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Everything posted by xianpu

  1. If only his off switch was in the back of his head, and the only way to reach it was punching THROUGH his face. He's bloody annoying!
  2. If it's true that romance is the reason Bioware gave for not having more diverse species options, then I'd rather we didn't have the romance in the game at all. *ducks flames* But as it's in already, why not have same sex relationships? It's been said it WILL be added in the future anyway, so it's just a case of waiting patiently for it. There are many other things that need to be sorted out first. I don't know why some guys get so freaked out by this btw. Personally, as it's just a game, I'll romance anything in it if the benefit to my char is good enough lol... whether it's male, female, droid or wookie etc. Actually, forget Ugnaughts, definitely no Ugnaughts.
  3. Ahh I see, it's definitely a huge issue and I hope they fix it soon. I'm not doing operations yet but it's bad enough in warzones.
  4. I was hoping this was fixed. The health bars were working fine when I went into PVP last night and they'd been broken before that. Maybe I was just imagining it :/ gonna run a warzone and check it out.
  5. a.) Never b.) Yes, I quit just after cata (played it at launch, quit for years then came back in Wotlk)
  6. Indeed! Thank you Also, the distance from which you can click to loot is fantastic. Speeds things up nicely.
  7. I'm wondering this too, honestly. Do you mean the cantina band that are called <The Boppers> or what? How does it ruin it for you?
  8. LOL! Made me laugh too. Then I pictured a huge sith warrior on a bicycle or pogo stick... think I'm going a little crazy from tiredness lol
  9. Both would be great and much appreciated - just something to make our item management a little easier. It''s unfortunate they got rid of the suggestion forum too... (I think, I haven''t seen it since the forum wipe)
  10. The epeen battles on that server would be epic lol...
  11. That is so awesome. Makes me wish I was living in the US, I can't imagine the Brits doing something like this lol.
  12. Had this problem too! Run Ventrilo as administrator and it should sort it out
  13. Agreed! This game is definitely not too hard. Don't dumb it down pleaaaaaaaaase!
  14. This post made me laugh. I've experienced exactly the same thing with him and it's driving me nuts. I play a sage healer and my husband plays a hurty Jedi Knight. He leaps into the battle, T7 joins, I'm attacking and Qyzen just stands there doing nothing. When he finally gets there, the battle's pretty much over... and if it's not, like you say, he walks back to me and I have to send him out again. Repeat the frustrating process. On longer fights he's great, he holds aggro like a charm, but he does have some AI problems at the moment. I like his character too, he's pretty awesome. Hopefully he'll get fixed soon enough!
  15. Okay I will give this a shot! (Not the most experienced in these matters, so take my advice lightly lol) A quick google search showed other people with your GFX card are also having issues. Even with everything set to low they are struggling to get past 10-20 fps... That, and another 4gb of RAM wouldn't hurt. I was using 4GB RAM total in my Windows 7 64 bit system until yesterday, and adding another 4GB has improved my computer's performance drastically. Hope you get it sorted.
  16. See, that's the beauty of having a droid like T7! I'm making a dark side Jedi Knight, and he really hates my dark side decisions. A quick wipe of the memory circuits or lie, and he's none the wiser. (I do feel quite guilty though )
  17. From what I remember (last time I played was just after Cata launched) WoW's AH interface was absolute rubbish. The mods Auctionator and Auctioneer were pretty good, if not a little OTT for what I use it for. A few tweaks and the GTN could be great though
  18. LOL! You are on to something there!
  19. Just saw this one: Blindjedi no prizes for guessing which species this guy was edit: Just saw some more gems of creativity in the starting area LOL. Martinskiwalker, and Scorpio (made to look exactly like Scorpio from that episode of the Simpsons, I screenshotted him!)
  20. A fix I've found.. open the inventory with "i" instead of clicking the icon, has sorted it out for me so far
  21. Ah, I thought I was imagining it! I joined the queue and it said 30 mins, went to make a cup of tea and came back to a 5 min queue. Lovely!
  22. I know what you're saying, but if they were that strict on the military setting there'd be no facial hair at all and women would have to wear their hair in a neat bun. Since that isn't the case, longer hair shouldn't be too much of a stretch... I do agree it can wait though, it's not gamebreaking, just something that'd be nice!
  23. Well, I've already subscribed but I can understand why people are stressed about this... I think they are doing their best to control the population across the servers, and not make mistakes other MMOs have in the past. It's frustrating having to wait to play this awesome game, but I really believe it's for the best in the long run so I'm being patient. In a couple of weeks I'm sure it will be sorted, and the massive queues a distant memory!
  24. Got to agree with this. I know it's not the most pressing issue at the moment, but it would be really really nice at some point lol. Personal preference of course- but I only like about 3 of the female hairstyles, and that's only because they're the best of a bad bunch. I usually make sure to use the 'Hide Helmet/Hat' option in a game, but I'm doing my best to hide my char's hair at the moment
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