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Everything posted by xianpu

  1. Err... I don't blame you for not reading every reply, but a few pages back he DID declare he is better than us lowly peasants, as he is an almighty professor with a PhD in SWTOR.
  2. Okay seriously what the hell? You make really good points in your original post but try some modesty! So you obviously play the game a lot more than other people, that's your choice, but it doesn't make you BETTER than them! I don't usually say stuff like this as I'm a gamer and it's my favourite hobby, but you need to get out more. You are not the "professor with a PhD" of this game... you are someone who has reached max level very quickly and experienced some of the end game. Yes, you have more experience than a lot of people in that area but please stop being so condescending and maybe just maybe you will be taken seriously.
  3. Strangely enough, I find being called "Sir" on my fem trooper kind of empowering. I really don't like the sound of "ma'am". And Sith Lord has more of a ring to it than Sith Lady... Sith Mistress would even sound better lol
  4. Don't think so lol... I didn't know about that. I'm only level 11 on her, when do I come to the bugged class quest?
  5. Indeed, I have a lot of gripes with the game right now, but that's one thing definitely done right. Loads of handy info on it
  6. I rolled a trooper alt and got her to level 10 last night. I just checked my email and I have this from Bioware "Helpful tips and advice for level 10 and beyond" and some helpful information, plus a link to the Trooper Progression Guide. This is fantastic for new players. With the craziness on the forums at the moment I just thought I'd post this thread to say.. thank you Bioware, this is a nice touch! (PS Sorry if this has been known about for ages, I've only received it for this one char so I assumed it's new!)
  7. Thanks I'll give that a go. Glad to know I'm not the only one! It seems they fixed the problem with health not showing accurately and now we have this instead! Hope it gets sorted soon
  8. Hi there, not sure if this has been posted about before because the search function is down. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this bug with PVP/Operation frames... I think every warzone I've been into the last past two days has shown me only 7 players' health, when it's definitely a full team of 8. A few times it's been my bar that isn't showing, but it's often a random team mate whose health isn't showing up for me. It makes healing them difficult... a poor guy just died because of this in my last warzone. Makes me feel crappy as a healer lol. It's becoming a big pain for me. It happens in every warzone and I've tried ctrl+u+u, relogging etc and it still persists. Is it something I'm doing wrong or is anyone else having this bug? Thanks guys
  9. Female body 2 because it's the only healthy looking option in my opinion. Female body 3 is more muscluar than many men I've seen... Oh and I use it for all my chars, but my main is a Jedi Sage
  10. The lady's a genius! This is the perfect solution EA/BW. Although, the forums would probably explode from the QQing...
  11. I haven't had to contact their customer support yet, and I hope I don't have to. From what I've heard it's an absolute nightmare... We could also do with more interaction from them on the forums, we shouldn't have to go to facebook/twitter to find things out. I hate WoW, will never go back, but as it currently stands... their customer relations are a lot better. I find myself saying this a lot lol but I love the game, going to wait and see what happens. *sigh*
  12. I really love this game but I agree with you completely OP. I quit WoW about a year ago and I won't go back, but exploration was so much more fun on there. I do feel boxed in in this game, even with the huge zones like Tatooine... I never truly feel free. There's always a certain way you have to go to get somewhere. In WoW there were exhaustion zones but weren't they generally in the middle of the sea? I can't remember them anywhere else. I decided to explore on Tython when I first began and ran into the exhaustion area restriction so quickly, it was quite disheartening That said, there's enough in this game that I enjoy so I am trying to look past it and see what the future brings...
  13. Yes, if you log out in a cantina you will gain rested XP even when logged out. It's just a nice little bonus to your exp if you log out in a cantina.
  14. Okay I've gotta mention "the game which must not be named" but in WoW you could be casting a heal on someone, then switch to an enemy mob and it would still cast the heal on the person you wanted it to be on instead of yourself. I'd like to see this in the game, it's nice! The operation frames are alright when they work properly... the last few warzones haven't shown my own health in the operation frames though, which is slightly annoying. And companions can't be targetted with F keys at the moment, which would also be helpful! I can adapt, but these are some things that would make a healer's life a bit easier... )
  15. Hmm sorry to repeat myself. But oh my gosh I LOVED that game too! Just realised it's on sale on Steam...
  16. My gosh I loved that game! Happy memories
  17. Have to agree with this I am level 36 and it has picked up a LOT! I'm playing with my hubby (Jedi Knight) and I was soooo jealous of his story, but now... mine is a lot more enjoyable.
  18. What everyone else said Also, from my observations so far... 100 Alacrity reduces cast time by about 0.1 of a second. Not definite on this though!
  19. This has really disappointed me the modding system is one of the greatest things about this game...... I hope they see the error in this.
  20. 34, a teeny bit away from 35! Time played is 3 days 15 hours. I have spent a lot of time crafting, so AFKing in cantinas etc.
  21. I understand how they work.. I've played other games with them. It could be so annoying in WoW for example, if a group of people decided to have a /say conversation in SW. You can whisper each other plus you can make your own channel and chat in there. I just don't like them that's all and I think people/NPCs with bubbles over their heads lessen my immersion. However, I know it's important to some people so I'd just like the option to turn them off if they're implemented. Fair enough right?
  22. As someone else said... I'm all for this as long as they can be turned off, I would find seeing chat bubbles everywhere SO annoying.
  23. Got some pics of it in Balmorra. It was terrible for me in Tatooine too. Got an ATI card and definitely have the latest drivers... it's very annoying, I suffer from migraines but it hasn't triggered anything like that for me, it's just uncomfortable to look at. It flashes as well, last night I was struggling to look at the screen because of it. My husband saw it too, he has a slightly better graphics card than me. It looks a lot worse on mine though. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/213/screenshot2011122914115.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/406/screenshot2011122914114.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/screenshot2011122914113.jpg/
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