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Everything posted by SelinaH

  1. The names you've listed are against the rules we already have (no sentences used as names) and people have a perfect right to be irritated if those reported names go unmoderated. I'd rather see BW spend time dealing with these than with the numerous reported names that don't actually violate any current naming policy.
  2. People have already given perfectly reasonable RP backstory explanations for nicknames like "Marshmallow" or "Canopener." If BW decides to implement stricter name enforcement such that callsigns and nicknames are verboten because some subsection of the community feels they're "just not RP enough," the player who has an interesting concept and backstory with a "silly" name has only two options: Not to roll the character they actually want to play, or roll on a non-RP server and accept what limited social interaction they can find. If that player were me, I'd quit. And bemoan the fact that it was RPers themselves, not RP-griefers, who drove me from my preferred playstyle. Not to mention, having such subjective criteria as "This name is stupid and breaks immersion" is a recipe for a massive migraine for the GMs. Who decides what constitutes a dumb name? Having GMs have wide degrees of latitude and very little policy or precedent to go on would just piss off both sides. So the policies will have to get ridiculously specific to cover the plethora of stupid name categories. We'll end up with rules like "No real-world objects that are not explictly mentioned within SW canon" (which still lets something like "Hot Chocolate" off the hook) or "No names that contain strings of letters that are within 2 letter changes of any real-world location." I don't think I'm the only one who'd feel extremely uncomfortable in such an overly restrictive environment.
  3. There are actually two starter planets per side: For Republic characters, Jedi (Knights and Consulars) start on Tython, while Troopers and Smugglers start on Ord Mantell. For Empire characters, Sith (Warriors and Inquisitors) start on Korriban, while Agents and Bounty Hunters start on Nal Hutta. So if you and your friend roll, for example, a Jedi consular and a Smuggler, you're still SOL for the first 10 levels, as you'll be on different planets.
  4. It's pretty hypocritical to post about how amazingly mature and adaptable RPers are, and then suggest the following: A truly thoughtful, mature and adaptable RP community wouldn't need to "run off" everyone who didn't adhere to your specific, narrow interpretation of acceptable behavior on an RP server. I think it needs to be pointed out here that the RP community is by no means monolithic. Not everyone agrees with what you consider necessary or acceptable. I, personally, do not use General as an RP channel; it feels clownish, too much like using a giant megaphone to broadcast something to the entire planet. (I have no problem with created IC global channels that have an agreed-upon mechanic such as comm frequencies to explain how they work.) "Stupid" names also don't bother me, unless they explicitly violate naming policies. I find callsigns and nicknames perfectly acceptable within the setting. And it's not like I'm being forced to interact with the player with the dumb name. If just *seeing* a dumb name were enough to ruin my enjoyment, I'd not be able to play anything online, ever. I find players getting butthurt over other people having names they don't like and demanding a draconian solution for something that isn't even against the rules to be "childish, moronic behavior" that does nothing to build community. Just because people don't agree with your Orwellian vision of the perfect RP community doesn't mean they don't get it.
  5. Even having an RP tab didn't help. Just say and emotes scrolled by so fast I was constantly having to scroll back to make sure I didn't miss anything important. There were simply too many people in a small space. Chat bubbles would have been a godsend here.
  6. It also depends what planet you're on, or what level Scavenging missions you send your companions out to do. Crafting material levels seem to keep some degree of pace with combat levels, so you may be more likely to find Desh (a Grade 1 metal) on Dromund Kaas or Coruscant. I know I had stopped finding it by the time I hit Balmorra. If you're trying to get it from crafting missions, make sure you're selecting Tier 1 missions. The dropdown where you can select the level of the mission tends to default to your highest available level; make sure you pick the lowest one instead.
  7. My group and I didn't actually do that, IIRC. Couldn't hurt to include it as an additional step, though - I'll make a note of it. But it does sound like various people are getting bugged in slightly different ways. A number of players have stated that they can't even get into their last run flashpoint to reset, so they can't even attempt this workaround. I think I've seen mention of one or two people who couldn't even group *at all*, so even the "pass the plague" solution won't work for them. I'm not particularly happy with BW's copypasta "customer service" or the numerous communications failures on these, their official forums. Even if the bug(s) takes a while to track down and fix, they should at least let the customer base know what's going on.
  8. Because you're piggybacking off of someone else's intellectual property. You do not have the right to play as someone else's creation. BioWare is not required, let alone allowed, to give you permission to infringe on someone else's trademark or copyright on their servers.
  9. I suppose if you wanted to take the time, you could just try taking each flashpoint you've run from the terminal again and then see if you can enter it.
  10. My bugged group members all went through the steps to unbug solo. We did all have to retake the last flashpoint from the terminal and were then able to individually enter the mission and go through the steps. Have you reset/abandoned all other flashpoints and retaken the last good one from the terminal? If it's still showing in your list from the last time you ran it, have you tried to reset/abandon it and then retake it from the terminal?
  11. If you want your face to stay the same as it was at character creation while still maintaining a Dark alignment, you can always toggle off "Show Sith Corruption" in your Preferences (it's in the Social tab, IIRC). It does tend to reset itself occasionally, though. If all you want is the orange eyes without the veiny, herpetic skin then yes, you will need to maintain yourself at Dark 1.
  12. Right-click on the chat tab at the top of the chat window and you should get a drop-down menu that includes a "Font Size" option.
  13. These are the steps I used to unbug myself and my teammates: 1. Enter your last known "good" flashpoint. (You may need to take it again from the terminal, or it may still show in your mission list.) 2. Right-click your HUD portrait and choose the option to reset the phase. You'll then get a pop-up error message telling you the mission can't be reset because you're still inside. 3. Exit the flashpoint. 4. Open your mission log, find the flashpoint, and reset and abandon the FP from within the mission log interface. 5. At this point you should be able to take and enter other flashpoints properly. Make sure you run through all the steps in sequence. I had tried every one of these options separately, but only this particular combination of steps worked for me. Kudos to the player who figured this out in a previous thread.
  14. Reposting my reply from a similar thread, since they still haven't fixed forum search: What seems to be happening is that the last flashpoint run isn't always clearing correctly, even though it's not displaying in your mission log, so the game still thinks you have an active FP. My group had this problem after running Cademimu; our leader's objectives cleared fine and he was able to turn in the mission, but the rest of us had both the turn-in objective and another one telling us to complete the mission again. We abandoned that second objective through the mission log and were then able to turn in, but doing so bugged us and we ended up with the "Must Reset" issue. If you don't want to "infect" a new group leader with the bug, here's what worked for me (from another thread on the subject, with thanks to the original discoverer): 1. Enter your last known "good" flashpoint. 2. Right-click your HUD portrait and choose the option to reset the phase. You'll then get a pop-up error message telling you the mission can't be reset because you're still inside. 3. Exit the flashpoint. 4. Open your mission log, find the flashpoint, and reset and abandon the FP from within the mission log interface. 5. At this point you should be able to group as well as take and enter other flashpoints properly. Make sure you run through all the steps in sequence. I had tried every one of these options separately, but only this particular combination of steps worked for me. Hope it helps!
  15. I report names that infringe on intellectual property rights, including deliberate misspellings of canon characters (I think I've reported at least 5 different Boba Fett clones so far). I report names containing overt sexual references, racial/ethnic/orientation slurs or other terms that a typical, reasonable person (yeah, I know, no such thing) would find offensive. Anything else I tend to ignore - I don't put them on my ignore list; I just don't pay attention to them. The chances are pretty slim that I'll be interacting with them anyway.
  16. What seems to be happening is that the last flashpoint run isn't always clearing correctly, even though it's not displaying in your mission log, so the game still thinks you have an active FP. My group had this problem after running Cademimu; our leader's objectives cleared fine and he was able to turn in the mission, but the rest of us had both the turn-in objective and another one telling us to complete the mission again. We abandoned that second objective through the mission log and were then able to turn in, but doing so bugged us and we ended up with the "Must Reset" issue. If you don't want to "infect" a new group leader with the bug, here's what worked for me (from another thread on the subject, with thanks to the original discoverer): 1. Enter your last known "good" flashpoint. 2. Right-click your HUD portrait and choose the option to reset the phase. You'll then get a pop-up error message telling you the mission can't be reset because you're still inside. 3. Exit the flashpoint. 4. Open your mission log, find the flashpoint, and reset and abandon the FP from within the mission log interface. 5. At this point you should be able to take and enter other flashpoints properly. Make sure you run through all the steps in sequence. I had tried every one of these options separately, but only this particular combination of steps worked for me. Hope it helps!
  17. My personal experience with the flashpoints thus far (level 29) is that the loot drops tend to be extremely streaky. On almost every run with my usual group of 4, drops have been geared toward a single player on the team, with another group member getting maybe a single drop, if that, and the other two members getting nothing usable. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the loot tables, a problem with BW's choice of RNG or just a combination of perception plus the fact that even a perfectly random RNG will still have a crapton of nonrandom-appearing outliers when so many loot rolls are being made per day.
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