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Everything posted by Vlacke

  1. I have no intention of being disrespectful or anything but that is just paranoia which is very unfounded in this particular case. People have complained about lots of things here but out of hundreds of thousands of people who are paying subscription via credit cards no one has ever complained about being ripped off, charged more than he/she should have been etc.No one has also ever complained about compromised security information so it's fairly reasonable to say that you should just relax about it.
  2. Your grasping at straws here, holding blindly to something a developer have said six months ago, and on top of that you have the nerve to call other people trolls. If you are too dense to realize that over the course of six months their plans can change for whatever reasons then the problem is solely at your end. Cough up 10$ or don't if you are being cheap about it, either way nobody gives a damn.
  3. Make amends to who, you? Very amusing to say the least. Seems that you are one of those people in this thread who believe that large content updates with level cap and probably much more which will be announced as they have stated, grow on trees and should be handed out free of charge, well it doesn't really work that way.
  4. Very large content update such as this one can be sold without a question, and you and i both know that they will never ask a subscriber to pay 5$ for a small content patch and yet you have decided to hijack another thread. Your concern is legit however don't keep repeating that all this rant is not about 10$ for Makeb, because it is regardless of the way you try to present it, if it were free then we wouldn't be having this discussion would we? All in all, i will say again, bring on the expansion, i am always looking forward to new content. Large amount of new content for measly 10$ always tops the option of having no large content updates at all and keeping ten bucks in my pocket.
  5. Excellent idea, i support this. Gathering datacrons on all characters is a bit tedious, so this is a great solution.
  6. Apparently there is something in this sentence that some people here do not comprehend.
  7. Quesh size, seriously? You haters need to come up with more quality troll ammo.
  8. Of course i support Makeb, new content is always a good thing as far as i am concerned and i have pre-ordered it just as many others have already done i assume. As for the new class stories i'm fairly positive they will come at some point. Good OP Cel.
  9. I used to do that but now i avoid it completely because when my character is always rested he tends to level to 50 somewhere around Voss. I believe that the rested experience bonus should be toned down a bit.
  10. Pre ordered as well and looking forward to it.
  11. Hilarious, since all you do on these forums is rant, it's unavoidable really. Even if they decided to give us subscribers Makeb for free i have no doubt that you would have a problem with that also.
  12. Your opinion on this matter is also subjective, you are raging because of 10$ for new content for pages now.
  13. That may be so from your perspective. I on the other hand have no problem whatsoever paying miserable 10$ for a beefy chunk of content such is this one.
  14. Exactly, you can't even buy a decent meal for that amount of money, something whiners should consider before they go in strong with their QQ.
  15. The price is rather low so there isn't any problem from my point of view, that aside i'm looking forward to it's release.
  16. Of course there are, that's because the game is good to the extent that the majority of it's MMORPG competitors cannot even come close in terms of quality despite what some might say on these forums, as i said someplace else already, SWTOR is on the rise currently after a rough period, and once BW release Makeb, Cathar and put Ilum back in play things will immensely improve, not to mention that the number of players returning and new coming will undoubtedly rise even more.
  17. "Immersion breaker" - when trolls have nothing else to cling on.
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