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Everything posted by shepardcomander

  1. Freelancer was pretty awesome and a great example of flight controls that give the player freedom without requiring a joystiq. A control method for swtor's space combat similar to freelancer's would ba a vast improvement over current confines.
  2. Heaven forbid people have activities they actually enjoy doing instead of standing around in front of the ironforge bank goo gooing over the raiders' shoulder pads in a subscription based game.
  3. Disagree the last sentence because you'd have to beat me out for that first in line spot. Sadly, I think this thread is merely another example of unconfirmed rumor and speculation rampant throughout the internet.
  4. 4. While I agree that more customization is a good thing, not sure I see the point to getting a better/different ship if no one will ever see it or be at a disadvantage while facing you in it. As long as space combat remains a single player side show there's really no point. Would people raid if raid gear could not be seen or used outside of raid instances?
  5. The game that allows the masses a means to best-in-slot gear that A: does not require raiding B: still requires the same subscription time as raiding will have a healthy and long lived subscriber base. Legacy system has the potential to offer that, let's see if bioware screws it up or not.
  6. If bioware would allow companions to be strong enough to fill in that missing role, there would be far less shouting for tanks/healers.
  7. How much longer before we get multiplayer space combat in this massively multiplayer Star Wars game?
  8. Multiplayer space combat is an awesome idea for a Star Wars mmo. Making it so a player can control where their avatar goes even better.
  9. I agree, the ability to control my own ship's course and speed during combat, co-op PvE and PvP are needed in a Star Wars mmo that is in it for the long haul. The quicker it happens, the fewer subs you lose and then have to try and re-win.
  10. I thought the subject of this thread was ideas to reduce the amount of unsolicited group invites. Derailment attempt much?
  11. OR, bioware could allow companions to be strong enough to fill in missing group roles to reduce the need to blind invite healers/tanks.
  12. No need for all that, they are already in partnership with lucas arts, creators of the X-Wing and TIE fighter series.
  13. hopefully "soon" means greater developement priority than a rakzombie invasion knock off...
  14. The "tip" about being able to "steer" our ships to space combat zones is a less than thinly veiled insult. If your intention was not to insult your players who are fans of space combat worthy of the name Star Wars I suggest you change it. Somehow I suspect your intention was not to avoid the obvious insult.
  15. Please include the ability to fly our own ship, co-op PvE and PvP with space combat. Please make this a higher developement priority than moar rakghouls.
  16. Then there's absolutely zero risk in bioware putting out a fair and unbiased poll to their player base as to what type of content should be given number one develpement priority then?
  17. OR... the argument could be made that a modern day mmorpg must have all the conventions of the most popular mmorpg PLUS something EXTRA to lure players away or else people will keep playing their established characters on the most popular mmorpg. Meaningful space combat could have been that extra...
  18. Curiosity: does your attention to the forum's screen = inverse enjoyment of the actual game?
  19. then let bioware create an unbiased poll... but since the truth contradicts theier predetermined developement cycle, such will not be done. So much for their claim that future develepoment priorities depend on fan feedback...
  20. agree. Logical solution = implementing both prior to implementing unasked for content such as rakzombie invasion.
  21. and I hope that attention was passed on to the devs as legitamite feedback rather than silenced by unsypathetic forum moderators.
  22. mini gamesa do notcontribute to subrsciber retention. Meaningful aspects of gameplay do. Subscriber retention is essential to longevitivy and further game developement.
  23. Please allow space combat to expand. A ship captain should determine direction during combat if the captain is worthy of the Star Wars expanded universe. The space combat should be both multiplayer PvE and PvP if it is worthy of a Star Wars mmo.
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