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Everything posted by DizzyrupTor

  1. 7/10, Cinerous puts me in mind of something incinerated, or is that just odd. Darth Khallus (I wanted Callous but some git already has it)
  2. Seeing as same gender romance has been around for as far back in history as anyone can remember I don't see why this is such an issue for some people. If you have kids that play the game don't deny them knowledge of the subject, educate them. Also why should this be any different for Star Wars? It has humans & humanoid species so it's not a stretch to imagine that people of such a universe would have the same or similar preferences to us. And as many others have said it's not like you get to see some hardcore S&M gay scene. At most it's a kiss then a black screen. Hardly anything for anyone to get excited about.
  3. I have a Rattataki toon and while picking up a mission this dialoge had me puzzled http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e362/Smokey75/swtor2013-03-0808-55-20-39_zps5da4c122.jpg Surely my toon would know what his own species is called
  4. Granted you find the odd weapon in a cartel pack, and theres the Gamorean Axes but aside from those rare items theres been no seperate weapons for those looking to buy one. So far it's been all clothing and other fluff, but If you wanted a mean looking blaster rifle / pistol ect you have to check out different guides that show an orange piece that hopefully you are able to get at some point. So, are plans in the works and can you share anything with us, even if it's only an ETA.
  5. Would be great in black & red for an Assasin too Would love to see it but......meh who knows.
  6. Personally I prefer having an original name than being another clone of Reaper, ******, Monster ect ect ect. Besides those names are downright boring in games these days. Originality has it's perks
  7. Now that we have had revan and nihilus's kit i think it's time Malak got some lovin. http://www.gamebanshee.com/starwarskotor/enemies/images/malak1.jpg http://cdnl.complex.com/mp/620/400/80/0/bb/1/ffffff/e5c20f1d162e959558afb454d57fed42/images_/assets/CHANNEL_IMAGES/VIDEO_GAMES/2012/10/the-50-coolest-video-game-villains-of-all-time/darthmalak_368527.jpg http://torwars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Darth-Malak-by-Terese-Nielsen.png http://www.popcultcha.com.au/images/GGS006-Star-Wars-Darth-Malak-Statue_3.png It's only fair
  8. YES! Would love to see this implemented.
  9. Took a Commando to 50 and ended up shelving her on the fleet and wishing I had gone with a Vanguard instead. While leveling up It is good class to play, and quite fun in pre-50 pvp. May go back to it sometime rather than delete it but given a choice between the 2 right now? I'd go vanguard.
  10. Been levelling a new alt since f2p came out, not too far only just hit balmora @ lvl18 but regarding F2P players I have encountered on the way i have to say, for the most part, they have been very good to get on with. not grabbing all gear drops regardless of need or greed, of course as others have said there are some odd goings on in flashpoints, running all over the place looking for non-existant loot, backtracking, and of course leaving. But overall while it can be frustrating at times I find it a nice change to have some new blood running around, as many of us that have been around since day 1 do sometimes come across as a bit elitist and snobby to one another, even more so at these players. They just need some time guys --- Resident of ToFn ---
  11. Surely if you can spend £100 on those you can damn well pay the sub fee each month. That same £100 will give you a years sub and still have change for a happy meal.
  12. One thing I would like to see falls under the speeder upgrade catagory in that i would like to be able to install a mod in my speeder that can scoop crafting materials up without having to dismount>pickup>remount every 10 yards or so. It may not sound like much but by god it gets depressing! if theres loads of stuff around an area Paint jobs would be nice too, and some accessories like (for my BH) mounting a head to the front of my speeder, or some flashing lights, go faster stripes ect. And lastly I would like to be able to send companions to any toon in the legacy that has reached lvl40 or 50. Mixes it up a little as when they have used up their conversations and have done the levelling missions companions become pretty much like all the other npc's so they may as well lend their skillsets to other toons.
  13. You will be granted 1750 Complimentary Cartel Coins at the launch of the Free-to-Play option. Digital Deluxe Edition Purchase Reward: 250 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 200 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 200 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 200 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Subscriber Reward: 150 Cartel Coins Been subbed since launch with the standard version untill upgrading it a month or so back for a few quid. Just wondering why it goes from 150 coins to 200 for the same Subscriber Reward?
  14. So far... 1 - Imperial Agent 2 - Sith Warrior 3 - Sith Inquisitor 4 - Bounty Hunter 5 - Republic Trooper 6 - Jedi Consular Levelling a Jedi Guardian now, been a mixed bag story wise so far but i remain hopefull. Poor Smuggler is still lvl 1 so long way to go there.
  15. 1 - changed: - The character creation process. It's horribly simple with very few choices overall and i felt it was a huge letdown. I just want more choices with what we can add to our characters, makeup, jewelry, tattoos, piercings, signature emblems, hats, scarves, anything that people can play around with. 2 - Fixed: - speaking for pvp here,I would like to see resolve and expertise gone 3 - Added: - Ability to add modifications / upgrades to our speeders. for example an upgrade that allows materials. trash ect to be "sucked up" by the speeder when over the object. This would be a welcome feature for myself and many other gatherers that are probably sick of jumping on and off their speeder every time they want to pick something up.
  16. This is just a classic case of being able to please some of the people all the time, all the people some of the time, and none of the people all the time. No matter what, someone will whinge.
  17. Lvl 35 commando Gunnery spec and I am on the verge of deleting this character over the state of its overall pvp performance. 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? An easy kill but can be dangerous in a 1v1 situations wiht some classes but is utterly useless against juggs / maras in pvp. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? for PVE i was enjoying it, but in pvp it seems the further i go up the level ladder (lvl 35 now) the more useless it's becoming. despite supplying the character with the best possible equipment for the level via other characters with armstech and armortech skills.
  18. Are there any plans to add weapons / augments ect to our mounts? and if not, why not?
  19. I would say the reason these "QQ" threads and posts are not being deleted is because it will only lead to more threads that "QQ" about BW deleting threads & posts that they don't like / agree with and then from there leading to even more "QQ" threads and posts about cencorship and freedom of speech blah blah blah Personally i just refuse to dignify their often ridiculous posts by replying to them. Let them vanish from view.
  20. How is it "unplayable without good matching name" ???? When i got transfered from Lord Calypho to TOFN I had to rename 7 out of 8 of my gang but it was hardly an end of the world event or cause enough to stop playing the game. I did the logical thing: I picked new names....... I fail to see why you are kicking up a fuss over this, it's petty and a little bit sad to see and if you feel the need to unsub over so petty an issue then by all means go ahead.
  21. Are there any plans to enhance the character creation screen with more customisation options or will it be left as it is for technical reasons regarding the story scenes?
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