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Everything posted by SilentKitty

  1. I really like her, it is great to have a strong female leader in the game.
  2. I love those little droids And the outfit with the scarf.
  3. lol, Mr Blys seems to be such a charming man. Can't wait to meet him in person Really looking forward to the new FP:s!
  4. I'm getting Treek and am really looking forward to playing with her alongside my character. Different people like different things. And I have friends who will be very happy for the title. Focus on the things that makes you happy.
  5. One glorious day they will perhaps get more content. Keeping all my fingers crossed for that.
  6. Here's hoping for the future. Loved the romance between FemShep and Sam in ME3, would be very happy to play through a good story for one of my female alts. And that the guys get equal treatment of course with a male character. Don't think that it will be a companion that is integrated into the lvl 1-55 story, but even if it was someone who could just join you like HK-51 I would be happy. Playing through 1-50 without this character just doesn't work for me so I have not created any bi-female-alt for Makeb. It was nice that it at last got featured in the game, but it is too little for me too re-roll for. Jupp, hoping for the future.
  7. Oh that's nice. Have friends who love KOTOR. Currently playing through it myself since I got it on my iPad. Will be interesting to see what else is added and read the blogg. Happy 10 years everyone
  8. Some presence for the companions would be a very nice bonus for high legacy. Would be fun with something for the legacy post 25-ish. Not losing sleep over it, but it would make me happy to have a little goal of some sort that I knew I was working towards. Personally I do not care for titles, never use them so "Living legend" doesn't do much for me, but I'm happy that those who enjoys titles gets a new one.
  9. Well, that would probably be my wonderful Doc =)
  10. Nice tip, I will go datacron hunting during the fall with a few guildies so something like this would come in handy. Thanks =)
  11. Unless I'm mistaken you have to have legacy lvl 40 when you get Treek no matter if you choose to pay with credits or CC. I will personally buy her for a few characters with credits and a few characters with coins. Like it says in Dulfys article. Mandatory: Legacy lvl 40 Choice: Credits or CC http://dulfy.net/2013/06/28/swtor-new-ewok-companion-treek/ Or that is at least how I interpret it. EDIT: Well, now I feel a little stupid. Should have looked at developer tracker straight away before guessing. Eric Musco posted the following. Hey folks, Just wanted to let you know that no petition is necessary, you will be able to acquire Treek via Cartel Market if you so choose. Having her be a part of the Legacy system allowed an avenue for players to get her without spending any of their Cartel Coins if they wanted! -eric Linky to post
  12. I am quite happy with the legacy-lvl requirement. I am also pleased that I can choose to pay with CC or credits. So not signed in my case.
  13. As far as I know all of them look the same. Maybe one day there will be some variation for him as well. Rusk is actually one of the few comps that I never really warmed up to. If you vad a convo with him it felt as if it was yet another discussion about precentages. If anyone has him as a favorite it would be fun to know, perhaps I missed some interesting point. Nice to read different views on things =)
  14. I have bought several extra character slots, all of them have a specific name and class. Even if they are lvl 1-3 they are important to me. Those that I will start playing sooner already have a few outfits, weapons and full bag space. Before I start a dedicated PT I make sure that they have outfits that really works for them. It just makes me happy, I'm a visual person. So someone could very well have friended my little sniper, she's still on Hutta at lvl 3. They believe that she is forgotten meanwhile my JK has collected half a cargobay with gear for her. Some iconic agent gear, vendetta outfit, a bowcaster, a specific speeder. Different play styles for different folks. Difficult to say how many players who currently are focusing on a different character, waiting for an AC-switch or sgr-companions. Have also lost names, in my first sever merger my main lost her name Adina and my Bounty Hunter lost her name Kim. Oh we'll, you make new ones and keep going. If any purge where to be done 3 months is far to little. 2 year without a single logg I would say for those unexpected life situations. Your baby is born too early and you and your spouse live in the hospital until it is sorted, that was my parents. My godmother's house burnt down, they lost the pets and all their belongings. With 3 kids under the age of 7 that was no picnic. Why, in general vacation where I live is 4 weeks but I have friends who got some of their overtime salary in the way of extra vacation. And no one who is subscribed to the game should lose a name. My advice is to move on, perhaps one day they will free up some old names but I do not believe it will be anytime soon.
  15. I love that new skin for HK =) and a new companion. Whee! I'm so excited =)
  16. I would love to know more about T7! He has done so many interesting things, what makes this little droid tick? Beside her husband T7 is my JK:s best friend on the ship.
  17. I have all the bowcasters from the Chevin event and have no problem with them appearing again since they come with a new skin. I really like the old versions, but newer player must also have shiney stuff to get in the game. The new weapons having a different look is enough for me.
  18. I love getting a new companion, this will be so much fun! Also a nice touch with the high legacy requirement, finally something that I feel is really rewarding with getting all of those levels. Ha ha, can't wait to tease my husband because he will have to play a bit more to unlock her
  19. Such a great guy and a really sweet romance =) my smuggler and Corso are a great little team. One day I will start a gunslinger and romance him again!
  20. That's too bad. Was hoping that this would be a way to get more companion interaction into the game. Just have a feeling that that was the only way to get new content at a somewhat decent pace. Between waiting five year for a update or more frequent ones in packs I would happily go with the packs. It is very nice to know that a sub gets everything. If subbing will get me the content that I wish to see anytime soon is another question. Very sad to see that this way of adding content is removed.
  21. Earlier a fridag night would have been spent much as any other night for my JK. Some lightsaber practise, dinner and then some meditations and then planning together with T7. The droid have become a most trusted friend. Kira got the JK out of the ship a few times but it all changed after she got together with Doc. Life is no longer only about work, the whole group actually gets of the ship to do something fun now and then. Well, Scourge usually stays on the ship.
  22. Maybe one day if we are really lucky the companions will get something new. Still hoping for more conversations.
  23. Loved my JK:s romance with Doc, it vad some surprising twists and the weddingscene was really sweet. Currently lvl:ing a trooper and Aric is great, really enjoying that arc and am looking forward to seeing how it continues.. The Corso-romance was sweet but Doc was more fun.
  24. I could see myself slowly getting up to 16 characters. One for each AC because new gameplay really adds something extra to it. Will play through all the class stories twice.Lvl:ing past 50 depends on if the companions will get more material but that's a topic for a different thread =)
  25. Woot! This really got me excited, sounds like a fun event. Hope I'm back from vacation when it starts. Like the idea of hangar decorations as well =)
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