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Everything posted by SilentKitty

  1. Ohh... Some of these sets are really nice and I like them for my characters. Wonder if the prices are going to drop on these items now? There are a few of them that cost a bit on GTN now.
  2. Yes! I love getting letters for my character. It is something that makes the relationships ingame feel more real. It is one way of keeping the romance alive even if you will not be able to have a scene or something like that for a long stretch of time. Keeping my fingers crossed for more fun romance-related content in the rest of season one and then in two.
  3. I really like the sand-thing makes it look more like it's actually placed there when something from the current environment affects it.
  4. Hmmm... Of all the companions that we currently can romance there are some that I adore and some I do not like at all but one thing is the same for all of them. I hope we will see some kind of reference to them in the story going forward. Before we start adding even more new LI:s I would rather see that we get closure with the ones we have already. I just don't see them spending the money to do chapters for all the 1-50 story LI:s, Theron, Koth, Lana and then eleven more. But hey, that's just my opinion feel free to dream of new LI:s. I think it's fun to read about other peoples ideas and hopes for the game. I am just too busy worrying about the LI:s we got now in order to start dreaming about new ones. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, was about to write a silly analogy but I think I will spare the forum that one Go forth daring dreamers! It will be fun to see what you come up with.
  5. So, from reading the thread I got the impression that Theron + Imp was a fun combo. Thinking about setting him up with my Sith Warrior, anyone who has something to say about that setup? Don't remember the specifics of what people said about setting him up with the different classes I am actually pretty excited about this. It will be the first time in an BioWare game that one of my character cheats or dumps a LI. About time you could say, after the list of BioWare-LI's who has dumped my girls * Alistair * Fenris ( Had no idea that he came back when I romanced him blindly in DAII, got a rebound with Merrill ) * Jacob Taylor ( Yes, there were those of us who really liked him. We were pretty few but we had our little dedicated group on BSN) So Quinn, time to hit the road. They haven talked for years, and he did try to kill her. Figured that if there was one of my characters who would like to move on it would probably be her. Also.... I don't want to lvl a whole new character for Theron because I have so little time for playing right now. If I had had the same amount of free time as when SWTOR came out I would just have made a new char for him.
  6. For me this is wonderful replay value I would rather have something really specific that I can only see after a certain choice earlier than having something far more general but applying to everyone. Have a little list of when I am bringing my characters through KotFE and the trooper is not first, I try to change it up having every other rep and imp, but it is so nice to know that there is content that I really look forward to seeing later on.
  7. Hello! I am one of those players who are mainly in it for the story I have yet to play all the basic 1-50-stories so I do that inbetween chapters. Yes OP, I read that you did not really like playing some of them and that is fine. For my part, if I would go by the time I have available for playing the game then perhaps it isn't much. I work and have a small child so free time for playing games does not happen that often. I pay my sub because they are adding content that I really enjoy when I get my hands on it, story with companions. So for me it's more of how I try to give monetary reward to the companies or artists who make things I enjoy. I really enjoy the SWTOR-story-MMO, so I pay my sub. It is the only MMO out there that suits me. I read a few webcomics, if the author has a tipjar or sells t-shirts I pick up a few. I left SWTOR when it had been too many years without story-content and I had had mute followers for such a long time. Now they are making a effort on the part that I enjoy so I like to show appreciation for it. You make something I enjoy, I will show that I value it, so that perhaps there will be more things for me to enjoy later on. Figure out what works for you, perhaps play a rpg singleplayer game for a month and come back. Or swap between this game and something else? Hope you will find someway to enjoy your time in SWTOR.
  8. I have been enjoying the new story I stopped my sub when there had been too many years without anything new with companions. Now that they are back so am I. Really looking forward to seeing all the new chapters and playing through them with my alts.
  9. Looking forward to seeing the story between Kaliyo and my FemAgent as well. Cool that you could flirt with the smuggler at least. And yay for imagination, makes playing games all the more fun
  10. I think it is a little bit strange trying to put up rigid rules when trying to describes a person that enjoys something as varied as games. But then we do like to put titles on us and them, and gamer is one of the titles that I guess people prefer to put on the 'us'-team and then make the rules accordingly. I have seen a few different versions * you are not a gamer if you haven't played [ this specific game ] * you are not a gamer if you haven't played on [ this specific device ] * you are not a gamer if you haven't played [ this amount of games ] * you are not a gamer if you don't enjoy [ this type of game play ] * you are not a gamer if you can't [ master these skills ] I guess that I am more interested in what people find interesting in a game. I like talking with people and hear about the things that they find exciting. Have so many friends who play different games and in different ways. Haven't heard a definition yet that I thought really encompassed the different ways people play and enjoyed games. Hmmm... I think that the thing I dislike most about the rules that are so often about excluding people, for no other reason than just that. Making a us or them label. It's just seems like such a boring and sad thing to do. In the option between spending some time in chat with either : a) "People that don't [ SPECIFIC RULE ] aren't real gamer", or b) "I just found the coolest thing on the map, haven't seen it before. Wanna check it out and and have some fun?" I am going to stick with b). Seems like a fun person to be around.
  11. I prefer to dress my companions myself. I try to give each team a special look and it would be especially nice to be able to do that now when there are so many people using the same characters. I do however think that it will happen one day, that at some point we will be able to customize them again. Just that it isn't ready yet. So I wait, there has been many changes since I tried the last part of the BETA many years ago, and I guess that there will be a few more coming in. Some I like and some I don't. As long as I enjoy myself while playing my character it's all water under the bridge. Have fun everyone, and be good to each other.
  12. Yeah I am having a good time as well. I was so happy when they started bringing out more story, and recently I have been able to play more so now it is back to subbing, I am having a great time. My JK is about to play the Lady of Sorrows-chapter for the first time soon, I am sort of saving them, don't want to run through all the story in one go. Save them for special evenings. And I have started a little sith-inquisitor, great story! Before I returned to SWTOR I spent a lot of time playing Sims 4, when I am invested in a game I like to be on the forum as well. There are plenty of not-happy-people there, and plenty of everything-is-going-to-die-threads as well. But there are people having fun and writing about it. When it comes to finding people you like talking to on a forum, try looking around a bit to see where they have conversations you find interesting and like to take part in. For my part those are more likely found in the lore-section. Go hunting for interesting people, the general forum-part tends to have a lot of unhappy-threads and I rather spend my time with people having fun. Cheers and hope you will continue having fun playing
  13. Yay! I am itching to play my FemTrooper this is so exciting!
  14. Happy to hear that FemTrooper had a good reunion with Aric, he is one of my favorite characters. Hope he will be moved to followers in a later chapter, and that he continues to have a presence in the story. Don't want him to be seen once in this chapter and the leave.
  15. I like Doc a lot, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will see him again in the story. But then I knew from the start that I wanted her to try out that romance and they fit well together. And I really like playing my smuggler together with Corso, they are sweet together. In this game if you get any romance going and then try to back out it will be difficult, because there is one conversation when you lock it in and then you're done. My husband found it difficult to be kind to Nadia but not date her when playing his JC. At some point there was options [A] nice - leading to romance, nice- leading to romance and then [C] complete jerk. So now they are married, he didn't want his character to be mean to her. I don't experiment with romance in this game because of this, it's either 100% romance 0% because I find the system of locking-in to be cluncky in comparison to Dragon Age or Mass Effect. There I experiment much more, but I can also go back to an earlier save if needed. Prefer to play it safe in this respect, I have had these characters for so many years now.
  16. Nice having the romance play out a little bit different for the republic and the empire. Wonder if there will be anything different in the future romance in KotFE in this way. Guessing not but you never know.
  17. Ohh... This was interesting. I refused him on my JK but I might not do that on my smuggler simply to see the difference ingame. Glad that there are some different things happening. I am taking one character through the story now and waiting with the rest of my alts until I know more. If you have very specific demands on how the story should play out perhaps wait a little to see how different choices play out.
  18. Ahh... I had this bugg as well. There is a work-around if you have a Nico-token. Use it to get him as a companion and you will be able to play again. It worked for me. If you do not have a token I have no idea what to do unfortunately. Good luck!
  19. I hope we are getting all of them back! Took a chance on my JK, hoping that Doc is out there waiting for her still. The rest of the girls are waiting until I know that their LI is back in the story somehow. And I can get a spoiler beforehand if they are doing a ME3-Jacob-thing again. It was a surprise back in ME3 getting dumped, my poor FemShep ended up skunk-drunk on Aria's sofa so many times and then she ended up happily together with Traynor in the end. This time around I am taking a more active approach, since I have had these characters for years and cannot go back to an earlier save I am going to take a little look at the spoilers before starting KotFE. If they are getting dumped they are going to be set up with Theron or Lana or someone else of the new romances. I will search the forums for posts about Aric as soon as the new chapter comes. Hope it will be good, he's one of my favorites. Aric and my FemShep/trooper is a given pair. Hope won't be time to go cry on a sofa again....
  20. Yes! I also have a JK who is waiting for him. Really liked the letter from him, hope that he will return.
  21. I would rather have all the main LI:s back, but after I would very much like to see him again. Keeping fingers crossed, you never know.
  22. I just started playing through the story, it is so much fun Played Chapter 1 unspoiled. There has been little gaming for me for the past year, having a small child at home changes comes with some changes. Have recently been able to have more time in the evenings and I just couldn't be happier to have new story to look forward to. I have been here since the latest stage of the BETA, took a longer break when kiddo was really small and I happily return now when there is new story for me. All good things come to those who wait I guess. Sometimes you really have to wait. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=617476
  23. Oki. I'm going to start one rep char and one imp char for Theran. Any recommendations? Which classes did you think work really well with him? I just don't want do break up my girls from their LI:s, even if they have been silent for the last few years.
  24. Ohh... I loved that game. It was one of the best gaming experiences that I have had and I adore the Alistair-romance. We all like different things I hope Theran makes a come back. And that he might be one of the companions after all. I could live with the Cullen-treatment, him being tied to one place and not following us into the world but it's really much more fun with the companions.
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