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Everything posted by Guiken

  1. If they are changing it to a stun I wish they would swap the animation with Tumult, that was such a sweet animation
  2. ONE?! If they refuse to give us cross server they should give you entire legacy transfers imo. It's lazy ********, we shouldn't have to drop $150+ and lose our entire legacy progress because some servers lack the population to support a healthy game environment (PVP or PVE) while they refuse to implement cross-server that has been requested SINCE LAUNCH.
  3. The problem is tanking stats are next to worthless, ESPECIALLY for sin tank when you've got over 40% of the incoming damage that completely ignores ALL tanking stats. It devalues those stats so tremendously you're better off just getting dps gear with fortitude augs because you're going to be nearly as effective as a health sponge but with slightly less laughable damage. Jugs are still very desirable because of intercede, an additional 20% flat damage reduction that lasts for 6 seconds every 20s that can be staggered with taunts for extremely high protection uptimes coupled with aoe shield from taunt. As a pure tank there is zero reason to ever bring a sin over a jug or pt. Armor mitigates 88~90% of all damage in warzones and that is by far assassin's weakest area. Our heals used to offset that by allowing us to sustain through engagements, although we were still more vulnerable to spike. To be more useful as an actual tank however we we would need either more sustain again, or less unmitigated damage taken... as well as one other useful "defensive" utility, lots of ideas there, wouldn't be huge, just one more thing to bring to the defensive table as it were. I was kind of toying with the idea of being able to clone our current stacks of DP to our new target upon guard switch. I also feel like PTs and Sins both should get the aoe shield on taunt. I have all 3 tanks that I play in PVP every day and I can tell you first hand, it's -way- easier to rack up protection points on jug. 350k is a good match on my Sin, 450~500k is par for the course on my jug, who is significantly less geared than my min/maxed obroan sin. Anyway, it's definitely in a sad place post 2.5, and all tanks are forced to waste a significant allocation of stats with such a large portion of damage ignoring actual tanking stats. Being able to shield crit damage would be a significant step towards improving this dilemma. It's already a crit, it's already getting surge bonus, it doesn't need to bypass our defensive stat that ONLY we, as tanks are relying upon. In essence, tanks are penalized for being hit with a crit harder than any other class. It has been and still is a huge problem for pvp tanking in general.
  4. Hell no. The only ranked 4s are when groups decide to que at the same time and generally communicate as such cross faction. Then you spend the next hour fighting the same guys win or lose.
  5. BIRD CLAN BEST CLAN... Wait ****... wrong thread... Penumbral is pretty cool too Just wanted to give a thank you to you all for the RP you put together on this server. If any of you are looking for a guild with nice people and a strong RP background Penumbral is the place for you!
  6. Guiken


    SImley's stream is good from FRE, also Silkk has started streaming our 16-Man raids on weds/Thursdays as well as Heroic Wow Raiding Silkk - http://www.twitch.tv/darklordice I record some of our kill videos@ http://www.youtube.com/user/guiken Will be streaming ranked next season, NiM operations and WildStar betas currently@ Saereth - http://www.twitch.tv/Saereth Other streamers of note in our guild Humio - http://www.twitch.tv/jmshook Wystan -http://www.twitch.tv/sir_wiggles_the_third
  7. Ty, and thanks for sharing your strats, always appreciate those kind of contributions as they make the entire community better for it. Unfortunately I doubt we'll be trying 8-Man thrasher soon, we're primarily focused on 16s, our 8-Man kills are basically just some of us bored on Mondays waiting for resets We gave thrashers two attempts before my power died, he didnt hit nearly as hard as I expected but the mechanics improvement over HM were definitely refreshing. I'm hoping we hit him on 16 within a couple weeks if we're lucky, TFB 16 is being a huge pain in the *** -_-
  8. As Deloth stated we're adding WildStar to our Roster as well as continuing to recruit great players in TOR.
  9. Questions to be asked look good, im disappointed darkness pvp issues aren't even listed as an after thought but unfortunately I think I'm a really small minority that still bothers to play it in pvp. Keep up the good work.
  10. The biggest problem with 8v8 ranked is smaller pop servers, without cross server there just isnt a population to support it.
  11. I was mainly looking at a gearing issue here. Hybrid isnt bad, especially if you can position for those dulpicity mauls often enough. Personally, I really appreciate the utility of wither and out of stealth spike for peels though. Our annoyance ability isn't a huge factor as every tank brings this to the table. In hybrid you are of course DPS Gear as well.
  12. This is actually a really nice idea.
  13. I was looking over different ways to be an effective pvp tank as a darkness sin. We're were not in a good place pre-2.5, and worse so now as an actual tank. We were good node guards, and duelists, now we are node guard/delayers. In fact if that is my function, I often find myself just running deception since I can do the same job and more reliably kill people that come to solo cap. In my testing I've been switching a lot of gear/mods around testing different relics/augments etc. Spec 1: (Survivor Gear) http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/978c0070-687c-47d4-a255-b8fa082e88bf Spec 2: (Stalker Gear) http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/2b7b65cf-a4b8-4fe0-8779-0a8a34a56c75 The Survivor set gives (Vs Stalker) +567 shield +628 absorb +420 Endurance The Stalker set gives (Vs Survivor) +843 Power No matter how you shake it, full fortitude augments seem to be the best bet for sure. The armor values are identical, and set bonuses are irrelevant, switch in whatever armor rings you like, 5% damage is nice, but so is a 3rd recklessness charge for dueling situations/node guarding where you may not have someone to guard. 18.05% increased shield chance, 14.74% increase absorb chance and 4211 health this is an expected survivability increase of 18% for the entirety of your stat allocation vs Full stalker gear. With the amount of damage that cannot be shielded approaching 40% this realistically is closer to 7% increased survivability/TTK at the expense of a great deal of offensive power/pressure. With my napkin math here that seems to be an extremely poor investment of stat budget. Before with the self heals, our TTK was much higher over prolonged engagements and the additional health helped to reinforce that further as a max health ratio to the heal. Now the DR gain is identical regardless of health. Since the changes I've had more success just grabbing 850 extra power + serendipitous relic and contributing towards increased pressure on the enemy team. Yeah.. Power mods/enhancements instead of actual tanking stats now for Darkness Assassin pvp. The idea here is we have good base stats already with our shield generator + dark ward/bulwark, some amazing defensive cool downs and all of the other flat % base bonuses in our trees.The amount we gain by using our entirety of stat budget on tanking stats seems to be dwarfed by the amount of attacks that can be shielded at all, crits/internal etc and our massive HPS nerf. HD stack Healing increased our TTL dramatically in extended engagements and scaled with our health and tanking stats, not the case anymore the DP Bonus is now uniform despite other factors. I'm not trying to advocate to bring our heals back here, just stating observation. The state we're in right now is Kinda disappointing. I've played Darkness in pve end game raiding and ranked pvp since its availability/pre-launch beta and I'll keep playing it, but I've got a PT and a Jug ready to gear for ranked 4s next season :/ What do you guys think about this? Really ins't a lot of discussion about pvp tanking for us these days.
  14. Reign went in to clear up to TFB for our 16 push tomorrow, decided to knock out the 8man achieve for Kephess while we were clearing. Kill Shot http://i.imgur.com/F7VFWbI.jpg Kill Video
  15. Completely Agree Cyran. How many nights were we the only 2 tanks queing in ranked. It's just beyond ridiculous. I kind of have a feeling they just want to let the lighter population servers die off and slowly merge them all into healthier population servers, unfortunately.
  16. That actually makes alot of sense. Our Merc healer tebor made the joke that it said it was targeting him which was the only way he knew he was safe It did switch to him quite often now that you mention it though. Perhaps having all healers run out towards the end would help
  17. So on nightmare Kephess there seems to be an issue with the barrage mechanic. Specifically, the people that get targeted never actually get targeted. It also seems to randomly change targets making that particular mechanic extremely frustrating. In the video here where we managed to down him, around 5:50 we're heading into the final phase with most of the group still alive and going strong. The red text clearly indicates barrage on Dav'ros so he runs out of the group. The barrage never actually went to either of the people that were called and instead just chose random targets in the mass stacked on the boss during the final burn phase. How do you other guilds deal with that in nightmare where the barrage quickly wipes your raid. The only option I've thought of to handle it better is forgoing all dps for a few seconds, completely scattering until its over and then trying to resume dps. Any other thoughts?
  18. Meh my spec is in pretty bad shape since 2.5 but what the hell i'll get in on this with low expecations
  19. Im fine with this actually... but what about pvp tanking
  20. Reign cleared Operator 16-Man Nightmare tonight, was not a pretty kill, but its done. I think that's server first, not sure anymore
  21. Had some no shows last night for 16 so we went in to grab NIM operator, kill video here; dont mind my pandora playing in the backround this is raw footage Achievment at the end of the video Made a couple attempts on khephes and got him to 3% before people had to go -_- 2.7 NIM stuff looks exciting
  22. I also would agree that 1 pug shouldn't be a huge deal, but more than that becomes an issue. Preferably it will always be full guild runs but when it cant be I would put forth that we allow 1 pug in 8man raids and 2 in 16 man. This keeps it 85%+ full guild run and most likely that pug would not have made or broken the attempt. I don't agree that 5/8 guild is acceptable, thats almost 40% of your group non guild. Overall, I think they should get credit through warlords and a rule addendum be made to allow for a filler pick up
  23. There are like 2, maybe 3 active teams on jungma that are decent. And they occasionally fight each other or stomp any other team attempting to get started in 4vs. There is Zero rated competition on jungma and most of the 4s rated teams are inflated rating against pug groups just hoping for ranked comms. Without cross server 4v4 is a complete joke on Jungma, as well as other servers as he said.
  24. Mats+1mil tip for a hilt seems kinda pricey :/ That's a pretty nice setup you guys have goin on there though, the layout is nice too.
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