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Posts posted by jimmorrisson

  1. I would like to amicably or unamicably part ways with any companion. I do not see why we have dozens of companions forced on us.


    There is currently a hard to find "Companion Re-locator Terminal". Why not a Companion Dis-locator Terminal were we can exile our companions then bring them back via the other terminal. Their influence could be reset to be used as some sort of sink.

  2. The gear grind would be a lot more tolerable if there was the ONE CURRENCY to rule us. That is either Command Tokens or Unassembled Components.


    To further improve the system Unassembled Components should at least be listed to the currency tab on our Inventory.


    We should also be able to purchase gear directly instead of what we have now, which is:


    (unassembled components + shell ) = unassembled token


    unassembled token + command tokens = high tier gear

  3. The new 252 bolster has been the best thing to happen to the game since the unintentional CXP bug for certain heroics last summer.


    I think he means command tokens, not unassembled Components.


    Making them purchasable with command tokens is a great idea because the command currency is completely pointless now and so is the 236-242 gear. At least the 248 gear gets you setup to grind the 252-258 gear on Ossus.


    I have long advocated for once currency for purchasing gear: COMMAND TOKENS.


    Just rename Assembled Components to COMMAND TOKENS. For the command token cosmetic gear, prices could be then increased to a particular tier's corresponding gear price i.e. Righteous Enforcer's Helmet would cost the same as Eternal Command MK-15 Helm's price.

  4. ... the silence from bioware on gear issues from 5.10 is ridiculous.

    There are two major issues with gear right now: https://imgur.com/a/tzelwea


    #1 - mods and enhancements are bound to a particular piece of gear (ie main hand, chest, etc).


    I understand the armoring pieces being piece bound but mods and enhancements being bound makes zero sense and doesn't allow anyone to min / max their gear.

    1 - this is an intended change.


    That being said, we know there is definitely some friction from this change and so keep raising your concerns/feedback which i can pass to the team.


    We have made no secret of the fact that we know we are due for some big itemization changes to address a variety of issues around gearing.


    Please keep telling us what you would like to see in the future from gearing in swtor. We will continue to gather feedback and as we get into the next year, we will have active conversations with you about future gearing plans.




    Bigger itemization changes will come and we will definitely talk through them with you when they get here (not soon™).





    Ossus gear is not for ALTs or Legacy.


  5. This game is and has been for sometime in "maintenance mode". Also Satele Shan's population cannot be hand waved away with the "everyone is in their stronghold" argument.


    The state of Satele Shan is due to last year's underhanded server merge where all of the west coast/APAC servers were merged into one east coast server, where Bioware waited to the last possible moment to inform anyone about it. That and the convoluted gearing system introduced with 5.0.

  6. As i read someone else say somewhere else - I don't play swtor for the gear, I get the gear to play swtor. The gear is just a means to an end, not the defining brilliance.


    Those of us who only get gear to play SWTOR are not playing as intended. Below is a excerpt from the PVP Bolster Increase topic. I've seen this posted once before when bolster increase was brought up.


    If there is no gear chase from PvP that removes all progression from PvP gameplay and it also removes a part of the reward structure.


    5.* - It's all meant to be a gear chase. A convoluted combination of loot crates, two currencies (Unass Components, Command Tokens), new end game experience points, along with running back and forth between two rooms just to use vendors. That is in addition to a new reputation system and added extreme difficulty mode of an existing operation where a players are fished in to play via gear lures.


    Here is my streamlined system:


    1 currency

    2 vendor rooms: One for Force users and one for Gun users

    and making the new 258 gear Tier 5.


    That way when the rare new player comes along and asks "how to I play end game" just tell them "play game, trade up old gear for new gear using the 1 currency"

  7. Just a guess, but, I think you APAC people need to resign yourselves to the fact that it may indeed be not worth keeping you. That is, making a server for the sake of the APAC players may not be commercially viable (profitable), at least, not at this time.

    So you basically have the choice of leaving SWTOR or not.


    You can see the devastating loss of APAC and more than a few West Coast players by just visiting Satele Shan. Bioware literally waited to the last possible moment to inform everyone that that Harbinger and all other West Coast/ servers (which were also the home of APAC) were moving to one East Coast server : Satale Shan.


    East Coat PVE/PVP players were already migrating to Harbinger (which served both APAC and West Coast players) and APAC/West Coast players who mainly RP were already migrating to the East Coast located Ebon Hawk.


    This game's population was better off prior merge. As I stated in a previous topic, it would have been optimal to move all North American servers to a West Coast data center.

  8. I really just hope they've seen the backlash to this...Keith has proven he's willing to listen to customer feedback...they have time to change how this is going to work and time to tweak numbers.


    I don't care that we're getting new gear - it's needed in many ways...but it needs to be more readily available for ALL players, not just the ones who need it least.


    The current producer has not only continued but expanded upon the previous producer's pyramid tier scheme known as "Galactic Command". Under the current producer the following was rolled out:


    1. Expensive new augments which required farming Ranked PVP for crafting materials or purchasing cartel store gear to auction for credits to purchase the materials and/or the augments themselves.


    2. Update 5.5. United Forces which saw all West Coast servers merged into a East Coast server then waited to the last possible moment to inform everyone about it.


    3. Upcoming Update 5.10: This Holiday Season grind for more rep, more currencies, and attempt to complete a master (nightmare) mode version of an existing operation. All for the carrot incentive in the form of higher level gear.


    Granted, Galactic Grind became easier, although unintentionally in the form of a daily and weekly bug which saw certain planetary missions yield 1133cxp each.




    It doesn't matter in the warzones.

    Skill is about the only thing that matters in the warzones.


    When I came back 5 months ago I still had my 208 gear, and I was killing just as many 248s as I was any other player.


    Gear only really matters out in the open world, but like I said you hardly EVER see anyone in the open world PvP instances.


    This is fake news.

    Gear does matter and you were being carried by geared players.


    Also "Open World PVP" should be read as "Ganking PVP".

  9. Patch Notes will be available on Monday, here.


    Game Update 5.9.3a


    The Merciless Seeker Armor Set has been added as a rare drop from The Eyeless during the Rakghoul Plague event.


    Patch Notes are up.

    Nothing about the Holo Rancor mount issue. If or when the issue is fixed, please make the holo-effect darker, brighter, and bolder than before.

  10. I want nothing less than a return to 4.0 vendor gearing. This 5.0 gearing system drove this game into the ground. This game along with the upcoming final Clone Wars episodes are the last good Star Wars in this Disney Era


    Bring back Dark Reaver (Deceiver PVE) while you are at it.

  11. This is what we know so far from the PTS and the Devs. (Source is Dulfy : dulfy.net /swtor-masterwork-armor-crafting-acquisition-in-patch-5-10/)


    There are vendors on Ossus that will sell the gear directly for 4 Masterwork Data Crystals each. They also require Hero reputation rank (something to consider if you buying gear via alts).


    Here are some of the ways you can acquire Masterwork Data Crystals


    - 1 each week from new Weekly Event Missions (i.e. complete 4x Master Mode Flashpoints)

    - 1 each week from [WEEKLY] Daily Area: Ossus (i.e. do all the heroic daily missions on Ossus once)


    - 500 Unassembled Components per Masterwork Data Crystal for the first exchange of the week,

    - 1000 Unassembled Component for subsequent exchanges (unsure of weekly hardcap) with a vendor on Ossus

    - Very rare drop from Command Crates at Command Rank 300


    The important things here are each piece will cost 4 crystals. You can earn 2 crystals from weeklies. One of them 4x Master Mode flashpoints?



    This is Galactic Command * 9.11

  12. Last yea'r new offering which was the Holo Rancor Mount is now visually bugged at least for myself. Where 'visually bugged' means the ghost holo effect has been pretty much removed.


    I was going to going to make a suggest topic on making the holo effect more visible. However given that the effect is p much gone I expect it to be fixed around the same literal signature issue is fixed - which has been bugged since update 4.7.

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