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Everything posted by MrSchmo

  1. Ha. I was going to post the exact same response lol. Someones salty today.
  2. Re-read the blog. It clearly mentions that there is a special reputation vendor to obtain rewards from. So yes there is more then titles.
  3. This is the most level headed post in the entire thread. thank you.
  4. Sour **** much? I cant have so neither should you attitude? That's what games like this need. I lofty goal that maybe only a handful can do. You need a high goal to reach for, even if you may never get there, it's nice to know there is always something big to aim for.
  5. The giant void between things in space, also the area behind the dresser.
  6. I checked with my Nigerian accountant… he says it's legit.
  7. That's a pretty sick looking helmet. Let's hope we can find one. There is a a lot, no, ton of green armor that looks awesome but is unmodable.
  8. Well, apparently you can pick them up and do them later. But you must pick them up the day they are available. On Tuesday I picked up Regnant Station (Rep) and completed it. Wednesday I picked up Ardis Outpost Fortification (Rep). I couldn't not finish it due to that Comcast network error in my area. So I just left it in my log. Thursday I picked up New Covar Ice Field (Rep) and completed it. Ardis Outpost Fortification (Rep) was still in my log, I made a few attempts but was to tired to complete it. Friday I picked up Baros Ambush (Rep) and completed it. Then attempted Ardis Outpost Fortification (Rep) again an completed it. Still gave me the Operation reward and BH comms. I received all the correct rewards each day. But I ended up completing Wednesdays mission on Friday. SO if you want to wait to do them in one day. I believe you still can, you just have to pick up the mission on that day which should be to bad. I'm sure you all are on your ship at least once a day. Those are my findings. Give it a shot to see if it works for you.
  9. You can't progess without class missions. I know for a fact Quesh is gated through class missions so you'll need to them up to lvl 35 or so.
  10. Shawdowlands Chicagoland Comcast Cant stay connected. Cant even make it through a space mission. Frustrating but what you going to do? Tray again tomorrow.
  11. Ha. I knew I was right. Thanks for the clarification. I think people get confused because they think there is a individual weekly or that they are dailys that can be aquired and done at their convienance, which is not the case. You get one daily a day, if you don't do it that day it's gone, replaced by the next day.
  12. You're either dumb or hyperboling. And I love the pre-complaining thread.
  13. I think thas is intended. You get one daily a day. If you don't complete it that day it drops out for the next days daily. That's how I believe it works, BW can correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I got out of it.
  14. When an op doesnt return to a thread, he is either embarrassed cause he was wrong or a troll. Take your pick with this one. What ever happened to asking for a buff? "Can you buff me please" who would say no to that? Like the poster above, I randomly buff everyone. Why? It's the nice thing to due and cost you zero.
  15. I expected a legit complaint... sadly there isnt one here. Any planet with an HK part has people asking if they are searching for one. Just ask to join a group. Laziness is not a complaint.
  16. There is a Heavy amour named Jedi M.... something. Its Cheap, nearly all black. Only think is its a Heavy Armor only. Check the GTN.
  17. About everything I always wanted to say about maintance times.
  18. The mission mentioned is one of the easiest and quickest missions. Emp at the start on the Frigates. Missle them down. Random fighters. When approaching mines use deflector (#3 skill) and gun down ship. Then use Missles the rest of the time with shields on. Guns only when at full shields.
  19. So many assumptions in this thread. Instead of a 2 sided argument where not one side knows the true details, we wait for more info before people get their panties in a ruffle. There is not one fact given that any PVE objective or mission is in a pvp area, or that west Ilum will even still be PVP focused. Everyone is arguing for the sake of arguing when we ALL don't know the true answer. This is like a gameshow without a host telling us what the correct answer is.
  20. This man has it right. Sending bound items sounds good, but would be very bad in the long run.
  21. Caught me before my edit. Thanks for picking up on that
  22. For the love of Yoda this. Will the area auto flag? we don't dont know. Is there PVE stuff in there? We don't know. Like always people jump to conclusions with out a mat.
  23. They need to change it to what the NPC Jedis have. I believe it's Project Storm or something similar. It's like an over loaded project with multiple project throws and I find that awesome. Why it's not one of our moves I'll never know. How can the NPC Jedis have cooler moves then the players?
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