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Everything posted by Darthbarbarous

  1. Except that I went 42/3 , 36/1, 44/5 last night in the 3 WZ I played as a Level 11 sniper (and yes there were several lvl 40s and up). So just to drive this point home even more, it is not even comparable as saying as a new 50 you are similar to a level 10/11 in the 49s bracket. A level 10/11 can compete way more effectively then a new 50. I stopped playing my new 50 assassin, mostly for the fact that my key abilites dont work in pvp (as i posted in a different thread - force cloak, speed, and shroud dont work 50 to 60% of the time), which makes the beatdown all the more frustrating.
  2. well as I said, lately it has been force speed, cloak and shroud that do not function at LEAST 50% of the time. So really there is no point playing the assassin without these very important abilities. I may as well just create a BH and stand in 1 spot spamming a single button over and over. The ability lag may have been "slightly" fixed, but after the recent patch I am getting all out non-functioning abilities which basically makes my head explode while trying to PVP.
  3. Ya I am really annoyed with BW at the moment, I mean really, why give me abilities that don't function. Guess it's off to an alt until they fix this crap.
  4. So I, like many others have had issues with ability delay in game. I play an assassin and have recently just reached 50. At pre-50, i experienced some instances where I would activate an ability and it would take 1 to 1.5 seconds before it even started. Ability delay, ok supposedly they are working on it, so I lived with it. However, now that I am at 50 and have been pvp very actively, I no longer experience delay - in fact I experience all out non function. Seriously, and this is no joke or exaggeration, 4 to 5 of my regular abilities namely force shroud, force cloak, force speed and sometimes shock fail to work at all! I can say ok shock may be a lag issue and target moved out of range but the other 3 are self oriented spells and therefore have no range. I would say about 50% of the time these 3 abilities do not function in PVP/warzones. Its so bad that i may was well take these abilities off my bar becuase they rarely work and its really pointless to even play pvp without these defensive abilities. And YES they register as being off cooldown, the problem is i cant get them to go on cooldown most of the time. Anyone else experience this? or something similar Ability non-function, delay would be nice at this point!!!!
  5. I totally agree with you, everyday so much republic crying over the most ridiculous and unimportant things. It is the WoW mentality of cry cry until blizzard gives us what we want. Blizzard did so much for Mmo's but totally screwed all games to follow with the spoiled self righteous community they cultivated.
  6. ^this is correct. Which just reinforces why I commented in another thread why people should use fact as opposed to opinions (generally biased to suit there post). However the turret and timer issue the op brought up looks like a big issue that BW needs to address.
  7. Lol agh the good ole days, I remember that well. It was almost like if u blinked u would miss it and be like ***? Why am I dead? After WH and WE it went to bright wizards destroying groups of people in seconds. Lol
  8. Yes because there is no class like it on republic side...........
  9. So you rather have no use for tanks and all warzones being zerg fest of DPS with some random healers thrown in? Becasue that is what it will end up being. I agree with the poster above that said this current set up is fresh and new. It gives ppl a reason to play a tank in Warzones and PVP. It also gives reason for people to want to make a group with a tank in it. This is all great and promotes variety of classes in PVP. Take that away and your left with a tank that can guard ppl to help out, but gets no reward for doing so, and hence gets gimped in the long run while helping everyone else achieve what they want. Or if you try to get kills as a tank, there will be no comparison to dps classes and again gimped on trophies/medals. As it stands now, every class has an equal opportunity to reap the rewards of pvp. Which is good and it promotes complete team make ups. All the wow fanbabies need to realize that we do not want complete wow clones for the next 10 years, otherwise the MMO future is bleak. Think outside the very restricted wow box and open your minds to new playstyles in PVP and adjust. As for the complaints on dmg output in this thread, again BW has stated this game will never be balanced around 1v1, so if you lose a duel to a op/scoundrel all the time, stop dueling them. Hello rock, please meet paper........ The scoundrel/op dmg is supposed to be front loaded so they can get in, kill and get out. Their issue is that they are squishy and after they blow their front load, they are pretty much a wet noodle. So just dont be a window licker in pvp and run off on your own, its just asking for one of these single target killers to pwn u. And dont cry if it does happen, because guess what, that is their role. If you were stupid enough to leave the security of your group in pvp to be a "hero" then you got what you deserved.
  10. I agree with most of this statement, minus the lies part. I have no idea if the person Always dies to scoundrels in less the 5 seconds so I cannot say if he is a liar. However what I can say is this: For starters, operatives and scoundrels (lets remember that both sides have the same class that can do the same things) are a burst dps class meant to do massive dmg and get out. In this regard, they should be killing people quickly and they definately perform this function well if played correctly. So in the whole 1v1 situation, they are always going to have the upper hand - working as intended. But what everyone fails to realize is that Warzones are a group effort and if in a Warzone, the team is playing well backing each other and sticking together (key in survival) then that op/scoundrel may get an large opener on a target, but then should be CCd and burned by the others. In the best case scenerio, the op/scoundrel will get the kill and then also die immediately after. They are squishy and once their burst is gone, they got nothing. So essentially they can trade a kill for a death. But if people are running around like headless chickens in the WZ wondering off on their own, or just playing poorly and not supporting their teammates then yes, expect to get *** pwned by classes meant to take out single targets quickly. End of story. This game will not be balanced about a 1v1 match up. Edit: now if these classes can sustain this type of high dmg output for extended periods of time then there is definately an issue which would need to be addressed by BW, but from what I have observed they can't. For the record, I play neither a scoundrel or an op.
  11. I am not at 400, only at about 220ish but I wanted to add the two best schematics I have found so far are republic only armor and of course I am sith which makes them completely useless for anything. I should not be getting republic drops period as sith and visa versa.
  12. Hey everyone, Just a quick question regarding the companions, I never played beta so I was just curious about there abilities and upgrading them. Do I have to actually train companion ability upgrades at a trainer or do they just automatically upgrade themselves upon me levelling? If I have to train them, where is the trainer? Thanks in advance
  13. You can add AOC to that list too (Age of Conan). When the game came out, you had to have some skill/dexterity in your combat. i.e. circle straffing while landing multi hit combos. Many noobs, likely from WoW, complained how it was so unfair to have PVP so "skill" based regarding player movement etc and how they could not just stand in one place toe to toe and press a single "i win" button. As a result of all the whining, the combat system got revamped which then resulted in a mass exodus. For all those whining and crying about OP classes already in SWTOR BEFORE the game has actually launched and BEFORE anyone has reached lvl 50, it basically boils down to this point: If you want to PVP (because this is a choice) and you as a player expect to stand still and hit a few abilities in random order and succeed, then please go play pokemon or something to that effect. If you dont want to take the time to break down the strengths of the character class you have chosen, and implement them effectively in logical order etc then you really have no business whining about being killed by a better player. Seriously, pokemon is that way ----------------------------->
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