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Posts posted by Solar_Breeze

  1. Its just disappointing that they will post on the things that aren't exactly priority, and ignoring the ones where people are asking fair, necessary questions. Just a tiny amount of interest would still be appreciated =/


    I don't know. That question about whether someone will star in another 'What's New' video was the most important community topic of the month.

  2. The problem is that Nightmare raids should not give a new tier of gear.


    It should be a choice for the player - Do HM for the gear or NIM for the challenge and acclaim (maybe a guaranteed pet/speeder drop at the end etc..)


    Giving a new set of gear with it is a really bad choice imo.


    That being said - Thanks for the update, I think most of those wanting to run TFB NiM will have saved their lockout just in case but its nice the reply was so quick :)

  3. I agree.

    And no. Force speed does NOT make up for it.


    ^ Its more annoying that previously Force Shroud-able abilities now cannot be shrouded (but can be saber reflected), or that fights such as Thrasher NiM basically can't be tanked by a Sin tank due to lack of cooldowns / spike damage


    I pray that the dark ward thing has an off button but will have to see..

  4. My god i'm so happy im not the only one.


    I came onto the live Stream SPECIFICALLY to ask this so i could relay it back to my guild, friends, and other players on the Server.


    But it wasn't addressed. The sheer amount of Shadow/Assassin players that are not amused by this lack of urgency is fairly substantial.


    As you can see from the thread i shared before, theres a few of us, and not a single Dev took time to contribute to it (However they were more than happy to post to the Threads made by these so called "guilds" who were testing the content).


    Well the content was tested. And these are the results for Assassins/Shadows.


    So please.


    Its not that they are not feeling the pain - We have tried and tried with multiple posts recently to no response - Not to mention the balancing which is blatantly PVP Tank/dps geared orientated but also the horrible choice of animation on Dark ward (Kinetic Ward) which 1. Obscures other buffs for the class and 2. Induces ridicule and motion sickness.


    To get to the point where numbers have clearly proved that with a sin tank your chances are lower of clearing content faster then with other tanks (due to the randomness of the damage - I'm not going to go into the whole post now) its really sad to see. I have cleared the content - It can be done but how much easier it is when you swap a sin for a jug or pt.. its horrible

  5. Ok so quite frankly, i'm not to fussed at Bolster.


    Seeing as the title of this thread was based around our thoughts on the stream, and not on Bolster, ima add my question which wasnt addressed.




    ^^^^ This link is the one to check out, shoudl anyone want to.


    My question, is will Assassin/Shadow Tanks be getting a fix Soon (And by soon, i mean yesterday)


    If the new NiM ops are released, and the guild won't take me purely because i'm a Shadow and therefore the success rate is slashed, then thats just unfair (Not just on me, but on anyone that plays this class).


    Thanks for your time Eric


    Please answer this one ^ !

  6. Ahh sarcasm, you double edged blade. We suggested that it couldn't possibly return because the plague has been contained. What are the odds, right? Truth is, we were all dripping with sarcasm, and just trying to have a bit of fun! Sorry for any resulting confusion.


    So let me clarify: A resurgence of the Rakghoul plague is something we would like to do and is actually currently in the cards. But not within the near term set of updates.



    After painstakingly restoring (whatever the name of the ship was) to its former glory it is ready for its voyage out of Tatooine... Only to find that the virus is still present amongst some of the compartments. Disaster Strikes! the ship crashes and the outbreak spreads once more...


    Storyline written, lets ship it with Update 2.2.2 :D

  7. Breaking News - Cathar flea plague has broken out on Alderaan :p


    Look forward to the new event they talked about - The thing with good memories of a past event is that they stay good - If it was brought back now it would just be 'That same event with a bad storyline because a ship can't crash twice'

  8. Hearsay? It came right out of a dev's mouth. That's not hearsay.


    So did - Makeb will be the largest free expansion ever released in an MMO.


    To not lay the sarcasm on too thick - I think it was quite easy to see from the stream that it's going to be coming back just as a re-branded event - the question is will that be before the Totally new event or after.

  9. I don't roll my eyes often but :rolleyes: (not at you, to be clear, at BW). Honest to Pete, a minor boost to reputation and xp gains (which are already easy to get) and nim modes do not consitute a guild-focused update. I'd hope there was more to it than that, but 2.1 was a clear lesson in the way they twist words.


    Not to oversell it but also you can server transfer - eventually to join the guild of your dreams (once transferes are fixed maybe for 2.2.1 maybe)

    You can also rename your guild since the last big patch so more people will want to join because you can call it a really good name.

  10. Not sure how 2.2 is about guilds when I see nothing guild-related there. Maybe I'm just missing stuff. No more rakghoul event is disappointing, but a new event is good. Other than a small update on the /stuck issue in wzs there really was nothing else of interest here. Why go to the bother of having a livestream if you're not going to say anything?


    Well it wasn't discussed but the exciting news is that there is a reputation and xp boost the more members you have in a guild. Additionally once released Nightmare modes can be run by people who are in a guild together - And also those who aren't.

  11. Zero new information, if you re-read the summer of swtor post you'll have known e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. said in the livestream.


    Bioware says nothing like nobody else.



    The way this company does their communication is just soul crushing. I know these devs got burnt with mythic making promises they couldn't keep but jesus wept... Keep the revealed stuff realistic and if you hit a snag implementation wise the vast majority of the player base will be understanding and supportive of delays/slight changes. It wasn't your disclosure of plans that got you into trouble at warhammer it was the spectacular failure to even come close and then just giving up. The talking bit was the only thing done right.


    What good is increased communication when it says nothing? You guys talk and talk but say nothing that would reassure people of the commitment/ambition still behind this game.


    Too be fair - We know now when Bruce will be in the next swtor video (other than the release date of the video)

  12. Patch 2.2 info:

    Nightmare raids coming but delayed - No date / info about if it will be before or after next reset



    Other info:

    Someone is staring in another what's coming video

    Cantina Tours

    Some in-game events

    Stuck will make you stay dead for 20s in PVP

    Hood toggle - too hard

    Other races - Will take a very long time

    Space project exists.

    Cantina Tours


  13. Its more the fact for me that there is no indication of this before you pull the item out of the knife.


    When you pull the part out the knife can no longer be sold back to the vendor - and CS refuse to help "Item refunds are no longer an offered service" its quite annoying to say the least.


    There should be some warning in game that it cannot be used outside of a knife part.


    Additionally this now makes Mercs and Gunslingers the only classes possible to use legacy barrels on - Kind of annoying.

  14. Personally I like the way SWTOR does its gearing.

    You wouldn't be able to keep an old set bonus in other games when upgrading to 'better' gear.


    If there were different set bonus' on the gear it might make it easier for people to feel better about it.

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