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Posts posted by Solar_Breeze

  1. Quite a common problem with the cartel packs is the overwhelming number of duplicates you get whilst trying to get the 1 item you need.


    It would be easier if for instance you received tokens which then could be traded in at varying prices for gear from that token set.




    From boxes you receive 4 Revan's Lower robes, 2 Revan's chest plate, 0 Revan Masks (Quite annoying)


    If instead you got, 6 Revan Gear Tokens and there was a cost of 1 token for legs, 2 for body and 3 for masks you could obtain the set by trading in your 6 tokens. The market would then be on the 'Token' items so everyone gets 'the same' price and people can save up for the item they need a bit at a time.


    The incentive for players would still be to buy boxes as they could get the tokens to get the gear they want randomly. Eliminating the annoyance of multiple duplicates to some degree.


    They implemented this system in Runescape and it was really helpful. (random quicktime quests gave you event gear) instead of duplicates you could pick which item you wanted and some cost more than others.


    "The stuff we're doing for life day".... Makes it sound like the event it actually is.

    "Also available in a cartel pack".... Makes it sound like there is an alternative way of obtaining the items.


    please be clearer in future to avoid such a disappointment say something like "Only available on the Cartel Store".


    from seeing what was implemented I can see what you were trying to say but it came across very differently.

  3. I believe the point he is making is that within the time December 2012 - November 2013 there were only so many months. Assuming you were going to subscribe for those months anyway its a bit of a kick in the teeth to be told that one of those months doesn't count because the 'free month' would actually be December 2013 because you had fully subbed for the other months.


    To me it doesn't matter but I understand the point, would be nice to get 150 coins as they buy you practically nothing based on PTS prices.


    I'm a bit more annoyed about the 1000 for collectors edition.. should either be much more or have some extra collectors edition only items buyable with coins / credits or perhaps a permenant 5% discount on cartel coins

  4. First of all, answering ''we don't have new info but when we have we will give it to you'' is NOT a useful answer.

    Second, merging & closing treads just to ignore the underlying problems, is NOT a useful answer.

    Third, every week, Bioware manages to upset ALOT of players with their ''features'': only a handfull of players get tranferred to PST, patches that don't get tested decently, forced renames of characters that have their names since pre-launch without even the decency to disclose all the reasons why, no new armor sets, not one single extra mechanism to solve crowded areas after the server merge... None of those issues were resolved. Not. One. Single. Issue.


    What do you expect an answer to be? They run the game as a business, they have shareholders so they have a responsibility to make sure information is accurate. If they constantly said oh this will be out then etc.. and never met the target that would be a big problem. Most business is the same. Personally I don't feel they need to comment in the way above. It would be better for me to see a roadmap of what is intended with targeted quarters or no dates at all instead of being told 'its coming soon' on multiple different threads.


    With ''substantial increase'' you mean instead of 1/10 2/10? It's a substantial increase, alright, but it's still waaaaay lower than in other games.


    I disagree on this one, not many games have devs active in the forum, its just drowned out by all the noise. Compared to the number of posts the activity is normal - high.


    Communications like this convince me that Bioware doesn't realise that there are REASONS why so many people left the game. They need to get their act together and actually SOLVE the inherent problems that the game has and so far.


    Again, when you have a publicly owned company you cannot say anything that may influence the price of shares without proper authorisation. As a gamer if you expect this you wont be so disappointed.

  5. Might get one for the F2P launch. But yeah, pretty much.


    you don't think we might get one every 6 weeks as per the new development schedule?


    Also start to worry even more about the health of the human race seeing how many trolls were on the live chat. I don't understand why you would go out of your way to do such things for a game you clearly don't like. Great job Allison although would of been good to hear a C.Woods - "pachow" each time they were banned :p

  6. I was a little sad we couldn't enter the names we wanted then compete with other players for them on the criteria defined above or have it based upon original origin server names.


    But I am thankful I haven't had to rename yet again, after loosing out to an inactive level 14 on my mains name the last time..

  7. Quick post to say recently I have been trying to get some friends into SWTOR however they have been put off by the 25GB + download they would have to do and then install.


    If they are only going to level 15 surely all that is needed is the things they are likely to encounter from 1-15. They don't need everything in the installer.


    It would be a lot easier to say "here's a 3-4GB install, try the game, if you like it install the full version" (a little like RIFT does with their free download.)

  8. :mad: YES!! I am SO sick of having PvE nerf'd patch after patch because of PvP!



    -If you need to make changes to PvP, make changes to PvP! Why is that such a hard thing to get through your skulls?!


    -If one ability is working fine in PvE, but is causing problems with PvP, CHANGE IT IN PVP!

    It's maddening to see just how brainless the dev's are handling this!

    So I'll say it again....




    Quick question to you poster.


    When do you use Overload in PVE that requires you to scatter mobs in all directions rather than push them one way or the other. Because the only use of the all round overload is to scatter in PVE . This change allows you to be more tactical with your knockback and group mobs up for aoe etc... + knockbacks arn't a massive part of PVE compared to PVP so of course the changes should focus on PVP.



    Nothing your 10s reduced Force speed cant handle to get away from things im sure..



    This is why this type of thread before things are on PTS is a little annoying. no one really knows the impact until you see it.

  9. Theres this thing called mouse turning. Personally I think having a directional pushback which pushes back further is much more useful than an all area push-back which only knocks back a little. means also with the lag it shouldnt backfire on you pushing your target to aid them.
  10. Im Just Wondering Is There Going to Be away You Can change from Jedi Consular to trooper ect anything like that coming


    Personally I don't think this will ever happen in this way due to the fact the game is based around the storyline. However the player store is more than likely going to have some ways to XP fast + there's the legacy perks currently, you can achieve a fresh 50 in a couple of weeks (quicker if you do that exclusively)

  11. When i got my Guardian to 50 i first wanted to be DPS, but after igeared up i changed my mind and

    wanted to be a PvP tank Guardian.But i cannot trade in vindicator BM gear for Warhero War leader gear.

    Bioware want me to grind all the Battlemaster gear twice so i can turn in war leader BM gear for wh war leader gear.


    Worst gear grind ever in a western MMO i'm sure...Sry but no to hell with this !!! your gear progression stinks !!! :mad::mad::mad:


    1. What other mmo lets you trade in top gear whenever you feel like it?

    2. Don't change your mind, you can tank just as well as a guardian in dps gear and do a load more damage (just change your spec slightly - see class forums for info)

    3. Battlemaster is nothing to get, you can easily get 1 item a day so 7 days - hardly a massive gear grind.

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