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Everything posted by Grabemx

  1. Varooq'Assault- very nice An IA named Doubleohseven. He had the Agent title. Nice.
  2. People will complain that content is not being released fast enough. People will complain that content is being released too fast. People will complain if it was raining money. Welcome to MMO's.
  3. I'm not bored. I'm 50. Between PVP, datacron searching, exploring, Ilum dailies and alt storylines, hardmode FP's, exploration and operations I can find plenty to do until the next content patch.
  4. Oh and a reduced emergency fleet pass cooldown. 24 hours? really? :-p
  5. 1) new unlocked races 2) upgraded ship amenities like mailbox, mod station, vendors, etc 3)Heirloom items 4) A statue with my name on it in the middle of Dromund Kaas.
  6. Not to split hairs here, but WoW was not the first game to have "talent trees". That can probably be traced back to Everquest's Alternate Advancement system, and basically streamlined to have more of an impact on an individual.
  7. Why does it have to sustain a 7 year game life? Contrary to popular belief, WoW was not the founding father of MMO's. Everquest still has a great gaming community and has been around since 98-99. Ultima Online has been around since before then. Also contrary to popular belief, a game can still be successful without the pandas and night elves. Too many people crowned TOR a "WoW killer" and a redefining force in the MMO universe. Setting these high standards only creates disappointment.
  8. I think what the OP was attempting to get at was Blizzard has 7 years worth of MONEY to refine and develop their game. Let's face it, Blizzard has made millions upon millions of dollars on WoW. They can then turn that cash into investing in upgraded hardware, hiring top notch (cough) developers, marketing, etc. Remember, Blizzard just auctioned off old server blades not too long ago. They used some of their cash cow to upgrade equipment. Bioware (even with EA's money) had limited resources to start up their MMO. I don't care who is financially backing this project, they certainly didn't have unlimited resources to start with the latest and most cutting edge technology. I think the only thing they did wrong at development was buying an engine. They should have developed one. Other then that, BW is starting to see cash flow in. they need to keep tweaking, upgrading and debugging. It's not going to happen in the first month. Should it take 7 years? Hell no. But I believe 3-4 months of tweaking is a reasonable expectation. I think we all know that EA forced them to release this early, because they felt they were sitting on a cash cow. I personally give BW about 3-4 months to address some of these basic concerns.
  9. You know how I knew you were lying? You said you were with WoW since day 1 and you state TOR has had the worst performance issues for a MMO
  10. I just photoshopped a picture of me and Eva Mendes hanging out in Beverly Hills. I also posted this on the internet. It has to be true, right?
  11. I wonder how many accounts registered on the TOR forums are actually Blizzard employees being paid to badmouth this game like they did on the Rift Forums.
  12. And who is Venture Beat? Hold on, going to make a blog real quick to make up statistics about games. BRB
  13. You need another game to "save you"? Might want to go outside and get some sun.
  14. Wow all the facts you presented there in your statement makes me wonder if 105% of statistics spewed over the internet are eleventy percent fictional.
  15. I have played all 3. Replayability SWTOR > WoW > Rift - lets face it, you dont want to play alts in Rift due to only one main starting area so it's basically the same thing. SWTOR brings new storylines to each class and that's what makes it edge out WoW. Difficulty SWTOR= RIFT> WoW - obviously you can now herpa derp your way thru a raid in WoW. Rift raids aren't overly difficult- so I would put them on par with TOR now until BW releases more content. Graphics Rift > SWTOR > WoW - WoW This is pretty self explanatory. Rift graphics are very good, but can take a toll on older machines. Gameplay WoW > SWTOR > Rift i find combat is the easiest in WoW and basically has a very easy learning curve. Storyline SWTOR > WoW > Rift - lets face it, Rift doesn't have a story. If you like a game with deep story, then TOR is the way to go. PVP SWTOR=WoW > Rift - Rift PVP sucks. For now I would probably give an edge to TOR simply because of the interesting mechanics of Huttball and a little more incentive to PVP while leveling (You get pretty nice XP from PVP) Customer Service Rift > WoW > SWTOR- this is really where Bioware falls on its face. Trion is probably the best customer service in town right now Content Rift > WoW > SWTOR- Trion pumps out content like nobody's business. WoW has 7 years worth of content. SWTOR is too new to really offer much at this point. Fun Factor SWTOR > WoW > Rift - Right now I just find TOR very fun to play. WoW is growing stale, and Rift just didn't do it for me.
  16. AMEN. Problem is a lot of gamers are younger and never experienced the GRIND that EQ was. As much as I am disappointed with the direction WoW is taking (and I do love TOR) I am a bit disappointed that BW didn't try to break rules like Blizzard did. For instance EQ required a group to gain any meaningful experience. The only thing you were soloing was selling items in East Commonlands. In order to even find a place to level up, you had to yell "camp check" to make sure all the premier XP spots weren't already taken. Quests were really not like they are in WoW- as a matter of fact despite the name, quests were few and far between. Instancing? LOL. If you wanted a Raid Boss, you basically had to fight hundreds of other players to attempt him- Guilds had loose alliances and a raid group could be up to 100 people. crafting was also revamped by Blizzard. No longer did you have to camp a mob for 14 hours to drop one piece of cloth. Ah Nostalgia. The good ole days.
  17. Why isn't the game fit for release? The launch went pretty smooth outside of some queues (which happen on every launch I have ever been a part of) and some technical errors by people who are attempting to play the game on their Commodore 64? Are there minor bugs? Of course there are, what game that has launched (EVER) has never had minor bugs? It's been out about 2 weeks. The problem is, we live in an "INSTANT GRATIFICATION" era. ITS MY MONEY AND I NEED IT NOW. This isn't JG Wentworth. If you want to keep whining about it, just unsub so my queue will go down. KK THX.
  18. Sorry you haven't paid for it yet. 30 days free with purchase
  19. Let me refresh your memory in reference to WoW's release, since they are clearly skewed. WoW had servers that shut down for days. (not hours.....DAYS). Other servers were down for hours. No queues, no nothing- that is because they were D-O-W-N. It got so bad that Blizzard offered to reimburse people credit to their subscription because they were backed into a corner. Even people who managed to log in on their particular server (you know...the ones that weren't down) had to endure massive unplayable lag, bugged character abilities and other such wonderfulness that Blizzard the unstoppable might morphin old god could throw at you. I received 1-1/2 months of free play time from Blizzard and server transferred 3 times (yes they offered free transfers back then). So take off your shiny WoW fanboy glasses and look at the big picture. Are the queue's in TOR silly right now? Yes they are, especially since BW "rolled" out invites to early access and should have known what the loads were going to be like. But is Blizzard> Bioware at launches? That remains to be seen.
  20. Let me trek back to the year 1999. Everquest was pretty much dominating the online MMO market and was even dubbed "Evercrack". People had to log in at 3 AM because a world boss or raid boss spawned. Whole guilds had actual telephone numbers of guild members to call them to organize a raid. A raid lasted from anywhere between 2 and 8 hours and required between 50 and upwards to 100 people. Crafting required a person to sit online for hours to make the epic robe of epicness because a material to make it may actually be a rare drop or rare "spawn". There was no solo gameplay. If you wanted to gain experience (unless you were a necromancer, druid or bard) you pretty much had to group up with other players. Fast forward to World of Warcraft 2004. Launch was an utter disaster. Servers were down for hours (even days). The queues were legendary. Finally the game got rolling. Crafting was a million times easier. materials were could now be "mined" or "foraged". You can level from 1-60 solo. You were not required to group. Raids could be scheduled at more reasonable times due to "instancing" and could be completed with 40 which changed to 25 people. Expansions came and went. The game eventually became easier. Expansions allowed you to now purchase epic gear with tokens or badges. Blizzard pretty much eased raiding requirements by make epic gear "flow like rain". Now a gamer could log on to WoW for maybe 2-3 hours and be done with a raid or crafting or whatever it is they wanted to do. Fast forward to Star Wars TOR. Launch went smooth for the most part. There were a few bugs and server queues. Crafting has morphed into basically a companion doing it for you which allows you to experience the gaming environment without farming. Raids will only require 8 to 16 people and will be instanced. There is an uproar over server queues that it has come to the point where people will return the game if they don't receive compensation. My point is for us older gamers who had to log in for hours just to craft something and had to get up at 3 AM with 99 other people to raid 1 thing, i have one thing to say to you younger spoiled whiners.........Shut up before you turn a really good game into a Panda fighting pokemon sexcapade. THE END
  21. Let me trek back to the year 1999. Everquest was pretty much dominating the online MMO market and was even dubbed "Evercrack". People had to log in at 3 AM because a world boss or raid boss spawned. Whole guilds had actual telephone numbers of guild members to call them to organize a raid. A raid lasted from anywhere between 2 and 8 hours and required between 50 and upwards to 100 people. Crafting required a person to sit online for hours to make the epic robe of epicness because a material to make it may actually be a rare drop or rare "spawn". There was no solo gameplay. If you wanted to gain experience (unless you were a necromancer, druid or bard) you pretty much had to group up with other players. Fast forward to World of Warcraft 2004. Launch was an utter disaster. Servers were down for hours (even days). The queues were legendary. Finally the game got rolling. Crafting was a million times easier. materials were could now be "mined" or "foraged". You can level from 1-60 solo. You were not required to group. Raids could be scheduled at more reasonable times due to "instancing" and could be completed with 40 which changed to 25 people. Expansions came and went. The game eventually became easier. Expansions allowed you to now purchase epic gear with tokens or badges. Blizzard pretty much eased raiding requirements by make epic gear "flow like rain". Now a gamer could log on to WoW for maybe 2-3 hours and be done with a raid or crafting or whatever it is they wanted to do. Fast forward to Star Wars TOR. Launch went smooth for the most part. There were a few bugs and server queues. Crafting has morphed into basically a companion doing it for you which allows you to experience the gaming environment without farming. Raids will only require 8 to 16 people and will be instanced. There is an uproar over server queues that it has come to the point where people will return the game if they don't receive compensation. My point is for us older gamers who had to log in for hours just to craft something and had to get up at 3 AM with 99 other people to raid 1 thing, i have one thing to say to you younger spoiled whiners.........Shut up before you turn a really good game into a Panda fighting pokemon sexcapade. THE END
  22. Don't lock them, but allow free character transfers to lighter servers.
  23. I just completed all my class objectives on Taris with no issues. Stop playing on a toaster.
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