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Everything posted by DizzyrupTor

  1. I Can't bring myself to level 8 classes to level 50 again, not to mention running all hm fps, 5 world bosses (nightmare to find a group for this if your a solo player) and Kill 5 Specific Operations Bosses (again, solo player) all for 30 random packs? nah! Too much effort and time to sink for too little reward. Eternal level is where the event ends for me. And I have had some good rewards so far but what do i miss out on by not doing it? Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount Victorious Titan’s Armor Set 30 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Legendary Victor” I think I can live with that
  2. Never said I hated it at all. I said it was "dull, boring, lifeless" which it is. (IMO) Don't mistake me: I enjoyed the expansion when it came out, but from chapter x onwards it's been on a downward spiral with chapter after chapter of varying degrees of quality. Yes there's some good dialogue and some nice set pieces but on the whole the quality of each chapter on release has been lacking. I am speaking only of the main story not of anything else incuded with an update. I have been playing ToR since realease, had a few breaks but always came back. Poured countless hours into it so my criticism isn't something I say lightly. We all know BW can do far better than this. On the bright side maybe the following chapters will make up for this decline, or maybe not. Either way we will see as times goes.
  3. Are you saying this latest chapter was actually good? Please elaborate on what was good about it.
  4. Personally I found it to be a really really dull, boring, lifeless chapter. take the first part when you land on Darvanis and go through the bland and uninspiring dialogue with Shae and her mando's then get sent to disable 3 terminals in 3 different locations, all copy-pasted with around 6 - 8 skytroopers and an elite. Then back you go to Shae who sends you off again. Another go here and take a slightly larger bunker. then back again and for the final part you get to go to another larger bunker to clear out. back again and that's about it. Oh a silly party scene with the mando's shooting holes in the roof of their tents. then suddenly its over and you are left wondering why you wasted nearly an hour on crappy skytrooper mobs, a few elites and 3 walkers. I was hoping for a challenge. something more meaningfull to do but there was nothing. As i said at the start, it was a dull, boring, lifeless chapter. I really hope they can improve this for the last two chapters as the way it's been going lately I have to seriously consider keeping my sub going if this is the quality of the chapter releases so far. Oh and as for Darvanis, it was like being on Tattooine again but with worse weather
  5. With a mix of 208 / 216 gear as an operative healer with lvl 26 Kaliyo as tank companion i found the 1st 5 fairly easy,, the 6th tough and the 7th the one I am currently stuck on. Will have to try this on a dofferent class. Maybe they should do a nightmare mode version for those with the oversived ego's crying about it being too easy.
  6. Theres a few here with viids. Site is sluggish on firefix (for me at least) so was best viewed in Chrome. http://tor-fashion.com/voice-modulation/
  7. Same problem here. was hoping BW had at least posted something about when this is going to get fixed.
  8. Just checked my mail settings and the only box i had ticked was the "Sign up to receive Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ updates by email." which has been like that since i first subbed. Am I eligable for these coins or did i have to have the other 2 ticked as well even though they are nothing to do with this game (being just bioware emails)
  9. I may have been gone a while but I am pretty sure on my Infiltration Shadow we used to have both double strike and clairvoyant strike. Can't see why it was removed at all/ It was a quick, decent damage ability that was used often and now its left a big gap with nothing to fill it. C-S doesn't even work until an enemy's at 30% health.
  10. I have the same problem after logging on to my Shadow after a long absence. Not a happy bunny with this.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/cbwi5 http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/cbwi6
  12. Same here. Getting tired of this happening every update..... Not logged on in ages and while its double xp thought i would be able to get a few levels.
  13. ^ This. It's sad when you look at the trailers and see what the game should have been to what it actually is. I have always said that the game should have been pushed back for at least 6 - 12 months before release as it was clearly not ready and had nowhere near enough testing done to wipe out bugs that persist to this day.
  14. Engine limitations & cost to implement are two massive factors that make this a no-go. No matter how nice it sounds.
  15. Thanks all. The problem was I had only bought the advanced skill once, and not on each of the skills. So I felt quite silly when i found that out visiting the scavenging skill guy. Lesson learned
  16. ...Get from 400 to 401 for scavenging? I done with Makeb story-wise, I took the advanced training ages ago and no matter how many things i pick up rated 400 i cannot seem get it to hit 401, let alone take it to 450. Am I missing something? something so obvious I will slap myself?
  17. I agree, remove them completely and put such useless fluff in some of the useless vendors that are on every world. the ones that do light, medium, heavy armor and the weapons, no one buys them, EVER so they are completely pointless.
  18. /signed I too am sick of seeing not only jawagrams & experience boosts but also the crafting materials. Blowing almost £40 for a mass of useless fluff is beyond a joke. Yes I know it's down to each persons own choice in buying them but at least make them worth buying. I could buy a full price game for the money spent on a 24 pack of crates. Most of the stuff you get goes for next to nothing on the gtn. even the new "besh" weapons can be had for 1000 credits....
  19. Gurian Lightning & Thana Vesh’s Armor Set will do me nicely.
  20. PVP Aranda - Why You Wanna Bring Me Down - Beastie Boys - Sabotage - Cherri Bomb - Shake The Ground - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAqCWVcYGys Hed P.E - Renegade - PVE Battlestar Galactica - Prelude To War - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYZGDgMwPY0 Immediate Music - Electric Romeo - Mass Effect 2 - Lair of the Shadow Broker - Hans Zimmer - In The Tunnels -
  21. Yeah it's quite common One of those "bugs" that never (so far) got fixed. It's the same as a sniper, standing two feet away yet "target is not in range"
  22. I thought all blokes were really lesbian's trapped inside a man's body
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