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Everything posted by Kovaos

  1. Articulate and well written. I agree with all the major points. I love the BIll Gates quote and it is one of my favorites. Simplicity wins.
  2. Kovaos

    lol bolster

    There's not a lot of hope left in the bolster system. I think it was good in theory, but impossible to implement correctly. There comes a time we count our losses, admit our failure, and correct the mistake. Give PvPers back their pedal stools. Let us feel accomplishment for the time we put in.
  3. Kovaos

    lol bolster

    I agree. Those posts are worthless and carry no weight due to a new level cap. The real and only arguments/complaints need to be about 55 WZs/RWZs bolster. It needs to go.
  4. Am I the only one that can't take people seriously who have not set up their forum avatar? Maybe it's just me...
  5. I posted this in the Sage forums and thought it could get a good response here as well.
  6. Another hybrid thread Anyone tried this or similar variation?
  7. I'm in the same boat as you. The people that don't have a healer don't understand what it's like to get targeted and focused. The nature of this thread it to accuse healz being OP right now. DPS has gotten better as well and TTK is down. DPS needs to adjust and stop spamming "the hurtz" keys and start focusing healers or CC them properly.
  8. This is just great! Pistols has done it again
  9. I don't find the claim that the recruit gear was that bad viable. It was fun to see how my classes would progress while upgrading my gear and noticing the differences and the damage/healing I could do. Progression is fun. Stabilization is not. Edit: When you get the gear it progresses again once you augment it and start to min/max it.
  10. I'm only 52 on my Sage. I will try ALL specs possible, but last I used this. I was VERY difficult to kill. My first WZ was terrible, but there was some op who I swear was only going for me and ruining my life. However the next 4 or 5 I was the top dps on my team and in one particular Huttball I was top dmg overall and top healing on my team. Force Barrier saved my butt a couple times, but the spec offered so much in regards to survivability. I was always on the move only standing to cast Telekinetic Throw. I am quite anxious to try the mentioned spec tonight before drawing any conclusions against it. From my past experience it has required me to stand around waiting for procs.
  11. Isn't this a requirement for this build to induce the Lightening Storm proc? This is what makes me nervous about the Lightening/Telekinetics trees. The build up and waiting for this proc may not offer as mobility as per say the Madness/Balance trees.
  12. Do you use the Wrath proc for Lightening Strike or Crushing Darkness?
  13. I honestly haven't seen an issue with healers yet. Cycao is correct - many DPSers try to be turrets without being the support as well. I think it's easy for people to get focused on someone as well, like that tank that just won't die even if they know he is getting leet healz. Even on my GS/Sniper it is imperative to be tabbing on the other players as needed. Use your debuff, CC the guy not getting attacked, but about to attack, stay above and by pillars. These are just a few of the simplest tactics every GS/Sniper should use, but I see underused so often.
  14. I understand this point of view and agree to an extent. However, I came to a personal conclusion I play SWTOR for the gear progression. Doesn't everyone want the biggest and baddest toon possible? The other "epiphany" I had was there really was not a gear issue pre 2.0. Premades are still going to roll face, and I was still viable in recruit gear. I challenge those like me to really draw a conclusion on what you want/expect after playing the game for a period of time. Balance is great, but if you think about the game was already balanced; Everyone had access to the same characters and equipment. Only you prevented yourself form progressing further.
  15. You had the game winning throw. Your team sucked? lol. I topped dmg, healing, and second on objectives on my team. I don't know what my team was doing.
  16. Yeah that's the first time I've ever heard anyone say Assassins were not wanted on RWZ. Strange. On a side note @cycao - I went up against you in huttball last night. I was the Sage, Apacalyptica, that popped Force Barrier during our small duel and got away
  17. I'm going to roll with this. Have not tested though.
  18. He's the idiot? You are suggesting to eliminate gear progression. Good job.
  19. Kovaos

    lol bolster

    No. Just no. The cap is raised and new gear should be the goal now. Your EWH will and should be outdated. The same applies for PvEers. They need to grind a new set as well.
  20. Gear is once again just terrible. The only one I remotely like is the SI Arkanian/Partisan set. Strategically forcing people to buy Cartel sets?
  21. Kovaos

    lol bolster

    My thought was that PvEers should have a chance to PvP. In my augmented WH gear I could compete in 10 mans etc. Anyone who walks into a WZ with no exp would just get rofl stomped no matter the skill level. However, I am not liking the fact that in order to please a few they are hurting the many.
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