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Everything posted by Iffyluse

  1. Migh as well make a 8man ops group and go kill Flesh Raiders on Tython. Pretty much an equivalent of what an 8 man uprising would be like.
  2. Yeah, I play on Progenitor for the socializing and Red Eclipse for ops/flashpoins with the chat turned off
  3. Well thats what happens when you focus all your effort on producing content that has no replay value and can be completed in an evening a.k.a KOTFE and KOTET storylines. The "expansion" comes out, you play through the story, don't touch the game for another year. I mean seriously, after you finish the KOTET storyline, your'e still left with the same old ops, warzones, flashpoints. MMORPG's survive on repeatable content, 2 hours of cutscenes per year does absolutely nothing for that. You can spend 12 dollars per year on this game and still experience everything it has and ever had to offer.
  4. Imperial fleet on Red Eclipse general chat is even worse, it's always pvpers calling eachother all kinds of names, people "discussing" politics as if they know what they're talking about (seriously, you get more stupid every line of chat you read) . General chat used to be cool, now it's some sort of 4chan-like cesspool. It's why I casually play on Progenitor sometimes, it seems to have a more civilized crowd there.
  5. Healer in Veteran FP's is required when clearing trash mobs on the way to the boss, in bossfights it's better to be dpsing the boss while popping the kolto stations. Makes it go quicker.
  6. It baffles me that such dps muppets that queue as tanks actually think it somehow is gonna help them to do a fp. I mean whats their plan really? They pop into the flashpoint and think that nobody will notice? Serious flaw in that plan. Had it happen a couple of times, it's not that big of a deal, keep calm and votekick. Even had one guy be like "omg why u kick me". These people have no clue.
  7. They can't really mess it up anyway, since DPS always get gear with accuracy/crit/alacrity, tanks always get shield/defense/absorb and healers get crit/alacrity It will always give role appropriate gear, just not always "optimal" gear, for example it keeps giving me various pieces with Absorb enhancements and yet no shield enhancements, even though I need a lot more shield than absorb on my powertech. RNG is sometimes cruel like that. Even with command crates, to get the most ouf of your chars you may need to buy some stuff from GTN.
  8. Yeah Explosive dart was so trash I even forgot it existed so I've mistaken the Slug for a new and awesome ability that it actually really isn't
  9. Thanks for the reply, no rush on the guide, take your time, looking forward to it In the meantime, I'm really starting to enjoy the mobility of pretty much everything being instacast, PT tank is a s fun as ever!
  10. With Shatter slug being introduced, Firestorm being instacast, are there any changes to the rotations for maximum threat for both the beginning of the fight and the sustained fight? Or the 4.0 dulfy guide is still the way to go (http://dulfy.net/2016/07/11/swtor-shield-tech-powertech-4-0-pve-guide-by-yamunun/) Where does the Shatter Slug fit into the rotation for single target and aoe? What utilities are optimal now? I've been running some flashpoints in 228/230 gear, the overall feel right now is a struggle to keep the enemies interested in me.
  11. No matter how much you nerf the content there will still be awful incompetent lazy people who do not have the common decency to look up the basics of how to play and gear their characters and then complain on forums that the content is too hard. What nerfing of HM Flashpoints will not get rid of: Tanks in alacrity/crit gear with no concept of what threat is DPS who just use basic attacks and enrage the bosses DPS who attack before the tank and just AoE everything People who stand in red circles of AoE damage People deaf and blind to useful advice or explanation of the upcoming boss's mechanics I understand the concept of slowing the caravan to the speed of the slowest horse but there are some paraplegic brainless horses in our caravan. HM flashpoints aren't for people who are just here for the story and are a "casual gamer that plays everything on Novice difficulty". The harder group content requires the understanding of what stat ratios your character needs, full use and understanding of your abilities and the mechanics of the enemy encounters. 90% of the game content is already pandered to those casual kind of players, how about leave flashpoints and ops who people who like a challenge, k thx. HM flashpoints are fine as they are.
  12. Make a female character with a girly name and during warzone in chat use a lot of emoticons like ^_^ and (O_O) and <3 while communicating. You'll get a lot of MVP's even if you're not contributing to the team really. Works every time when I'm farming warzones.
  13. The body types are fine, nobody wants to see fat ugly ogres in their nerdy fantasy.
  14. True, it is nonsense in the PG 13 bioware SWTOR universe about bad guys and good guys, makes plenty of sense in anything that isn't a fairy tale. Which is KOTOR 2 and huge chunk of the extended universe novels. I'd say bring writers from Obsidian, they know what's up.
  15. Jedi Knight story is too "simple" for something nuanced and interesting like KOTOR 2 writing. Nothing in TOR even comes close to it tbh. Maybe Agent story has its moments. KOTOR 2 is about shades of grey and how both Jedi and Sith are two sides of the same bull**** coin. Theres nothing in TOR that comes even close to Kreia's awesome monologues about the force.
  16. It is ****** rude behavior to quit without telling their intent before hand that they were just doing it for the event.
  17. I really like Quesh visually, the color palette is really great, I can stare at it all day. Voss is nice too, has a very autumn like feel to it. Alderaan feels like a place I'd wanna live in. Tatooine is one of the more impressive deserts in gaming, they really nailed the big vastness feeling of a dune. Oricon is a very "videogame endgame" area of nastiness and danger. Special mention to the Profit And Plunder KOTFE chapter area, I'd love to have it as a real planet, from the cutscenes it really nails that grim foggish industrial waste type of area. Looks like Hutta after a nuke.
  18. Worst times "oh god, more skytroopers to fight" Best times: the snappy dialogue is sometimes charming and funny. The story overall isn't any good at all but some moment to moment character moments are what I play it for. And also the whole idea of all the different companions mixing together is really neat.
  19. Or people who quit in a middle of pug ops... Like, if you join an operation, make sure you have 2 hours to burn. Did SnV run when it was on GF this week, after 2 bosses half the team was like "sry have to go". There weren't even any wipes or anything.
  20. Is this like in Warframe where they randomly give out platinum (CC equivalent) discounts randomly in daily rewards
  21. Join Blood Hunt Tank and Heal (me) are both well geared and ready DPS are in 178/190 gear great... Biggest problem are bad dps, there's so many of them. They jump into HM's straight after leveling through tacticals, have no gear, no idea about the kill order (rarely see ppl NOT jumping at the strongest enemy in the pack instead of killing the weak ones first), nobody knows CC, interrupts exist... Ugh... And I don't even wanna start on all the boss enrages... You keep complaining about the queue times but as a Tank/Healer player I can complain all day about the terrible dps players which are the reason I really don't wanna queue up for pug run. Guilds ftw. Best bet is to do a guild run or on fleet recruit a HM FP team and do a bunch of them together to tick some off the DvL reward list. Just make sure to ask for geared people who know how to play.
  22. I like level sync for all the tears that it brings. Also it is good game design to make all content relevant. Level sync and all ops/flashpoints being lvl 65 is the best thing that happened in this game for years. Makes absolutely no sense to have lvl 50 operations when level cap is 65, seriously, what would be the point of them? NiM ops enemies hitting you for 2 damage, yeah, amazing. Work for your achievements, bozo.
  23. Healing always feels like I'm actually contributing and theres really not a rotation that you can just macro, playing dps is just really unfulfilling and repetetive. Especially in easier content, the derpier the people are, the more interesting the healing becomes. It is never boring or the same. As a dps I feel that I'm "just there", as a healer I feel like a sexy mofo.
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