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Everything posted by ODTONE

  1. agreed, i have nothing against wow players, never liked the game myself nor played it, but im tired of playing star wars mmo games that fail by trying to imitate it, as a star wars fan. Getting the impression slowly there will never be a succesfull star wars mmo because of the greed that the ip inspires in investors.
  2. read this > http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/04/09/ea-voted-worst-company-in-america-again/ explains alot why people are angry. I still sub because i hope someday they will get back to making the game... but the ice is getting thin ive been disapointed for 2 years now. I dont even stay so long in a game im disapointed of usually but oh well they have the monopoly of the sw ip... wish when i was bored on fleet instead of reading jawa movie titles for 2 hrs in chat, i could just log back into swg for downtime entertainment and a real mmo! <edit> if people dont say anything the next sw games from ea will be a disaster also and a microtransactions circus.
  3. wow you dare to talk fairness to slinger? can tell you dont play one! were getting ripped off right and left every update! rub some salt in the wound guess will make you feel better... i dont care for ccs but i dont want to get nerfed again because of whinners like you! oh and slingers have cover , why not remove it because no other class uses cover... its not fair bla bla bla im sick of you complaining against smugs , you get everything we get nothing and you still cry like a baby, you probably play some whinny sith, sorc i bet or bh because they cant stand losing against a smug?
  4. viper chest piece also i think is close to that, havent looked at it for a while, the ingame set with the eye patch . edit: oh sorry wrong pic you wanted the short jacket, my bad
  5. the pve set bonuses are useless for saboteur, i use 78 armor mods on mine
  6. i understand your frustration, no idea what the devs are thinking? but its not to our advantage, actually almost feeling spat at from them ...
  7. nice finally! i think the game needs more sandbox elements and changing enviroments that players can influence/contribute to, even player cities , or player built pvp bases etc... im all for the player having more influence on the "worlds". i would even be for a player planet with cities and pvp area with bases and pve also etc, even player made quests in my opinion would be nice on that type of planet, a player run race track even or so cantina ... anyways thanx

    Flyby Nerf

    ya i see your point like inspiration or battle rez or so have a huge raid cd.

    Flyby Nerf

    i think since the nerf ive used the ability only once, its as horrible as i thought it would turn out, after taking all this crap from people wanting it nerfed and saying that it will be fine bla bla bla, never talk to me again please you have no idea! pffff! as sabo its my weakest aoe i find... only when 10+ mobs are there does it even make any sense to use it and even then i can drop many other aoes at the same time that are way more effective and deadly. just remove the darn thing then and give us something usefull. this really sux so basically ive payed the last few month a sub for the gsf players to play free wich i dont play and most subs i know dont play, and get my airstrike nerfed! wake up please devs! why are you making things we dont want with our money and taking the good stuff away, nerf those stupid smashers , why the hell should non pure dps classes even be able to do more dps than a dual wielder, why even bother being a dps only class if you arent the top of the dps food chain! force those single wielding dps to be more utility and less AOEs pffff its the gaming world upside down when dps only classes are nerfed and non dps only classes get a boost to beat the dps pure classes in damage? if there not happy they can switch to tank or heals or make a pure dps class? are you devs drunk? why dont you have slingers be better tanks than tanks then rofl or healers also?
  10. no change to the crappy resolve sytem?
  11. horrible decision, and that it got implemented like this is pretty bad.
  12. ODTONE

    Flyby Nerf

    i know how you feel im really close of giving up on this game myself, its not like it has a super community to make up for these crappy decisions.
  13. so sad that this has been done, very bad decision dont care for what reason its horrible. its pretty useless now the way it is but they knew that and implemented it, just sad. frustration increasing playing this game.
  14. and beautifully ruin the smugs airstrike...
  15. ODTONE

    Flyby Nerf

    Total bs, they had to do it.... great. Im sabo dont care for spaming it i want it to hit hard and like it has been for 2 years. so sick of this bs and crap devs. yee a new patch yee ruin my airstike glad im paying for that , devs to ruin my chars. this is a horrible class update! have fun with the gsf while i get my ***** airstrikes... thanx very fun and not frustrating being a player here!
  16. ya really , look theres nothing else on the webpage atm for 4 months thats new aside that, abit over done in my opinion. And yes there is still more to the game than that, actually i know only 1 person in game who does them mainly as a daily and he plays world of tanks also. Talk about minority here... pretty sure more people do ops and pvp... BTW how the hell do you know what i do, you spying one me ? Im always suggesting stuff and want it to evolve unlike you whos super satisfied it seems. For example gunslingers have a cloak detection now right? well im one of the people who posted 100 tickets, ya you read my tickets also right, thanx god you dont, then i dont need to read your bs on them after. anyways back to slingers, and after we posted 100s of tickets we finally got a cloak detection as smug, the argument was that we were sitting ducks for cloakers, now look its much harder to take down a slinger as cloaker than before the detection got implemented, im pretty sure most slingers/snipers are happy about that, but hey you know it all go ahead and talk about what you dont know. So please only talk about what you do know not think to know wich obviously isnt reality. One of the reasons i do it mainly in tickets is exactly because of people like you, no time or energy to waste on dumb superficial replies in these forums all the time, rather have droid tb303 reply than a reply from you.
  17. not hybrid full sabo inci cant hybrid it, a very valid not weird tweeky build, hits like a brick with aoes. the aoe fly by is even in the tree for a bonus in damage. seems i kinda know smug better than you lol... well against bosses it even makes sense but i use nades wich are purpose for aoe to bump down normal mobs also, for example a normal going for heals. thats called strategy making use of your stuff to save the heals no matter aoe or not. like i told you i thought the impact would be greater in pvp , in pve it makes sense if tons of people open with it , even if just to help tank agro... wich alot of people dont care about, but im reading 66% ouch.. that almost makes it useless, sabo you have alot of aoes, youre speced in them, you use many as single target also and they have the hardest hitting fly by and have a bonus also for all aoes, sharpshooters get a quicker cd on it. if players were smarter they would do what a good smug does they would pop the lose agro (surrender if i recall right) exactly when it hits ,to help the tank. you have a short a really short time to do something right before it hits, even better right when it hits. but walk along in your narrow vison lol need 3d glasses? and btw people hate it in pvp lol it hurts like hell, love it in any pvp or pve im speced in the darn thing, i expect it to hit hard.
  18. raid almost every night, do my fps... youre judging alot and didnt read my reply to you to busy on a roll bashing me, like kind of talking behind my back, you can talk to me im here no need for that 3rd person arrogance.. the kind of person i actually like to ignore (no offence) you talking rotation here still? seem to have alot against me for no reason for a broad minded person? i see what you mean on certain points but not everything you say is valid especially that i only pvp, thats new to me
  19. well i pve alot also but it seemed to me that the effect in pvp was greater, i see your point thats fine but honestly i dont open with that, pulls to much agro off the bat, i usually use the armor reducer and the dots first to have them maxed and max any other stuff i might do, were talking boss here because the effect is the greatest reduction against the boss right? also inci nade is right up there in the first and not so the bad move of using my airstrike at the start for the tank. so ya starting off with it is not very strategic mainly for agro and not having the armor reduction on the boss yet, when you do that it helps the tank by making him do more damage also while the taunting is going on at the start.
  20. if you quote do the whole thing and do it right, im talking about pvp dude in that text? where the hell do you have mobs in pvp let me ask you that? heres the whole thing ... and ya you really care about the npcs that dont run away right lol? when do npcs run from any attack you do? yo Soa will totally run from you whats up with people caring suddenly about the npcs that die? you know its about the pvp and dont want to admit it because you want it nerfed , it hits you to hard not the npcs and npcs have resolve also right rofl? " i know the smug airstrikes will be nerfed, kinda sad that thats needed at all and seen as a problem ? it has a 3 second warning to it and can be interupted + huge visual and sound warning! most players always think "ill finish my rotation before it hits" , and then get snared and stuck in it instead of moving out of it right away? The right thing would be: hit your anti snare and move your butt. thats the reality on the combat field i see it all the time. more catering to bads... compared to death from above wich hits off the bat and almost as hard? makes real sense to me rofl... poor slingers get gang banged and nerfed all the time. Sabotage is speced in aoes and more hunker downs... its a strategy for sabo to drop aoes on himself to avoid the cloakers and some marauders... run in them? thats your problem! next you will remove hunker down because you cant stun lock them all the time? same as a vigilance guardian who specs in stun immunity when leaping, i had a defence guardian build hybrid with that ability in vigilance, guess what, nerfed for bads... they should encourage less stuns but no they remove a valuable anti stun for defence guardians in pvp... I find they usually do changes for the worst when trying to "balance", its time to get out the nerf bat again... during that time nothing gets done for the crappy resolve system! and lets these bads stun lock over and over... (i know alot of players use stuns on my slinger when his hunker down is up, lol, even had sorcs trying to cc me with it up lol, shows how much people unconcioulsy just stun like crazy and unstrategically without even looking, usually when their dumb stun doesnt work they just run away, great pvp... made a generation of stun locking running wimps) changing the resolve back or stoping these stun maniacs, that would balance alot already , more than nerfs for bads. read this devs, from one on the combat field almost every day with multiple classes, thats the reality not that aoes are too strong. "
  21. because it could be much better and killed a huge amount of its population, who suffered from that, yes you guessed right , the players! I still play and hope someday for the greatness that you talk about or has been promised to me... a saying : hope dies last
  22. i have to say the ui when customized can be pretty nice and quick. non customized its way to big etc, but taking a few minutes to adjust it and save a nice setting isnt that long,one of the things i found they did nicely. The tab target system though is horrible.
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