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Everything posted by Barzarel

  1. Fixed it for you Wouldn't that present a problem then, since we would only have premade vs premade queues?
  2. Barzarel

    Nerf Premades

    Thank you for not reading what i wrote, and making your own assumptions, where did i at any point say this? I fact ive been saying if like the choice to queue solo against other teams where in members queue solo, how does this relate to wanting to beat a premade with a pug? Very bad example, less the entire team with only defenders had massive team member injuries they had option of putting a setup and forming strategies prior to match, if you queue solo where in that process do you have that. Yes you could argue that prior to this you could have option of preparations(finding a team to queue with...) But then we getting to a core point some people play on a casual level, some even play on so few occasions that forming up some teams to match other premades strength, will often make them spend more time in preparations than what they actually get to inside the match. And why should they have to? They play purely to have some fun occasionally, without being completely stomped by a team with better preparation possibilities, when they actuall pay to be entertained on a casual level. Which isn't unreasonable where did BIOWARE actually promote this game as a 100% hardcore game, if anything they promoted it more as a casual friendly game. How times with a pug you can't even count on a tank to shield you, or sometimes let alone people even doing their objectives. Inviting 3 people to a group you don't know would be little different from a pug with a premade tag, would be same as calling a Cola bottle a beer, because you put a beer label on it *laugh*
  3. Answering with a question isn't a answer, answer my question and perhaps ill consider answering yours.
  4. Surprised if they did, that they still have a job or a company, guess times has changed. Back in days when wolfpack studios were around and did similar think it was one loremasters/keeper called Hrathen or something that said "Cry more noob, this will make you feel better" linking a picture of a box of Klenex, send some the customers ballistic over the comment, and they had to send a apology later for the unprofessionlisme... Guess times has changed..
  5. Barzarel

    Nerf Premades

    Stop pretending this game is serious wieghted on skill, if it were half the mechanic would not be based around how the metrics of stat from gear scale burst or migitations or healing, and ontop of that countless of classes have their abilities revolve around spamming one power which in turn buff their main damage or heal maximized effect. But there factors like the option to match up with better setups, will in many situation heavily outwieght another. This is a skill factor breaker no matter the way its put, a team with a massive amount of healers and a good premade tank shifting gaurd, will always out master a team with 1-2healers with no tanks, practically not matter how good they play because of the match up. Add better cordination and response times effected by outside elements like ventrillo or team speak it all adds up. People can be queueing alone for a number of reasons i won't even go into defending them as it can only end in a generalizing or a person view on it. But it does not change the fact that premades have a heavy advantage in external communications and the match up(being able to choose team setup) has a overwhelming advantage over pugs already there, not matter whatever way you put it.
  6. For all i care they could even throw some extra commendation bonuses in for premade vs. premade warzones, so there not the arguement the pug vs. pug gets easier gear either.
  7. Barzarel

    Nerf Premades

    Its ironic that you should be so much against premade vs. premade, yet you scolding people for not having/forming many social contact and put together teams like your own instead of whinning. Isn't it what is in other word called Hypocrisis? Telling them they entitled and not having friends for not doing like yourself, but in turn you don't want to face them if they do?
  8. You noticed many aren't actually making these poss whining about losing, itst about losing countless times even sometimes being ruthlessly farmed, because they don't play on same premises a premade does, but are still ends up matched against them. There a different between playing high school sports, maybe even with goals set out on a serious career later, and playing just to have some casual fun without being pit into fights with much heavier match up. You talk about people whinning about premades on a computer game should go do something else, why? Should people playing a mmo computer game really have to go do something else?, many just wanna have fun being matched up against people on same levels with themselves. A computer game is designed to entertain, and its obvious not meant to be taken serious. Less you actually afraid of fighting other premades, how does it in anyway diminish you entertainment value if they matched up against another team with similiar setup?
  9. Should consider posting it in suggestions or feedback.
  10. If this the case like you say then why you so afraid of queuing against other premades with one? if the Xrealm Warzones queueing against other premade, the point of waiting would more or less invalid, or perhaps there some truth to what i am saying afterall?
  11. Barzarel

    Nerf Premades

    And PVE players can just find a good pve guild and suck up difficult on operations its, to easy we need it all on hardcore levels, Everyone you hear me?(Sarcasme off) You entirely missing the point, of what many people been saying about why they want pug vs pug queues.
  12. It was never the point the point by example many been trying to get across, if that people like to enjoy and play have fun, without losing upon losing exsperience dominating their entire pvp exsperience for most parts, put in contrast to something else: 1. Football team A, consisting of pro players, with all the latest and best equipment form a team together, many of them being friends outside to, they go to local public football ground. 2. Football team B are people who come there occasionally mostly random people, who while they see each occasionally chat a bit, don't have all them the latest and best equipment, they bit mixed in their exsperience and general don't have much exsperience playing together. Now Football team A get a kick out of completely obliterating them on the field, having a laugh playing around with them, and crushing their spirits utterly, then say hey we friends if you don't like it find some pro friends ourselves and come back show ous what you got. Point being team B likely came just to have a casual game and a laugh some fun, maybe feel a bit good outs of their dull regular lives, against a team of same level. Is it so hard to understand, without making it into something different, or the premades who constantly brush these topics off so dense, and practically need this getting these kinda kicks off?
  13. Barzarel

    Nerf Premades

    If we should follow that logic then lets look at what you saying: Arguement(if i understand it correct): If its to challenging, then create a team on level with the challengers. Logic counter point to this: If this was the development philosphy, then why does pve players not have to play by same rules? By this philosphy they should only have hardmode flashpoints/operations to. Why don't they because Bioware doesn't want to exclude groups of potential customers from a content they deem to difficult, or for whatever reasons can't compete in. Then why should pvp be any different, if there people who wanna play on a more casual or less difficult level then, why should they not be able to pug against pugs to? You entire arguement is flawed in basic logic comparing with how other content in the game is handled.
  14. Ganking isn't really that much of a deal on pvp servers anyways, with the phasing system you rarely run into a red, and some the pvp players i meet that isn't really a big fan of pve, are only really doing their story arcs which is more less instanced and warzones while leveling. Must admit i did same a good while, but then i got slightly hooked on the extra stories and certain worlds, and got a bit further than just doing my class story line.
  15. Yah, and then say good bye to heal in anything but premades, hope you like that because that will be the result, i know if this happens ill spec pure dps. You might say you don't care im just a exploiter but fact is, about 3 out of 20 Warzones i do, i don't get gaurded, often the others don't even care about protecting their healers, so if im gonna spend 40-50% time keeping myself alive, and rest healing team and then get a ****** set of medals, if i can not get healing bonuses for healing myself. Then sorry but kiss your heals goodbye.
  16. Just saying we don't need another Alterac Valley Syndrome.
  17. Yes, it would be glorious when premade elithist starts deciding who stays and goes, depending on what they percieve their standards being, no it won't be abused at all *laugh*
  18. Which will become the entirety of the problem, because it will become more attractive for heavy premade teams, to speculate in setups how to best farm players, because they know most players will feel forced to sit through the session to try avoid getting the debuff, while all same ruthlessly being grappled hooked out of spawn ledges to be farmed by premades for medals. Further the heavy premades who like doing this kinda game style for easy commendations, will stretch it as far as they can for most possible medals in shortest time, worried that next one they might face another strong premade. This is in no way gonna encourage people to play, far the opposite result is likely what you'll be seeing.
  19. Hehe, couldn't help but smile at this one.
  20. I agree, but what ive been saying countless of time in this post, is that a deserter debuff will fix a small fragment of the problem, while hurting in a dozen other ways, and if we get AFK'ers inside taking space up for other players, even further handicap a team facing strong opposition. While some do just bump matches for easy wins, there many who play on a casual level, which don't have a big network of people with same interests, which can't form premades themselves, or have obscure gaming hours of which ever reason, which i forced to pug matched, only to get completely obliterated by strong well formed and gear premades. While you can't always lose and fighting tough fights at times can be entertaining, when i comes down to premade set out to stomp pugs intentionally only to farm them, and further humiliate them, this can be as much a cause for many to start leaving, possibly dropping pvp entirely. There hardcore pvpers and casual pvpers, only problem i see is unlike pve where you can raid content hardmode or normal, there no such features in pvp. Where premades are free to stomp whatever pugs they like. Further you saw mmo like WoW where premade that was significantly stronger and had more powerful setups, particular have a scout in to check other team, before deciding if they wanted to stay stomp and farm them, or leave and look for another one. You might actually wanna read the dev trackers every now and then.
  21. Think a very small minority consider it fun to be stomped by powerful premades, with better gear, better access to tool for cordinating, and advantage of setting their own class setups.
  22. Because this change will encourage premade steamrolling teams to tag one score just to get base win bonuses, then start medal farming other players in their spawn, much like we seen with games like WAR from Mythic, considering that there working members of Mythic team working in their department it amazes me that they don't already know this considering its happening in their other game. Simply because of debuffs will make it so that people a scared of leaving to get debuffed, and instead will be farmed oppossed to before where these types of games might often close fast to due lack of player, from players leaving. Again it brings ous back to the real core problem is the match making, and pugs vs premade. Easy fix as some already said would be to make X-Realm premade vs. premade queues and regular queues for pugs, it would fix many of these problems already there.
  23. Don't play dumb, the obvious reason a premade stomp pugs are because they: 1. They organized very well often using external voice media to communicate faster, and likely play often together like say guilds. 2. They often outgear other players putting together teams of heavy geared players. 3. They run balanced classes often even as far as to run FOTM setups. You may see other premade consisting of casual grouping together, but these aren't the ones stomping and steamrolling pugs down, i think you have enough common sense to know this, you just like it to appear differently. You know a team of pugs forming a premade together will have little to no chance against these type of premade, WAR has shown this pretty well with the Redgaurd and Crimson FOTM premade setups.
  24. It is still a problem rooted in the queue up system, think most with a ounce of logic would rather play through a possible win than quit, requeue, wait and jump again countless of times maybe jumping around different Warzones for 20min or more in a attempt for a easy win. Problem is just the odds of a actual chance for a win is drastically reduced by fact, the match up system is really poor atm, and allow for premade or overly geared players to easily stomp the opposition, easily getting their wins, while other teams have to endure a painfully grinding exsperience instead, this is part reason this is a problem. Before premades started getting setup and people had Battlemaster and so on, this wasn't nearly the problem it is now. Don't tell this is a complete coincidence.
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