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Everything posted by Barzarel

  1. Whats currently making me most sad, in a grey area about if i wanna continue playing is how narrow sighted some class elements been made, forced companions more less due to class disadvantages, to hard content in ones class story near ending of ones class quest, will be a really anti climax for many, if they need to drag in help, to complete whats supposed to be the one thing thats their own in the mmo.
  2. Actually more concerned with survivability, and fact we have no real means to counter any elemental/force power damage, or internal damage, outside our insanely long CD abilities like Saber Ward or Invincibility which isnt helping alot, and our only heal pet doesn't really have any burst heals to make up for how much damage we take from those damage types. Was fighting a single quest force user sith elite in a quest today, i was going out of my head about how poorly our tools to even stand a chance were, disruption on way longer coolddown than i takes them to spam 4force powers before its off, elite can disregard force scream interuption, which leaves force choke on 50min CD approx if you have the reducer, or force push on 45min coold down with talent reducers, or backhand on 1min CD to interupt between disruption coolddown, or lose 1/3 or 1/4 from each force ability they use, because we have zero non cooldown migitation that work here to any useful degree, saying that with near 19% defense rating, shield rating on around 31% and absorption rating around 26% and around 12k health at 47level. And still they can walk over me like i was a joke, kiting helps nothing, pet without any real burst heal, helps nothing, dps pets die way faster than me with all aoe spamming mob do, its a real anti climax for playing tank, when we not even allowed any real damage against strong or elite mobs, what exactly we supposed to do? Im considering today if to scrap my juggernaut or not, im simply reaching my pain treshold playing this class.
  3. Use a few epic pieces aswell with augmentation, a good way to get a few extra stats hit in aswell and get high armor for your level. But not always you can get pieces with augmentation slots in Galactic trade terminal.
  4. Did you start counting them to? because compared to most MMO its alot, i have hotkey icons filled over spanding little over 3hotkey bars filled out at r41. Which makes me wish we had a custom UI, we could make like alot of other MMOs.
  5. If sith Juggernaut gets buffed more, they be unbalanced for open world pvp(mostly so far haven't meet much in open world pvp we can't roll without much effort), and they not bad i have alot of survivability with mine and i am taking down elites without healer pets. If you die to easily, either you taking on to much or doing something wrong.
  6. While i don't like report analystic bullies, in groups which often a side product of such, i must confess i am fusterated i cannot see a list of which migitation are having the best effect for my tanking, giving the large amount of different migitation devices in the game for tanking1: armor & defense/shield/absorption rating. Would be nice to get a overall look at which stat prove most efficient, or how best to balance it out most effectively. But atm it feels like a jungle and trying and testing old school seem to be only option, and guess work.
  7. I was on my way here to place in a suggestion today, only to discover the new forum doesn't seem to have it. Then i was thinking well if the suggestion feature was gone, there had to be a feedback forum, where players could put in their actual gaming exsperience and room for improvements. But neither seem to be around, this a decision made out of fear of critisme, or just a pure overlook or am i missing something here? What do you think?
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