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Everything posted by Taurusaud

  1. Thank you sir. Forget the thread, I honestly wish these people would just depart from this planet...
  2. So if they knew these things, why on earth did they release the game in such a broken condition? Are they either: a) so incompetent that they think this game is in great condition or b) they just want to sell box-sales and don't really care about retaining subs, which is why they seem to spend so much on marketing while outsourcing customer service and development... I'm inclined to go with b...
  3. True even something innovative would get old and boring after a while, but it's better than giving us the same routine we're already bored with from other games!
  4. Something innovative would be nice...
  5. What do you mean the Xfire numbers haven't gone down much?! They've decreased by more than 50%...
  6. You know I've been both playing the game and watching the forums and I have the exact opposite opinion.
  7. You're the one paying the sub... shouldn't you know why you do it?
  8. Completely agreed, enough with these stealth changes.
  9. I got bored at level 10. I recommend you try WoW OP it's way better than this garbage.
  10. Obviously dropping. The game will retain a few Die-Hard star wars fans and first-time MMO players but anyone who knows better wouldn't pay $15/month for a broken and empty game.
  11. They don't care man. Think they want to spend money fixing a game that people are leaving in droves? Their money is all in marketing right now, it's all about selling boxes. They couldn't care less about subscriber retention, that's not what their aiming for.
  12. I wouldn't play this game if it were free let alone subscription, unless there were some massive fixes (like ability delay) that most likely will never happen.
  13. You see that Bioware! Just how do you like that, not only does this guy not want to play your broken game, you made him completely sick of the entire genre!! I hope you're happy Bioware!!! I hope all the money you saved outsourcing this games development helps you rest at night you greedy ungaming genre-ruining FRAUDS!!!!!
  14. Its because if there was one you would be able to see just how bad the ability delay really is.
  15. Wonder how much they spent to have their game appear in Time. Hey BW how about you stop spending money marketing and start spending it on fixing the damn game!!! Wait I know why - it's because you want to make money selling the game and don't want to spend money fixing a game everyone is unsubbing from.
  16. Oh come off it! They've had 6 years to develop a responsive UI that doesn't lag. 6 freaking years!!! How much longer do you think they need????? How much longer you gonna keep paying them for incompetence!!!
  17. It's cuz there aren't really that many people playing the game so the chances one of them is around to hear you is very small, and the chances of someone actually hearing you and responding is even smaller than that.
  18. It should have been obvious from the start. You can't put out a game to compete with WoW and have that game be inferior in so many areas.
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