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Everything posted by Kashley

  1. Nope, they didn't listen when they lost 400k subscriptions either, its gonna take them dropping below the 400k total mark to do something!
  2. Can we also get links to your devs twitter/facebook/myspace sites since they seem to answer people more frequently off this site then on it? Thank you.
  3. Poster is blind. This much time has passed, the people who are quitting now are not rage quitting, they have legitimate complaints and justified reasons to leave. I guess your the kind of person who just takes money and flushes it down the toilet for entertainment.
  4. +1 For attempt Prediction: Closed/Ignored
  5. As fast as threads get closed around here, I dont understand why no one with yellow text has come in here and addressed this. Its a legitimate concern the OP has thats being ignored.
  6. I would be curious to know if 1.3 is still an accurate figure. I am also willing to bet that after 1.3 that number is going to drop again. No significant features other then server transfers have really been discussed so they will condense players, however played content is played and no ranked wz's is going to take its toll on the player base. You can only play Huttball so many times before you realize it means absolutely nothing.
  7. Kashley

    taking to long.

    Absolutely! You see players were complaining on how fast and easy it was to level. You see our new strategy is to make things nearly impossible to get done therefore upping the difficulty level of the game. Enjoy! /sarcasm
  8. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/269533/old-republic-will-be-biggest-mmo-failure-ever/ Who said people couldn't tell the future? This guy was spot on... its a shame we all called him crazy, and I am assuming since what he has predicted has pretty much happened, that BW/EA was also panicking pre-launch. Makes sense now why they charged so much for the collectors edition, they knew initial sales were the only place they were going to make their money because they certainly are not retaining subs, or at this point even trying...
  9. Your account date suggest otherwise unless you have multiple accounts...
  10. Get to 50 come back then after you have PvP'ed and PvE'ed and have perspective. Then come back and read this post... you will laugh yourself to death....
  11. Funny... I sum up the PvE crowd like this... 1) The last to complain because they dont push their characters as hard as pvp players. Improvisation is always harder and requires more responsiveness then memorized mechanics. (Did it ever occur to you were the first to complain because were the first people that things like ability delay severely impact?) 2) Easy to please since once a game is released raids just need slight tweaks to please you. Excuse the pvp population for needing more than one giant boss in the middle of a room for 16 people to smack on to entertain us. (Call me crazy but if thats all it takes to make you feel warm and cozy inside I hate to see what else you have settled for.) 3) Probably true. We have standards and refuse to pay for a garbage product. You win there. Now if BioWare would just stop begging us whiners to come back with free game time.... /sarcasm
  12. Forum PvP for the win! Seriously though.... These forums are always more entertaining then the game. Even at launch when the game was brand new I alt tabbed to these. It just doesnt have the 'meat' to keep people engaged. Well people who require more than interactive video clips to keep them engaged. Some of us more..... Demanding players require features... Like viable PvP.
  13. This is what happened.... 1) Game released with a HUGE ability delay. 2) Game had huge problems, including a memory leak in Taris (that had been known about since beta yet it still was around for release) that caused players to get extremely frustrated with the game. 3) Faction imbalance made 'Huttball' then end all be all game for pvp for so long people got fed up and went to pve. 4) Players went to pve and had huge problems clearing content due to bugs and glitches that wiped groups, then on the off chance things dropped they didn't get loot. - First major dip in players occurs - 5) Illum bugs after a patch and players (specifically imperials) take advantage of the glitch to farm massive amounts of honor and valor levels leading to major imbalance in gear/valor ratio's between the factions. After out crys on the forum and demanding rollbacks for the Gabe and team decide against it. - Mass Exodus Of PvP Players Chanting No Rollback = No Resub - 6) 1.2 Promises entice players to come back. Rated Wz's, Legacy Expanded, New Content 7) 1.2 Launches- No Rated WZ's, No Server Mergers, Only Half Of the Legacy System Launched, Classes entirely reworked. (Sage/Sorc Nerfs, Ops Buffed, Mercs Nerfed,) Class imbalance is worse than ever. 8) Diablo 3 Released Today! Woohoo! - Huge Exodus after free month is up - This is why there is no one around mate =D
  14. "What I am concerned about and have my eyes on, specifically, is that this skill requirement is too high for comfort." Translation: "We may have went overboard with this nerf and this is how were saying were wrong... without actually saying it."
  15. Very very long load times indeed sir on these planets and others.... Intel® Core™ i5-2550K 3.40 GHz 1TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 32MB Cache 7200RPM HDD 16GB (4GBx4) DDR3/1600MHz Dual Channel Memory NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti
  16. I understand your point of view, however PvP is an important staple in good MMO's now a days. People get tired of the PvE grind and player versus player gives people a chance to cut loose and do something different. While you may not enjoy it, the truth of the matter is Star Wars clearly attracts a LARGE PvP population as indicated by the cries for PvP fixes. To ignore that obvious income potential is not only unthinkable, but in a MMO of this games supposed caliber (i.e, the 'WoW' killer) it is a horrible business decision as evidenced by the slump in subscriptions. Additionally I would add, your attitude about 'screw the PvP community' we dont need them anyways let them go is a horrible idea for one more major reason that DOES effect your PvE.... Losses in subscription numbers = Less Money For Fixes and Expansions. I would reconsider your position sir.
  17. Unsubbed about amonth ago and returned to WoW. I still have game time left however I wont be using it. This is my list after some time and space to get perspective on where ToR went wrong for me. 1) Story was interesting, however after the first 50 I made I found myself spacebaring through content way more often then listening to it. By my 4th 50 I didnt care at all about story content, was fed up with finding necessary 'datacrons' and thought the worlds seemed very tunneled. Suggestion: More focus on opening areas. The game is so tunneled it is painful. With as big as the planets are the zones still feel tiny after a couple run throughs. Add quest areas, and.achieves.for going off the beaten path that are unique. 2) Animations are not more important than character responsiveness. This I have to bold. When I was playing this game I felt a huge disconnect between me casting a spell and it actually occuring. I hated this, it made me insane. I literally sat down and timed how long it took my 'instant' HoT to tick on my operative and it took literally no less than 4 seconds. This is longer than casting an actual heal. While I understand there will be some delay, a 4 second delay to watch a probe come down from the air to tick on a player during pvp is frustrating to say the least. While this is the most obvious example I can give, it is apparent on every level of gameplay for me at least. While some people may not notice this. I challenge you to go play WoW. I was shocked when I went back to WoW at how accustomed I had become to frantically mashing a key praying for it to go off, compared to WoW where you press the key and the spell goes off. Suggestion: I honestly dont know how to fix this. Maybe this is just one of those things that is going to have to be a learning curve for future mmo developers. 3) No variety to pvp. I love mmo pvp. I understand it wont always be balanced and that there are usually 'fotm.' However I have to ask myself why BioWare nerfs, buffs classes like they do. It appears they dont know how to find a happy medium. I never played a sorc, but the nerf they incurred was silly. Did they play the class before they decided to nerf it into the ground? Then the buff that operative/smuggler healers got made them god like. I dont understand the reason the nerfs/buffs were so huge. For a game thats pitch line is basically to become 'one' with your character the balancing favors abandoning your hard work on whatever class you choose to be your main for whatever fotm is current. This is not how gameplay should go, slight nerfs and buffs to bring things into balance. Not so hard you destroy a whole class. Suggestion: Dont bring the hammer and listen to your pvp players. They tell you when its wrong. And for that matter, dont just rely on test center, PLAY THE CLASSES YOU NERF AND BUFF so you can have a realistic handle on what you're changing. 4) Variety. There is none. Everyone looks the same. Armor isnt unique. Even with the orange gear it feels limited to e. The world gets stale very quickly. 5) No reason to raid/flashpoint. This game gave me zero incentive to participate in these activities. First off, the trouble it took to put together a fp group and travel back to the fleet just made it not worth while after the first time leveling. Second, the gear wasnt worth it to me. Why bother? Leveling was so easy it wasnt worth the trouble when I knew the blues I was going to get would be replaced in the blink of an eye on a different planet. (This goes to leveling difficulty, which was a joke. I knew people who damn near had level 50's in the first week of early release.) Next raiding offered nothing that really made me want to do it. First where were the interesting mounts that made me go 'Oh! I have to have that!' In WoW for example, I see a guy standing in the middle of Orgrimar glowing yellow. On inspection he has Tabard of the Lightbringer. I think to myself, thats flashy! I want to show off like that... Thus motivation to raid. I didnt see anyone with anything in this game that made me go, 'Oh! I has to have!' Suggestion: More flash. This game is in need of shiny baubles to attain via pve. Little things to make it more interesting. Maybe appearence items, or cool skills you get like the legacy skills you can only attain from raiding? Idk... Something is better than nothing. 6) Lastly this games economy was awful. Why did I bother crafting? I didnt make money from it. I didnt sell anything I made. Even my augmented Warhero armor I crafted I couldnt sell. It felt entirely pointless. All in all these were the main game breakers for me. While I know most wont read. Its my opinion on the matter.
  18. Of that 1.7 Mil.... 500,000 On the Fatman With New Rerolls Everday... (The Fatman is about to have a brain aneurysm) 500,000 On the Swiftsure.... (Why hello queue times!) 700,000 dispersed over the rest of the servers makes for lonely players!
  19. So, this is not a complain thread. Let me just start with that. Once upon a time I was on a server that was heavily populated. (So heavily populated that it had queue times in excess of a couple hours during start up.) This server had many instances on Dromund Kas and other starting worlds. It was easy to find groups on the fleet because everyone was always running different groups and flash points. Well, needless to say things happen. People disliked how slow changes were being rolled out, didn't like the way pvp turned out, didn't like how classes were buffed/nerfed etc. Finally the biggest kick to my servers gohonas was the Ilum debacle where people exploited valor and the gear difference between Republic and Imperial became glaringly obvious. Once roll backs weren't instituted there became a huge drop off in server size. Recently I logged on to this server during peak hours and there were something like 70 people on the republic fleet and 173 on the Imperial Fleet. Most planets had less then 20 people on them with Quesh having a whopping 1. So, disheartened me and a couple friends finally decided to give SW:ToR the boot. Well... its been a week, and while the rest of my friends have stuck to their guns about quitting I am a bit of a sucker. I thought maybe I would reroll somewhere new and try again. I looked over the server list and finally decided my last chance would be on a server labeled "Extremely Heavy." WELL HELLO FATMAN! I log on to it and instantly am mind blown, 200+ people on Korriban 200+ people on Hutta, different instances everywhere! HELLO PEOPLE! I am ACTUALLY running into people everywhere. General chat is kicking, barrens like chat... yes... But IDC! There are groups, jokes, good times, its like an MMO with MASSIVE amounts of people. Im instantly excited about playing again. Swtor dying!? Maybe! But not on the Fatman! So, I get to talking to people in chats and groups and the same things keep getting said. "I am rerolling here, my server is dead, Im rerolling, Im rerolling." "I wish I could move my character." Etc. So now my question BioWare is this. We know you are planning to allow character transfers. BUT with 1.2 about to release and people gaining access to legacy benefits, all of us who are left rerolling no longer have access to the cool privileges we would have on our home servers. I myself have three level 50 toons and a legacy level of 28 on my old server. So here is the questions. 1) When are character transfers going to be allowed? Can we get some kind of ETA? 2) When we transfer a character over, (particularly the original toon that created our legacy) will we be able to keep our legacy level and have it branch onto the new characters we have on the new server? 3) What will character transfers cost? 4) Will their be a limit on how many characters we can transfer? 5) Will certain servers not allow transfers that are already heavy and extremely heavy? (AKA Will you limit the influx of people on to servers such as the Fatman?) If I have missed anything else feel free to post questions here that you may have. But some answers would be AMAZING.
  20. Kashley

    Voidstar Cheats?

    Ty! Just noticed this... Really annoying!
  21. Kashley

    Voidstar Cheats?

    So, we get past the first room.... Everything is going smoothe. No walkways have been opened up yet, but a bomb gets planted on the other side...? Are people jumping the gap now? Seen this a couple times now. Broken? Anyone know?
  22. You must be the level 50 this morning who took like 5mins to kill me on Voss while I was level 45... If you L2P classes healers are not OP!!
  23. I mean, how can I argue with logic like this? "I have so much standards?" I am sure there is a portion of people who think the game is great. But in 6 months when the game is one long empty corridor devoid of people and life don't say I didn't warn you. As far as the 'overwhelming majority' when BW posts their sub numbers post 30 days of free time I would bet you're going to see a decline in subscriptions. Additionally, I would BET money that pre-patch 1.2 subs will have dipped dramatically. However, BW isn't going to release those numbers. If they were rolling in subs right now they would have that **** scrolling across their homepage like WoW did. "12 Mil Strong... BLAH BLAH BLAH" Chances are, you're actually wrong.
  24. I disagree, the game has issues. But to each there own. Apparently YOU enjoy it. I am happy you do, however, 1.2 patch is too late for me and many others. The game is bad for a lot of people who have standards.
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