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Everything posted by shepardcomander

  1. They said the same thing about "big plans" for space combat 6 months ago, after 6 months an actual team could turn "big plans" into something worth talking about but bioware still isn't talking about it. Unfortunately "plans" can be defined as just a few scriblings on the wall of crazy.
  2. They only mentioned the existence of a "secret space project". They never mentioned a team to implement it. Since they only talk about things after they're confirmed and they've never mentioned the team...
  3. /sigh exactly what they said 6 months ago, still just "plans" nothing worth talking about. These new lay-offs mean fewer people to implement such existential plans.
  4. Reality, something fanbois refuse to address. As evidenced by the fact that I will soon recieve an infraction for speaking the truth...
  5. putting ashara in the slave girl outfit and parading her around to remind the 3 othe people on my server that biowEAR is not infallible...
  6. Regardless of what anyone chooses to believe or disbelieve the mass loss of subscriptions is what it is. No amount of fanboisim wil change that...
  7. INDEED! NOT focusing on space HASN'T lead to the loss of 400K subs or the loss of an entire month's income, ... oh wait....
  8. you are not alone, despite what the fanbois claim...
  9. putting action to words. claiming "within the year" means absolutely nothing to my decision to re-up my subscripition whithin the month...
  10. Space combat is a meaningless, uninspired minigame... This was supposed to be my end-all be-all star Wars fantasy, that doesn't exist without me as a kick *** Star wars pilot (pilot's determine a ship's course and speed during combat..)
  11. YES!, Deny this thread's credibility! Such action only adds to your company's investor confidence!!eleventyone...
  12. "early summer"? oh that's so cute that you actually believe game developer's estimates...
  13. Mouse axis inversion would first require swtor to elevate "space combat's" significance in the Star Wars universe to something beyond "mini" game status... Let's all expectantly wait and see how many months it takes Bioware post launch to realize that "space combat" is an integral part of "star wars", it's already been 43 months since the game was announced in October 2008...
  14. 75% of the players here include more in-depth and meaningful space combat in their Star Wars fantasy. At least according to Bioware's own poll. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=391956&highlight=james+ohlen
  15. While you're at it, check to see if her skin still disappears when equipping the slave girl outfit.
  16. *not one of those questions answered so as to give the appearance that not one was asked. It's a marketing ploy. Cherry pick or even plant community issues to "address" then brush all other issues under the rug to create the illusion of addressing community issues.
  17. Will 1.3 bring any improvements to space combat? Or do you feel a single player only mini rail shooter is the picture of perfection for modern mmorpg content?
  18. 1. december, 2. january, 3. february, 4. march, 5. april, 6. may That's 6 months, time to roll it out Bioware,
  19. Certainly entitled to your opinion, I'd just point out that 1.2 focused entirely on those things you're worried about (PvP, Flashpoint, Ops) and yet the game still lost 400K subs AND and entire month's income (free 30 days for near everyone). My opinion is that something different must be done to yield a different result at the next quarterly report.
  20. Not sure us giving them feedback helps. They announced the fail rails in summer 2010, after 1.5 years of us warning them that no multiplayer option is wrong for mmo's and not letting players control their avatar is wrong for rpg's they charged right ahead, insisting how "awesome" a single player only mini rail shooter would be for a 2012 mmorpg. http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/16175-pax-east-space-combat-demonstration If Bioware does listen to fan feedback, their actions say they summarily dismiss said feedback immediately after listening to it. Didn't the anti 3d space combat crowd insist, pre-launch that a single player only mini rail shooter was absolutely good enough to retain subs? Now we can see how wrong they were. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/star-wars-Old-Republic-Subscriptions-numbers,15573.html
  21. want the ability to fly my own ship as a pilot, also with and against other players in their ships.
  22. Don't forget the dewback mount available for the low low price of $25 available at EA's newest microtransaction vendor.
  23. Fans of Star Wars style space combat will also likely save their subscription money untill that expac. I remember pre-launch the anti 3D space combat crowd went on about EVE "only" having 300K subs. Now, members of the same crowd have arisen to defend the recent loss of subs as "only" being 300K.
  24. The devs were taken by surprise when tor's "space combat" received a reaction similar to Mass Effect 3's ending and since adopted a rule to not ever discuss the subject without a script from the PR department. PR apparently feels the "secret project" involving space combat isn't worth talking about.
  25. Suffering is exactly what EA stockholders are doing thanks to tor not living up to the hype.
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