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Everything posted by Eroiqua

  1. And here is another poster that does not offer an answer. The better the pvpers in a given faction, the *less* chance they have of completing the daily/weekly. If my side owns every objective and we do what we're "supposed" to do--kill the enemy and prevent them from capping--we will never complete the missions. What is your solution? How?
  2. I don't see you offering any solution. What happens if I enter the zone and my side owns all objectives? How do you propose I complete my daily/ weekly if I am forced to kill all reds and prevent them from taking any objectives?
  3. I wish it were only win 3 warzones. I'll often have a bug where a win doesn't register. Yesterday it took me 4 to complete that mission, and this week it took me 11 to complete the weekly.
  4. I didn't realize it was a requirement to kill every red you see. I guess I'm forced to gank people 20 levels below me as well. I had been leaving most of them alone.
  5. You kill people in Ilum? I have nice chats with the Imps while trading objectives. Then I take the buff and complete a few warzones for 200 extra valor each. Much more efficient.
  6. This is NOT a valid argument. "Every other game had issues" is not valid. You mention WoW...but what you're referring to was in 2004. There is no excuse for not learning from the mistakes made by other MMOs *seven years ago*. "They need time to fix it" is not valid. They had time to fix it. Many of these bugs and issues have been around for multiple beta builds and now in the live game. Do these MMO companies hire all the comp sci majors that fail out of school? What did BioWare spend the $100 million on, swag for the fanfests where they lied to our faces? "Oh yes, we're taking PvP very seriously, we have a dedicated PvP team." Pure BS. The PvP system and PvP gear was designed in a weekend. Come on, how long does it take to write an RNG anyway? That's what the PvP gear system is. Even the lucky ones who get the gear don't want it because it looks like garbage and doesn't work with the orange mod gear. Level 1-49 we can collect great looking gear, find a look we really like...then once we get PvP gear we have no choice. Everyone who wants expertise looks exactly the same. I also find your faith in the dev team quite amusing. The dev team said they're working on it? Well they certainly haven't said things in the past and failed to deliver. /sarcasm The "give them time" argument was valid until the game was released. It's no longer valid.
  7. What makes it funny is that when the devs demonstrated Alderaan Civil War at a fanfest they were patting themselves on the back for the speeder bikes, saying that they know players don't like standing around waiting for respawns and that the bikes added a respawn timer but still gave the impression that the player was doing something. Then we find out the other two warzones just have players standing around waiting for respawns.
  8. Eroiqua

    So ah. Tatooine...

    Don't bother. Deserted even at peak time last night. The chests and nodes don't spawn anymore, nothing over which to fight. If you want to kill the other faction, find them elsewhere; if you want to kill your own faction, just duel. I don't know the name of the outpost on the Imp side...it's near Outpost Salara on the Republic side...just before you get to the Dune Sea.
  9. I completely agree (with the 10-49 bolstered and 50 brackets). I'm just very tired of hearing that there is no imbalance and it's all about skill and teamwork, or lack thereof. Just not true.
  10. You are simply wrong here. I get in maybe 1 out of 20 matches with balanced amounts of 50s. The advantage of 50s in full pvp gear against bolstered lower levels is too significant to overcome. An enemy tank in warzone earlier had 17488 health. Even the healer he was guarding had more health than anyone else on our side. The 50 damage dealers were putting out 5k+ crits. I was stunned and brought down to 6% health with two consequtive 5k crits. It is imbalanced by e very definition of the word.
  11. The haven't fixed bugs from three or four beta builds prior to release. This is a *released* product. If I submitted this quality of work to my boss and called it release-worthy I would expect and deserve to be fired. This is obvious, obvious stuff. The fast leveling through empty warzones and this afking in warzones benefits the cheaters...but nothing is done about them. The ridiculous way pvp gear is handled, the nodes that were in Outlaw's Den/Ilum but that no longer spawn... All of this creates a significant separation between players, with a lot of the players that are on top only being there as a result of exploiting. Even if fixes do come--eventually--those people still benefitted. Good way to alienate the large part of the playerbase who aren't exploiters.
  12. Eroiqua


    As I just said in another thread, submit a ticket...every match, even if it's the same person you ticketed last match. Tell everyone else in the warzone to do the same. The "Report Inappropriate Player Behavior" category does nicely.
  13. Flood the GMs with tickets. Every single match, even if it's the same people doing it as in the previous match.
  14. Adding my agreement. I love the orange set I collected. Not only do I think it looks good, but there's a sentimental value to it since several of the pieces are from early in my career. The headpiece is from Nar Shaddaa and I have yet to see anything I would prefer as a replacement. The pvp gear looks awful, though. It's really bad for my Smuggler since the cowboy hat design (like many hats) doesn't even try to handle lekku well. I think what we're seeing is largely the result of the EA execs release for the holidays. This is one of those things that was thrown in at some point and the devs didn't have time to go back and revisit it.
  15. I'm curious how many of these 50s are only at 50 now because they exploited the warzone bug during the first day or two of early access. Anyway, saw a 50 tank with 17.4k health, half again what a bolstered lower level gets. That difference is a bit extreme.
  16. I think there are two different issues here. The first is how to code to catch AFKers. That's difficult. The second is what does Bioware do with known AFKers. What do they do when the GMs receive 5, 6, 7 tickets about the same person AFKing from the same warzone/time period. I know there have been several instances where everyone else on the team reported an AFKer that had been doing it match after match, yet that person was still doing it the next day, and the next day, and the next day... It appears they have no intention of stopping this behavior.
  17. I'll just queue less for warzones and fill the time with more world PvP (see! this is a boost to world PvP!). I don't care how much teamwork you have...if you're on a team of lower levels and you're up against a team with a 4-man level 50 premade in champion gear...you will not win. Bolster just doesn't cut it. Champion gear gives a siginifcant amount of health (several thousand) and damage (I've been repeatedly crit for over 5k each time...two shots while stunned brought me down to 5% health multiple times in the last match I played) over bolstered players. This change is just going to further separate the already 50s with champion gear (much of which was gained through RNG) from those who are still leveling.
  18. My reward is seeing an Imp beg me to stop in /say while I kick him in the crotch and finish him with a back blast. Or chasing a BH halfway across Alderaan while I keep pumping blaster bolts into his back. Or arriving at a mission objective to find it crawling with Imps, patiently waiting until I can get one alone, killing him, repeating that several times, then watching them group up and try to find me. Or being baited by a mission runner while his friend is stealthed nearby and still killing them both. Or having about 50 world kills and zero deaths...and a lot of those kills were actually fair fights. The only world PvP game reward I support is a few valor points for a kill. The only mechanic that I want to see changed (eliminated) to help world PvP is the sharding. Even with the sharding I 1) have no trouble finding Imps when I want to (learn where their bases are, then learn where their mission objectives are by following them)...and 2) love to see servermates set up world PvP events (why don't you try that?).
  19. Eroiqua

    Imperials op

    I get hit for 5k regularly. Usually by Sorcs...do they ever *not* crit? Not a QQ, just an observation.
  20. Don't let the children get you banned, or worse, for making RL threats.
  21. It's not about owning people. I want a fair fight. Bolster only raises lower levels to the equivalent of blue level 50 gear. Champion gear is a hell of a lot better than blue gear. In several of the matches I've played today we've faced premades with 50s in champion gear. Strategy didn't matter...the gear gave them too much of an edge to overcome even with good teamwork.
  22. You know what, though, everyone knows when Christmas is. Same date every year. Sure, the execs at EA are *******es for choosing this date, but it still isn't very responsible for the devs to use Christmas as an excuse to wash their hands of fixing some pretty bad bugs and exploits. The longer they wait, the worse it is for both the player base and the Bioware reputation.
  23. A couple of the ones I've been seeing (over and over) don't even afk...they're at their keyboards laughing at the rest of the team while they sit in a corner.
  24. I've been seeing this most of the time. Add to it that I have yet to run a warzone today where at least one (often two and even occasionally three) person intentionally afked...there is definitely a bit of work to be done. The sad part is that these problems should not have been unforeseen...they're very basic, with very basic solutions.
  25. Had two of those this morning. One wasn't really AFK because he was still running his mouth. He picked up some medals at the beginning and stealthed in a corner while laughing at the rest of us fighting outnumbered.
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