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Posts posted by Solar_Breeze

  1. well when TFB originally came out like 9 months ago 16m HM was running into trouble clearing terror in time. There were may guilds wiping to enrage. One guild CKN discovered that if you held the final tentacle until the terror enraged and then finished it off the terror would in effect dmg itself or take the enraged dmg from tent dying instead of the normal and would thus kill itself. BW said this was not intended at the time and put in a fix that made terror not take the full dmg and heal up to I want to say 20% when you began the tantrum. When testing on PTS people were finding that the fix was healing terror up to like 30-35% range when he would enrage and it was thought the fix was the cause. And now it seems like they set it back to the original bug or maybe erased the fix on accident. I honestly don't think its working as intended atm with the final tent dying and terror dying, but we will have to wait for BW to respond. I got the usual generic response when I bug reported it on our kill.



    Yeh it does seem rather weird - although it sort of makes sense that if the boss can't hold on to the platforms any more then he would get pulled in. From a fight perspective it would make the dps check on that boss way harder. Just found it quite funny at the time more than anything :p


    Its nice to know that it might be to do with it having enraged.

  2. Still "just a hard fight"?


    I understand where you are coming from - Our original healer is playing from AUS and had unfortunate connection errors :(

    From my point of view I was looking for a real test of a fight, I wanted the fight to be a 'Nightmare' which is why I feel the fight is fine.

    I agree that there could be an option to reduce the difficulty but I would want to always be able to attempt this fight at that level of difficult for the challenge.

  3. The problem with not nerfing this is how the gear tiers work. If more casual guilds than elite guilds can't down this, they'll be locked out from KD gear. If that's the case then the next HM ops need to be balanced for Underworld gear, which will make it even more of a cakewalk for the best guilds (overgeared and overskilled).


    So I think this will need to be tuned down at some point, but not immediately. Definitely not until S&V NiM hits at least, that's for sure.


    If you can't do dread guards you can skip them. You are missing out on 1 relic (not too different to a 72 relic from the HM version).

  4. Now that this boss is down, lets debate if this fight can be done with the "less" capable classes( i mean the class itself, not the skill of the player)

    Ex. commando healers or scoundrel dps, or other class that many think they are supar in relation to other classes in healing, dps or tanking.

    Because if this fight can only be done with certain classes, you guys think BW should "tuned" the fight so all classes can clear it?


    Our composition is posted a few pages back.


    Sin Tank, Jug Tank, Merc Heal, Sorc Heal, Jug dps (veng), merc dps, sniper, sniper

  5. My guild decided to skip DG's after 3 wipes. Broke fight is broke.


    I find it funny that people go... "If we can't do it in 3 wipes it must be broken!" seriously? Not to bash you or anything but maybe you just weren't good enough those 3 wipes?


    Its a nightmare raid, it is meant to be hard. Skipping is just taking the easy option when you don't want to be considered for any sort of ranking system. It makes a mockery of the instance.


    Bug or no bug. the instance order is Horror > Guards > Operatior > Kephess > Terror.

    If you do it in any other order and claim those as your kill times then you don't deserve credit for that.

  6. We want harder mechanics, not impossible enrage times. Enrage times are the lazy programmers failure program. Why make a difficult puzzle that takes skill when they can just add 500k HP and lower te enrage by 30 seconds.


    Increase the enrage by 10 seconds each week until someone clears it sure - however don't nerf it so people can have instant gratification rather than trying something hard.

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