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Everything posted by ilovethepink

  1. My previous server had a bunch of killtrading gimps in BM, both factions. They were very easy to beat, this will be no different (And I'm not a BM)
  2. ilovethepink


    Watching an assassin follow you about 10m behind when you're chasing down a Sage so that he couldn't interrupt said assassin; who didn't bother to cap. Watching an Op not use Flashbang at the spawn when I'm planting a bomb on the door. You're right, my teams did suck terribly. It just seems to be the lower leveled ones that seem to so incredibly clueless compared to those that are incompetent but at least have abilities to use. Same as I saw a Marauder use Awe, shame it wasn't the Mara not the Op at that time in VS.
  3. Only in 1.2, which could be anything between 2-4/5 weeks. Lots of time to get stuck behind the first respawn gate.
  4. ilovethepink


    This is more of a rant than an actual idea. Can 10-19's get their own bracket, leaving 20-49 and 50's in their own bracket? It's getting annoying seeing half my team without: Sprint (Surprising how much this helps, especially defending in Alderaan) An interrupt (Most queue before 18) Any additional stats, most that hit my Assassin hit like wet noodles (Power/Crit/Surge/Alacrity) Barely any class defining skills (Ops/Scound opener(36) and any healer without more than one heal, No grip on a Van/PT ect...) I get that leveling can be boring if you're doing the same thing over and over again with new alts, but for the love of christ why is there always so many <20's that seem to be so terrible from start to finish? I don't mind helping out 1-2 but when they're the majority you're lucky to win. And yes, I am writing this coming off the back of 3 WZ's where they've been the majority and been farmed for the entirety of the match. There's no fun in being dragged by them, and it's just as bad when you know the opposite team suffers the same. Anyone else annoyed by this?
  5. He's probably one of those HS -> Vanish -> HS -> Kill players who think it's a fun way to spend an evening.
  6. It'll take you a fair while longer per level to actually level in PvP compared to PvE. This is because: You don't have control what your team comp is You don't control what map is it You don't control what level/gear/skill the players come with All of those directly affect whether you'll win in the leveling brackets, unless you're a Inq/Cons in Huttball there's very little you can actually do to directly influence a win when your whole team is derping.
  7. http://www.torhead.com/ability/cBIHci4/telekinetic-balance it's not an exploit, it's a talent in the "Balance" tree, accessible by both Shadows and Sages.
  8. You do understand why Imperials get Huttball more often than Reps, and why Imerials get Imp vs Imp more often than Rep gets Rep vs Rep... right?
  9. While I agree that would be better than player Arena, people would complain that they can't use their characters to do it, no doubt.
  10. If I can't stealth, you have to hit in melee range and stay there, deal?
  11. Just gonna guess it'll be PT/PT/Ops / Van/Van/Scoun comps... everywhere. I'll admit I didn't read all of your post. I hated WoW's arena. You can't balance the game around both formats, Arena and Warzones, as has been shown throughout the whole of TBC, WotLK and Cata, and I prefer Ojective-Oriented Battles to Team Deathmatch maps. http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/11/13/blizzard-arenas-were-a-mistake/5 This was an interview with one of the WoW Devs, saying thier implementation was a mistake. Sadly that implementation is etched into people's minds and anything other than it will be "no we want this arena". I would quit if they ever added Arena. I'd rather they just stick with their Rated WZ's and work on those, this way the game, hopefully, won't end up based around Dispels, CCs and Comps.
  12. Good, not like every other spec seems to have some way to negate this anyway like but good. It's only really an issue when there's more than one, recently been running into 2-4 people from the same guilds all gunnery/arsenal spec'd just rolling out TM/GV. It is a joke, in the same way that having 2-3 Sorcs/Sages in Huttball is a joke.
  13. Biochem Adrenal > WZ Expertise Adrenal IF you can get the pickup version. WZ Expertise Adrenal > Bichem Adrenal IF you cannot get the pickup version. That's only because both Expertise buffs don't stack.
  14. I've seen people say "It's a lost cause" and just stand on ledges in Huttball recently. The leveling brackets are full of whingers who complain when you've got even one low toon, or when they're playing against a premade. Best one I saw was a premade complaining about a premade and defending the only turret we had with all 4 of them. I'm just hoping that the 50 bracket is better than the leveling one on this server.
  15. It takes just over 100 to go from 49.99-60. I assume 60-65 would be the same and then some, so I'd guess about 250-300 to get from 49.9-65. I don't know how much valor is needed before 50, so I can't work it out for below that. Below is how long it'll take for 49.99-65, at a guess. So assume the top bracket over 16 days. 300/16 18.75, round it up to 19. That's assuming an average of 3k Valor a match, so it'll fluctuate a little throughout. I'd guess add 2 or 3 for your current rank, but that's a guess.
  16. That must have been one hell of a one sided Huttball.
  17. This, pretty much. There are times when you will die to them, such as when you're caught without a cc break or if you start the fight on about half health. Without their Vanish (Opener -> Vanish -> Opener -> Filler -> Sucker Punch/we) they're not quite as dangerous as people make out to believe.
  18. Eh? Guessing you mean Rep vs Imp only, not Rep vs Rep or Imp vs Imp?
  19. Sure, as long as it doesn't split up people who join together. I generally queue alone, but when I queue I queue up with friends for a few games. I'd hate it if I then had to play against my friends because of the system proposed. I also support the suggestion of making PvP like a "dungeon finder" group making system, where everyone has to accept before it's started. Yeah, it's annoying if someone declines, but I'd rather that instead or getting short stacked, mismatched games.
  20. This, pretty much. Marauders are pretty much the only class that has: A chance in 1v1 (Better than average, should still lose to an Op/Scound with Vanish up (Double 5k Crits with a DoT ticking 2-3k and fillers) and a Shadows/Assassins in Tank Spec) A chance in group play (GbtF/UR allows for pressure to be applied, good group buffs provide utility, both combine to make up for the lack of no Hard CC (That doesn't lock the player out *cough* FS/FC*) Others generally have good 1v1 skills or good group fight abilities, as well as CC's, Knockbacks and Snares to make up for what they lack.
  21. A good Sent/Mara requires alot of the player, a mediocre Sent/Mara requires very little from a Player. You'll tell the difference between the two as soon as they start the fight. I've not really played much else other than a Telekinetic Sorc and an Infiltration Assass(Neither of which are particularly strenuous). It was a massive gear shft after playing as my Sent first though; I was used to having to be aware of everyone, everything and what they're doing... then I went to those and it's just "trololol" in comparison.
  22. When macros' come in, you'll be able to make Intercede and Charge have the same button, just using a different one depending on who you're targeting (Friendly/harm) Your saber throw is meant to generate focus, your dispatch is meant to use it. Two different purposes. But hey, a macro to make one be used on Alt/Ctrl/Shift and the other to be used by default will be available sometime soon. Your slow is meant to be spammable (If you talent it) for control, Sweep is not. You're a tank AC, you have access to CD's. What would be the point of condensing them?
  23. I generally remember by name who's a healer and who's not. The marks that get put up are just general alerts as to where they are for me. It is annoying, I agree, but a smart pvp'er will mentally track you anyway.
  24. But that would involve people thinking, which in this thread people are just jumping on the "hate Watch/Ann" bandwagon and not thinking about the repercussions for the other two specs and how their representation will go down less without it.
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