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Everything posted by WesleyJanson

  1. I said "instead of another delay" as in there should have been another delay so that the game would have launched finished Why don't you try reading these posts before you start responding to them buddy
  2. Uh yes actually. Not the King of the universe part, but it being a fact that it's a piece of ****. It could not look like a piece of **** to you, but it actually is. There are people that think the Earth is flat but it's actually round. Also enough strawmen. No one is saying the current setup is good. The dumb *** samurai helmets for Jedi Knights is a straight joke, everything looks way too much the same generic garbage already. They need more variety like in the crafted armor, and quality like with the raid armor. The PVP armor just looks SOOO bad across the board which is ridiculous since there are plenty of other designs in the game that look good. Check out some of the top end armormech and synthweaving stuff you can make, stuff looks boss. Rakata level raid gear looks pretty boss too. However this piece of **** is a huge step in the wrong direction. I'd prefer generic boring to this turd.
  3. Now now, I'm not saying to boycott only BioWare and hope that that bankrupts EA. EA Sports is a cancer on sports franchises and they're trying to buy the NBA license and take away my precious 2k. The thing is that giving EA more money is the problem, and I would rather see the joke of BioWare's corpse finally laid to rest as EA gives up on them then see them in the hands of EA for another day. I remember before EA bought BioWare, the last good game BioWare made was the first Mass Effect
  4. So then do the capitalist thing and hold them accountable for business practices you don't agree with, boycott their products and convince others to do the same. Businesses do what makes them money so the second that this behavior becomes unprofitable for EA they'll stop doing it.
  5. To be fair most of those people are just counter trolls that are mad that GW 2 fanboys have been saying GW 2 was gonna be best MMO ever for months and months so they're like "gw 2 sucks lolololol"
  6. No you didn't 80% of the posts on General is "THIS GAME IS GOOD SHUT UP" and "GO BACK TO WOW" judging by thread titles only this forum is screaming at imaginary demons
  7. Do you have any idea what you're even talking about Comparing the MMO market from when WoW launched to the MMO market now when SWTOR has launched is beyond absurd.
  8. "Someone doesn't like something I do, that must mean they only like things that are bland and boring." Dude I'm happy you like that piece of **** but that doesn't change the fact that it's a piece of ****.
  9. Yes, BioWare is adding more content. No, they don't suddenly have a ton of content just because they added 1 more operation, 1 more flashpoint, 1 more warzone, especially since they have yet to fix the bugs with the operations they already have in game. Considering how overly competitive the MMO market is right now, and how much more competitive it is going to become in the coming months, this is content SWTOR should have launched with, even if that meant a delay. I don't even know why you're bringing up the separate teams thing since that doesn't have anything to do with anything I said. Also I don't play World of Warcraft. I have no idea what lead you to that conclusion, since I never once mentioned World of Warcraft. There are many more MMOs on the market than just SWTOR and WoW.
  10. I keep posting things without reading everything These forums have taught me well
  11. I support story in an MMO too. It's a good thing literally every MMO ever has had one What makes SWTOR different is "conversations", whereas it was a popup message you read in other MMOs. While most people just click "accept" in other MMOs, once people hit 50 for the first time, they will just mash the spacebar and then 1 for lightside, 2 for neutral, 3 for darkside every time they play after that. If an MMO developer focuses on "story" and it's just voiced "kill X boars" and they spend so much time on that that raiding and PVP are sorely lacking, I'm not going to support that.
  12. Jesus Christ that looks terrible BioWare needs to hire a new design team
  13. And the quality of the game needed to be spot on when it came out, it was better for BioWare to take their time and get it right than to rush out the door with it. Instead of another delay into 2012 they release it 5 days before Christmas to just barely make it for holiday sales, and the game still felt and obviously was unfinished. The reason they're pushing 1.2 back isn't to make it better since it runs as fine as the rest of the game does on the test server, they're pushing it back more and more because they're waiting for the subscriptions of people that bought the game after the trial week to run out, so that they resubscribe for the update so they get more money. People forget they're playing an EA game sometimes.
  14. Bingo This was a magnificent post and the sentence I quoted was the most amazing part of it Bioware has no idea what they're doing, this has been evident since the beta for those of you who were in it. Legacy is yet another example of some silly gimmick that is ultimately pointless and adds nothing to the experience.
  15. What about Republic uniforms? I don't mean armor, I mean like the Republic officer uniform, that bit of Khaki. I love that stuff!
  16. I wouldn't mind seeing a different animation for Tracer Missile because I feel that a lot of animations in the game are pretty terrible, but switching the current one for the Fusion Missile animation is a uniquely awful idea.
  17. Alderaan Civil War is the only warzone I actually like. Frankly I'm shocked it's receiving the hate that it is. I really enjoy it because I don't really care about winning or losing (unless it's a close match) as long as I personally perform well. To me the most annoying aspect of PVP is when you get stuck with complete morons for teammates, in Huttball and Voidstar moreso than Alderaan Civil War bad teammates ruin my good time, but in Alderaan Civil War I'm better able to enjoy myself in spite of bad teammates. I despise Huttball because I used to have an Empire character and I got really tired of playing nothing but Huttball forever. If I never have to play it again it'll be too soon. If you really hate Alderaan Civil War I'd advise rerolling an Empire character because the vast majority of your warzones will be Huttball against other Empire characters.
  18. You aren't alone buddy. To me all this stuff looks EXACTLY like a ton of different armor sets already in game, and in a lot of cases these look atrocious to boot.
  19. Like literally everything with the Bioware named attached to it since they were bought by EA
  20. Actually EA has a history of not releasing things when they are ready. Things are coming out in 1.2 about 4-5 months from launch that not only should have been in at launch but were in the beta and then removed when the game was launched. EA has waited about 4-5 months to give us sauce with the spaghetti we ordered in December.
  21. You're not supposed to think rationally. I mean you pay for a car right? So clearly you're supposed to drive your copy of SWTOR to work to save on gas. Isn't that right, Dayln?
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