game was balanced with the way operatives and scoundrels were performing and decided to nerf it, in which case you're wrong about what in game is actually balanced and what isn't Or you are right, they weren't op, so BioWare is just incompetent in regards to pvp balance, in which case things like force speed are incredibly op and BioWare is at fault for keeping it in the game as long as they have because they're incompetent So either way I'm right here bro
  8. No what I'm trying to say is that pvp doesn't take place in an open field, there are more than enough things inside the map like cover, power ups, or like in huttball the vent thingies. Only 30 meters doesn't matter when you factor in these things
  9. Stun is a good counter to force speed, the problem is stun has cooldowns and I'm rarely fighting just 1 person every 30 seconds, since I'm playing pvp And sorcs already have things like the bubble, and all their different cc abilities, very strong dps, and very strong healing abilities because they're squishy. Adding force speed into the mix means that sorc/sage can make the most mistakes in a fight without ending up dead out of every other class in the game.
  10. ITT PvP takes place in an open field Oh wait, no it doesn't
  11. So when Bioware decided to nerf operatives and smugglers that were owning everyone, it wasn't broken even though bioware fixed it?
  12. Does the job that other talents should be doing and is way too overpowered, no other class has such an easy escape ability whenever they find themselves out of position or outnumbered Dear God what the hell were they thinking when they made this ability
  13. "Get a life" he says while posting on an internet forum about a Star Wars MMO
  14. Oh good, the mods are deleting posts left and right. If only I got here about 15 minutes later I would have been spared a great big headache. At any rate, does anyone know what the maintenance was actually for?
  15. This is the stupidest *********** thing I've ever read in my life.
  16. They should have just made the Empire's mirror for the Trooper be a Mandalorian mercenary of some kind. I mean it kind of is like that sort of kind of in the bounty hunter story but not really, and nowhere near as much as it would be if you started out a Mandalorian kinda guy. There's a lot of things they need to add into the game and I think the reason it wasn't in there from the start is because they were just going to add it later, I think more Mandalorian related stuff is one of those things.
  17. I don't give a god damn if there is no player interaction at all if it means I don't have to wait literally an hour to form a group for a flashpoint The problem here is that you need to get into these areas, STAY THERE, and just spam chat with "lfg lfg lfg" constantly. You can't just queue up and then do something else in game while you wait, you have to just stand still and stare at the chat for any kind of response while you spam "lfg" until your fingers fall off. How exactly is this promoting player interaction? It just promotes boredom and a bunch of people find themselves doing something else when they could be playing the game, more often than not ACTUALLY PLAYING ANOTHER GAME This is ridiculous. Why would you pay $15 a month to alt tab and play a different game while you wait for your group leader to form a group by spamming general chat with LFM constantly? It's boring as hell.
  18. Because given how arrogant he was if any other person were the pilot there wouldn't be enough room on the ship for those 2 clashing egos.
  19. Lightsabers ain't cheap and the Jedi Council isn't exactly opening up a shared bank account for Jedi to draw from whenever they have a need for funds.
  20. No it isn't. Everyone calls Airmen "zoomies". "Flyboy" implies that you're actually a pilot, and is a term of endearment for pilots of all branches.
  21. Also a case like this "I'll give you more credits than you could spend in a dozen lifetimes" Complete quest: Gain 127 credits. Medpacs cost 150 credits. :| >:| >:C
  22. That's not what inflation does, you've got it backwards.
  23. It isn't a mass effect 2 reference. People plead with bouncers to get into clubs all the time, it's what bouncers are there for, to keep people that the club doesn't want inside the club outside the club. I just thought it was funny that when you attack the bouncer the girl kicks the bouncer right in his ********s and then she and her friend run in.
  24. What they really should do is add literally every race that anyone ever came up with in regards to Star Wars and be done with it. "hurp durp it's not human enough a hurp a durp" ugh I want to make a chadra fan bounty hunter and to hell with your terrible cliche story
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