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Posts posted by jimmorrisson

  1. I will take Odesson Map over


    1. Yavin Warzone - Features OVERBEARINGLY LOUD CANNONFIRE to the point where no one wants to guard, many quitting the map upon load.


    2. Voidstar Warzone - Use EAST and WEST when calling out for help. East Door and West Door is actually used by match's narrator. (Yavin's map nodes are referred to as "Jungle" and Relics" due to their in game names on the map).


    When guards call out LEFT or RIGHT which is dependent on the player's point of view. Many, if not most times when someone says "LEFT" players will rush to the other side.


    3. Arena Warzones - While matches are quick - this map has way too many quitters do the team and opposing team's balance. Also should not reward less UAC currency than 8vs8 matches.

  2. Sith Recluse armor droid

    Why is there no option to hide the droid?


    The armor is really cool, but that little droid that pops down when you bring your weapon out ...



    In most cases I like armor flourish probes with the exception of Sith Recluse.


    Potential solutions:

    • Remove flourish probe outright

    • Variant armor with no flourish

    • Armour flourish is activated by key - perhaps the same key used for mount flourish.



    There is no MERC/JUGGS problem


    There is a problem with turbonerds outfitted in 248 gear augmented with 240 augments rolling over lower geared characters, many of which were just created due to the recent double XP events.

  4. This game was better off prior server merge. I suspect that the two east coast server plan was a cost cutting move to impress EA for job promotion purposes.


    Hey folks,


    As many of you know, on Tuesday Keith explained that in preparation for United Forces we moved all current west coast servers into our Virginia data center. Here’s some of the key questions we have received about the North American datacenter change:


    Why not communicate this ahead of time?

    We made the decision to not communicate this information ahead of time because we wanted you to have the ability to immediately login and determine the impact to your gameplay experience. This meant we could quickly start gathering feedback on what you were seeing in-game (more on this in the next question). However, we have seen posts from players who made specific decisions based on location (such as character transfers) and we will be in touch with them to discuss. To ensure there is no confusion about this update in-game, we adjusted the server selection screen to reflect that all NA servers are on the east coast.


    My ping has gone up since the change and it is affecting my gameplay, what options do I have?

    Please continue to report it! As Keith mentioned in his forum post this is something we are actively tracking and working with our network partners to address where possible. We will be working through this especially over the next two weeks as we ramp up to United Forces.


    Could there be one data center in the Central US so that pings are more even for each coast?

    Creating an entirely new datacenter is a daunting task, even above and beyond the substantial changes we have already made this year. This just isn’t something that was viable in the scope of the changes we made for United Forces.


    Since all of NA is in one datacenter, shouldn’t we just have one server?

    Moving all of NA together would create a very heavily populated server. This would introduce several challenges: 1) Players would likely experience queues accessing the server and 2) It would increase the chances for server instability and downtime. There are also a variety of other issues, but a key concern was combining all of North America would result in substantially more character name collisions.


    We hope this answers some of your questions and lets you know what’s going to happen over the next couple weeks. Please remember, on November 8th we will move all players to their new servers during an extended maintenance (currently looking like 12 hours). We are also discussing starting a few hours earlier than usual (e.g., 2 or 3am CT), but will let you know a few days beforehand.


    Thanks everyone.



  5. Under the current producer's tenure we seen the colossal disaster known as United Forces(Server mergers 2017) which saw the death of all west coast servers, actually server singular "Harbinger" and the merging of all east coast pvp/pve servers into Ebon Hawk. There was also the overpowering of the Mercenary, Commando classes which was allow to fester well over a half year, and to some is still an issue today.


    I realize that the current producer like the previous producer, is just following orders when it comes to CXP but that doesn't explain away the server merges which drove off the west coast and forced everyone else onto Ebon Hawk.


    Reminder the best thing that has happened under current producer's tenure was an UNINTENTIONAL BUG which granted 1133cxp per daily mission.

  6. For Unranked warzones, across the board cross faction warzones will be a disaster not seen since the recent server merges and loot crate implementation of Expansion 5.0


    There is a case to be made for cross-faction ranked and Star Fighter. However Unranked Warzones should be only cross faction during extremely slow time periods of the day (Early AM hours).


    There is a noticeable portion of the game's PVP population who do not like playing alongside PVE and PVE/RP much less other factions. Whenever a cross faction map appears there are always insta-quits.


    On a related note, the cross faction Yavin map's obnoxiously loud cannonfire sound volume has yet to be reduced.

  7. Yavin node cannon fire sound effects needs to be substantially lowered to at least that of the Alderaan maps.


    VoidStar's doors need visible markers on them so we don't have to go by "Right" or "Left" which is dependent on one's point of view. As it stands now "East" and West" is most accurate (East and West is used by in game chat information i.e. "East bomb has been planted" or something to that effect).

  8. I must be the only one who likes the empty ships. Sith Inquistor's for example have companions in almost every Ship's quarters to the point of one of the companions residing in the hallway. For my Powertech, I plan to start (yet not finish) the Knights Of expansion just so I do not have to see Skadge on my ship.


    In the past I have advocated for an option to hide companions on ships. In addition, for those who started the Knights Of expansions, adding the now hard to find Companion Relocator Terminal which returns companions without affecting any storylines.

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