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Posts posted by jimmorrisson


    Kerry Hopkins from Electronic Arts stepped in to say:

    "we don't call them loot boxes - we call them surprise mechanics."


    (Now we know where Ben Irving was getting his instructions from)


    From the same office where current producer gets their instructions from.

  2. Many players hate Huttball and want quick matchups, rather than longer drawn out ones that usually entail more drama, not to rain on your parade.


    Many players hate Arena and want balanced matchups, rather than short ones that usually entail premades

  3. Prior years around this time any bugs or exploits usually remained intact until the Bioware returned from Christmas Vacation (Vendor stack exploit, Ravagers shortcut).


    Just as new pvp map would be kept in heavy rotation until Bioware returns (see Rishi Arena, Yavin, Vandan). Solution: bugged maps should be put on low rotation until the fix.

  4. the only reason to rush and get the max gear is if you pvp or do NiM/MM stuff. Otherwise, don't worry too much about it, just play the game the way you like, enjoy, and get gear as you progress.

    just play the game the way you like

    get gear as you progress.


    That was 2016's talking point for EA's top-down dictated "Galactic Command" rng monetization scheme


    This is $current_year


    This is $current_year where RNG has been expanded to RNG vendors, of which only appear on the weekend, using gear tokens (tech fragments) which are now rewarded even less, with more gear slots (tacticals, amplifiers) to grind for.

  5. There is no hope for this game. After 2 years of Galactic Command RNG and 1 year of Ossus we were somehow given a gearing system even worse than the previous two.


    Alongside grinding the new in game currency "Tech Fragments" (formerly Unassembled Components) millions of credits are now needed just to purchase direct RNG gear boxes alongside sure-to-be extremely pricey augment kits and augments. That is in addition to the costly mod extraction gear prices.

  6. As opposed to players like you who have a four year history of whining, betching and complaining about everything BW does, yet still sub just to carry on doing so?


    For the past three years, the <insert overly exaggerated characterization here> of players towards EA and Bioware is entirely justified. Monetizing the endgame by forcing players to grind content over the years has only forced players out of their games.


    I'm ok with the stories.

    I'm not ok with spending more time grinding content for gear than actually using the gear in game.

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