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Everything posted by rweiowjerwei

  1. I'm not max level yet, but from my experiences Juggernaut is fun. It could definitely use a few tweaks to put in in line with marauder viability (or just nerf marauders ) such as the fact that Marauders can survive for longer due to heal from dot crits, or their more useful defensive CD's... However, Juggernaut can have some very good survivability and utility with cooldowns up. Not to mention you get 4 second immunity from any disables after charging (hilarious huttball runs), utility through taunts, force push, AoE scream slow, and more. Honestly, play what you want. Whatever seems most fun to you will be useful in some way unless it's an AP specced bounty hunter lol. I play Juggernaut and I'm more than content - any issues I feel the class has right now are most likely going to be fixed at some point, they're already doing some of that for 1.2, and I do perfectly fine in WZ's when it comes various things. In WZ's I regularly beat all players for damage done and protection points. On top of that I make a good meat shield by charging into the enemy team and popping CD's when they begin to focus me - even when I die, I know we came out on top.
  2. Apparently I'm the odd one out... Currently, green. To me red and blue are far too common, as well as orange. I play a light side jugg so I wanted something a bit different, like when I was fighting Nomen Karr we BOTH had green sabers...Kind of implying that I was more like him (leaning towards light), but then it became apparent that we were both still evil in our ways (he ended up getting all evil) ... Also, I like the color lol.
  3. Hey. Since I have been PVPing for a while, I am wondering what the max amount of comms per WZ will be after 1.2. Currently it seems to be at about 100 (Although I've gotten 104 comms before somehow) but with the upcoming change to how many medals give you bonuses (I think it was going from 4 currently to 9?) will this value be increasing? I find myself regularly doing well enough in WZ's that I should have far more than 100, but it seems capped there.
  4. Hah. I know that...But since when was there a female vocalist in the song?
  5. Cool videos. If I may ask, what was up with the BB song concerning the random chick singing too?
  6. So, I have noticed now a couple times in PVP I will begin to channel Ravage on a target and instead of doing anything to them (they get out of range, die, etc) it will instead lock me in place for 3 seconds and I am unable to do anything. Has this been happening to anyone else? Also, am I the only one who thinks that the ability should have it's 'damage points' reworked so that you dont have two useful hits and then a pointlessly drawn out third one?
  7. Just btw... Republic Classes = Empire Classes ... They just have different names.
  8. So, a few months back I ended up completing a quest and I retrieved a brand new orange custom pistol. Upon getting the pistol...I realized it was only able to be equipped in the off hand, and as a powertech...that wouldnt work for me. So, within minutes of realizing this I wrote a ticket asking if I could get a refund for a couple of commendations (another reward from the same quest) and clicked submit. Literally weeks later I get a reply stating: "I see an extended period of time between the time that you looted the item that you wished to have refunded and raising the ticket" I couldnt help but laugh...If a time span of two minutes is too great to get a refund on an item, then I dont know if I will EVER be able to get anything solved. This all took place after I made a ticket much earlier trying to get this name changed (rweio is a bunch of random letters) and was told it was "Solved" ... Yet, nothing was changed and I got no form of reply. Anyways, share your stories so we can laugh at the terrible customer service!
  9. mfw http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web04/2011/12/2/15/enhanced-buzz-6366-1322857355-91.jpg
  10. Nope. I dont plan to either at this point in time... Enlighten me.
  11. Heh. Sure, I'll pitch in. http://metalstorm.net/images/photos/1/12037.jpg
  12. To hell with everyone rerolling based on what is considered the 'best' class at certain times. I play some of the more underdog setups on this game (my sig) and have a blast in PVP. I feel no less competitive than if I were to have been a different class/spec, and I see no reason why other people would... Juggernaut does competitive damage (I regularly beat Mara's on the scoreboard - and that's even those who are 40+)*, tanks better, has more utilities such as taunts and AoE slows, force push, can run the ball better, survive against greater odds, etc ... Maybe I'm missing something, but I dont see why everyone thinks DPS Jugg is so inferior. *When I say that - I - beat them, that does not imply that a few players represent the skill level and capabilities of marauders. I'm sure that a good marauder could easily beat me on the charts for damage, but I am simply stating my experiences pre 50. I needed to write this so that people dont start claiming I am ignorant.
  13. Unless I am 100% sure that the last hit will ensure a kill on a target, I only typically allow the first two strikes because that's a quick 1-2K damage and beats waiting an extra second and a half for the HNNNNGGGGG big overhead swing.
  14. Unfortunately this post, while it has an intended purpose, wont have any effect on 99% of the community. I dont say this to be rude, but only a small handful of the forum community will ever see the post I haven't seen the posts you describe bashing on female gamers, but the people who are doing so are idiots - ignore them. Lots of what you see in relation to females is just based on stereotypes and such that were perhaps proven to these guys by some female gamer long ago, and they have forever been judging females based on the assumption that you are all the same. They are of course mistaken, but the only time you will see any sort of bashing on female gamers is when it comes from the narrow minded few who I previously mentioned - they are also the minority in a sense. Bottom line, you will always be judged with stereotypes and assumptions because you are truly the minority in gaming. Just ignore the guys who take themselves seriously when they bash on you and move on instead of making threads like this which end up having their intended point entirely lost among "whoah, a female gamer!?". Most of us guys already understand everything your post was aimed at, and the few who dont already will learn nothing new because of ignorance.
  15. Top left of the screen > English, Francais, Deutsch > Click English (or Anglais when it's french) and move on with your day lol.
  16. Your buddy may not be as good as the players you are facing. It's like me and my friend (I'm SW, he's BH). We have been PVPing a lot lately and I jokingly challenged him to a duel, but he refused saying that "He knows how it would end" implying that he wouldnt stand a chance.
  17. Skill has a huge influence on the outcome of fights. That's like saying just because somebody is physically stronger than you, that you will always lose the fight. Gear doesnt even give a huge advantage in this game after a certain point, and the more skilled you are as a player, the better chance you have.
  18. I've been PVPing lots on my Juggernaut. I'm sure I'll get ''lol juggernaut is ez mode in huttball'', but I will continue anyways. I'm vengeance specced which means a bit more sustained DPS as opposed to burst. Regularly in huttball I will go for the ball and attempt to cap it or at least get it moving - sometimes if the enemy players line themselves up correctly Charge>Force Push>Charge>Score right into their spawn...But other times I am simply a good ball carrier because of the amount of punishment I can take. When I pass the ball to a teammate (typically when they have a better position or health amount) I will ensure that I protect them and am constantly taunting (to give 30% damage reduction if they are hitting anyone but me) and using my AoE slow. If my team is on the defensive and trying to stop a cap, I ensure that I kill the healers and pressure any enemy players who are open for a pass. In between moving around for the ball, I help out allies with killing people here and there. I disagree with saying the amount of damage you deal means nothing. A dead player is less effective than a live one, however, if all you do is poke around the middle shooting at stragglers but then go on to brag about how 'good' you are, then you are an idiot. Typically I am #1 in terms of damage dealt. Typically I'm a good 30-60K damage ahead of anybody else in the game with 30K+ Protection points, I have scored/done objectives, and I have generally been a very good utility and distraction for my team. To me, 'how good' you are depends purely on what you do during the game. If all you deal is damage, but you have been actively targeting healers and ensuring they are being killed, or you have been actively trying to peel people off of the ball carrier - you are useful.
  19. Out of the 3 maps we have available to us...It is the only one which is better left than stayed. You literally cannot come back from the game unless the other team terribly screws up. If you want to take a point and there is more than one person on the other team who doesnt want you to have it...You literally cant. The moment you kill one person, and then kill the second...the first is already back to fight you again. The fact that people can almost instantly appear back at the points is so absolutely stupid that it makes the map very frustrating to play. Please, re balance this terrible excuse for a PVP map.
  20. Every class has roughly the same base utilities. Everbody gets a stun/disable of some sort. A free PVP trinket. And everybody gets an interrupt ability. There are of course other abilities outside of this that are class and spec dependent but giving every class the basic ability to perform in skilled hands is a great thing, in my opinion.
  21. OP... Gets new damage abilities. Loses damage. Gets great utility. Doesnt realize there is something called 'resolve' or 'immunity to physics' Also, retractable blade's whole purpose is for some added INTERNAL (typically bypassing defense) damage and giving you constant rail shots. /thread
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