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Everything posted by SilentKitty

  1. Thank you for the welcome back, that was really nice I am making a little to-do-list for myself. - Sith Warrior lvling asap - My main JK is going to see the new content and last but not least - Start a throw-away-female Bounty Hunter just so I can get to the first missing mandalorian conversation in the romance and get my own bug ticket. I left SWTOR a few months ago when I got tired waiting for Torian, figured that it would probably be sorted in a while and I could get that whole romance later. Now I will just do a quick power-lvl with no tought to story just to I can get my own ticket in there. I want those conversations back ! *ahem* Back to Malavi, I really look forward to seeing his content. My Sith Warrior married him. But how things will go with this romance is not given. She wants to see that he has got her back. We will see, this will be so much fun. I will have characters who choose Elara and those who go with Malavi, it will be fun to see both versions.
  2. Hello Virmire. I know who my Sith Warrior is choosing, and my trooper as well. But for the rest of them..... this will be a difficult one.
  3. Oki, I replied here so I can get a look at what conversations are missing. Hope that they are looking at it, or that it has been fixed already
  4. Hello! Any update on the missing conversations with Torian? I am still waiting to play that Bounty Hunter because I want to see all the story. Keeping fingers crossed that they will fix it one day.
  5. Hello! Has there been any news on the missing Torian-content? I have a female Bounty Hunter that I want to play but I don't want to miss out on story-content because that is the thing that is most important to me. Have they even said that they know that it isn't triggering?
  6. Well hello! This had me back to the forum again Wow, I have been playing Sims 4 for a while but it looks like it is time to start patching my SWTOR-game again. My Sith Warrior hasen't even started any of the new post-lvl-50 content so I have some playing to do. Just hope I don't end up with any horrible bug that stands in the way of their romance, that would make me ugly-cry in front of the computer. Really fun to have a happy-thread to hang in.
  7. It is seldom that I talk in general chat now, mostly I spend time talking with guildies and when I play story I turn everything off. Since I play the KOTFE-chapter's a little bit later than the rest of the people I go out of my way to avoid chat during chapters. For me it is also a question of time, when SWTOR came out I had a huge amount of free time so it was fun to talk in general and I spent time hunting for datacrons with strangers and all kinds of fun. Now years later as a working parent I am still in the same guild as before but gametime is much more limited. I spend the time I have on story because that is what I enjoy most in the game and talking with the guild because they are a nice group of people.
  8. I will swing around here every now and then to see if it's time to get my lovely BH-lady started on Hutta. There's an opening for a new alt now and she would be perfect. Just get that future-hubby of hers his convos back
  9. I am having such a great time!!! Story with companions is what makes me love this game, it got me hooked all those years ago when I started playing SWTOR for the first time. The last time I got story with companions was when the game was first released so it has been a few years of waiting, so I am taking it nice and slow now since I don't know if I will get any more after Season 2 is done. Also, if I wait a little with the Chapters our kind community will test out a few of the bugs first and there will be less of a waiting-period until Season 2 hits. My main just did Chapter 12, awesome story in that one. It will probably be two weeks until I have time to play another chapter. I might get started on the next Star fortress, got rid of the one over Tatooine first. Do you know how many credits my legacy has spent on that place, no way I am going to let Arcann&Co mess with it. The best way to learn something by heart is to quickly repeat it again, it goes for schoolwork, boss mechanics and story-stuff as well. That is why I won't get another character started in KotFE until the first one has done the entire Season 1. I prefer to play the same character and remember the feeling of the story and I do not want to ruin the content by playing through the same scenes 5 times a week. I liked the Harry Potter-series. Don't know if I would have enjoyed it quite as much reading Book 1 X5 and then Book 2X5 and then Book 3 x5..... I have decided to wait with the next one until I feel that I have forgotten the beginning a bit. Besides, my JK, smuggler and Sith Warrior has been with me for many years. I want to have fun playing through their story. The next alt that will go through KotFE is about to land on Quesh so Season 2 might already be out when she gets to Chapter 1. A sithy-kitty (cathar) to romance Lana. Since story is the part I enjoy the most I take care to play it in a way that I think is fun. Spacing out the material so I don't burn out on it. Alternate between one low-lvl character that I am preparing and one high-lvl for some change of scenery. Set little personal challenges for myself. This week we will do all my favorite quests on Hoth, start the quest for HK-51, get to know that one companion that you haven't played that much with, do some fun group content with the guild, spend an evening in a different game to clear the mind a bit. KotFE is pretty much my dream-expansion. We will never see the original 1-50-stories again so this is as good as it will get for me. Since I don't know when, or even if, we are getting any more of this I am taking care to make it last for a long long time.
  10. I just hope that they will be able to get back the missing conversations. I'm holding of starting a Bounty Hunter until I know that they are back. Haven't played through this story before and I don't want to miss out. Keeping fingers crossed that it will be fixed at sometime soon!
  11. Well.... This was a rather scary situation. Great that you guys found a way to work around the bug by playing Chapters 1-9 in one go but that is a tall order for me. I can barely find time to do one Chapter. I will wait with starting KOTFE for my Lana-hopeful Sithy-kitty until Season 1 is finished. Only two chapters left. When they stop releasing new chapters perhaps then it is possible to do them in a less stressful manner. Keeping all my fingers crossed!
  12. Has there been any word on the missing conversations. I am currently lvl:ing a Sith Inquisitor and having a blast. Now that Torian is back in KOTFE I wondered how things are going with the conversations. Still have some other PT:s lined up but I'm really looking forward to playing a Bounty Hunter one day, I just won't start one until I know that I got all the conversations with Torian
  13. Ohh... This sounds wonderful! But I will wait with lvl:ing a Bounty Hunter until I know that Torian has all his conversations back. Don't want to miss out on anything. Still have a trooper that is going to romance Theran before that PT so I think I'm covered for some time at least.
  14. Ahh... good to know that Torian is bugged when it comes to the 1-50 content. I am really looking forward to romancing him one day but I will wait until the coast is clear.
  15. You know what. I have no interest in Galactic Starfighter but I just have to come by the thread and say what an awesome thing you guys are doing. I love it when people devote time and energy to open up the game to more players. Bravo! Hope you guys will have a good time and some new people will get to do a bit of flying
  16. I disagree For me lvl-sync has been one of the best things that they have added to SWTOR. For me it is my easier to enjoy the story and go back to earlier planets in this way. I can also lvl alts together with my husband and we both will have fun fighting our way through different quests even if our characters have different lvl:s. I also really enjoy having all the earlier H2:s available as weekly content, there are so many of them that I have never seen before, now I am running through them with my lvl 65 char and a comp with high affection. Different people like different things as always, I really enjoy the level sync and I am glad the introduced it.
  17. Now I have this bug as well. For me it started with Chapter 12. It is mightily irritating. I play one character through KOTFE at the time, since I want to get a continuous story-feeling. Also, the best way to learn any new content is to do it, and then quickly repeat the same thing again. Be it boss-mechanic or studying, if you repeat the same thing over and over you learn it by hearth. Which is pretty much the opposite of what I want with story-content. Therefore I take my time playing through the different Chapters and won't start Chapter 1 with a new character until the first one has ended season 1. That gives me some time to forget the earlier story in between. Since I don't run through all the chapters at once but space them out a bit it would be nice to be able to turn in a few crates and talk to the people inside the base. This bug really gets in the way off enjoying all of KOTFE. I have responded to a thread about this bug earlier, if I am not mistaken for some people it kicks in earlier than Chapter 12. Hope they will be able to fix it at some point. I won't start playing through all the remaining chapters in top speed in order to get rid of it. I like the story too much for that and I wish to close the gap until Season 2 by spacing out the current chapters a bit. Keeping my fingers crossed that they find the bug soon.
  18. Wish I had seen the stream as well always nice hearing about people having a good time.
  19. Nice find Paganinii I always make sure that I get the x-y-coordinates for blurbs so that other players can get the same quote easily if the want to. And I did get a new one. Sith Inquisitor on Alderaan. (x,y) = (-800,179) Edit: Forgot to add the spoiler-wrap
  20. I would actually like it if it tied into the story in some way, we will see what happens
  21. Ohh.. you too. I lost all my mail as well. Hope it will be back later.
  22. I personally love the story chapters They got me starting my subscription again and I am happily looking forward to season 2. That said I do want there to be new things to enjoy for the people who prefer Ops and PvP to story. We have to share attention and resources. I expect there to be something for the Ops-people after the story-focus is done. Edit: Posted the earlier reply in the wrong thread. Middle of the night-error.
  23. Had a grand time with my Sith Inquisitor, she finally finished Chapter 1 and is now heading for Taris. I had so much fun I do the class story and planet-story, since I mainly play on the rep-side with the guild it was nice to be able to skip over to the other side and get a large dose of story in one go.
  24. I disagree. There are not infinite resources, I would rather see them putting more effort into consequences when it comes to the main story and interactions with the LI:s and main companions than spending extra money on alerts. They have decided that they have a B-team of companions that they will not bring into the main story in any greater capacity, so it's either doing something like they did now or getting rid of them off screen and sending a letter about it. "And so Xalek found a planet to live on and stayed there ever after "I prefer this way, at least they are accounted for, they don't go up in smoke. I am happy with the way that alerts function and the system they developed for it. If there is anything I would like them to really put more effort in it would be making a little more connections to the classes individual backgrounds, why this specific class would be here. Having more interactions with your LI:s. That's the thing that would make me a happy player.
  25. If there are no more flirts it might just be so that you have locked yourself out of the romance. I'm terribly sorry. It isn't always clear when a rejection means forever and ever or not just this instant. If I'm playing BioWare single player games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age I dare to rp more. Here is SWTOR I take a more direct approach. Hit the flirts if you want to have a romance with them and never ever do it if you don't. Just like you can get locked out of a romance you like, you can also be unable to end a romance that you changed your mind about. Hope that there perhaps might be a way for you to trigger a romance with Doc, otherwise your JK might perhaps take a look at the KOTFE-romances there is still some romance to be had in that universe far far away.
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