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Everything posted by Schwarzwald

  1. there is no rotation. Apply sunders, then play by ear. This isn't rage, you need to use your brain to be good on this spec. Trial and error is the best way to go about it.
  2. a random mishmash of pieces I've had sitting in my bank from when I leveled. When I find the time, I can find out the names for you.
  3. This is good. Same stuff I posted about from PTS in my immortal thread when I was testing out various hybrids. My only concern here is does Sonic barrier offer more mitigation then the damage reduction from deafening defense. Sonic barrier seems, imo, to offer stronger mitigation in a shorter window, while deafening defense will offer a broader mitigation. But lets say you have 1000 hp left and get hit by an attack that does 1500, sonic barrier would prevent you from getting dead, but I am not so sure if the base deafening defense would. I estimated that Sonic barrier would give you about 800 Hp shield, which would save you from that hit, but with the mitigation from deafening defense, you would still recieve 1215 damage, enough to kill you in this selective example which is biased towards sonic barrier. But its something to consider. While flat mitigation is wonderful I am unsure if it will prevent and keep you alive as long as sonic barrier. Since you have the reduction on force scream CD as well... I wonder if the combat parser can give information on this.
  4. Not really sure how mandatory Dreadnaught is going to be. War Hero is toning back on the Str and because any geared person is going to have a lot of Expertise, I'm not sure if the minor STR is going to be more of a benefit over 8% ravage damage. The formulas act a bit differently because of how much expertise everyone has. At first I thought Biowares decision to not really change around the Power and Surge on the BM gear was a terrible, terrible nerf, because all that stuff you saw on Dulfy's spreadsheets indicated that we could be gaining LOTS of power and surge in our gear. Well that didn't happen, and initially I was really pissed off. Then I realized that in comparison to my old gear which had only 12.5% exp damage, I now have something like 21.5 exp damage, which is nuts and probably provides more then what that added Power and Surge would ever do under optimal conditions. So really, because of how much epxertise we have, I think its better to put points into skills which will do a significant percentage increase on your hard hitting abilities. Example : My 2/2 Ravager got me an overall 9000 ravage. If I was 0/2 Ravager I would only get 8280. I don't think the 0-3%-6% difference in STR would ever come close to having a 720dmg difference in your burst. Its your Burst you want to emphasize, becuase that is what is going to bring targets down when you are focusing an opponent with your teammates. the 6% str isn't going to make your crushing blows any significantly better, and really that ability is great mostly because of the instant 5 stacks of sunder. Combine that with a sniper shatter shot and then team up with a marauder and you will drop heavy armor tanks in seconds.
  5. yeah pretty much, the tl;dr of this build is it provides you the ability to keep your team alive while also being able out to thin out the numbers of the enemy. So you are kinda working with a flow of mitigating team damage with taunts and well placed stuns while also being able to use those same stuns in the reverse role of cutting down the enemy. Think of it as an equilibrium that you need to be aware of.
  6. soresu the whole time with guard up until my health becomes a liability without healers
  7. I hope you realize that it is near impossible to escape a ravage if you are slowed without using an escape, right? You know that ability? Chilling Scream? You should use it more often. Did you also know that you can land the 3rd hit on someone who moved behind you during the channel?
  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RrGduzrzfzZcMzZMM.1 On average I've been doing about 250k dmg a game. I havn't seen many people doing all that much damage, it seems that there were a lot of balancing changes in the Expertise added to all the new gear. I treid full Veng, and Rage and neither really seemed to compare to Immo, not even close. Targets are getting killed a lot faster regardless of the healing changes, so you are not constantly fighting people who were getting topped off. The new rage rotation is kinda meh, and I don't feel like learning it at the moment. But honestly, deep Immo just got soooooooooooooooo much better due to the ravage changes. You can burst nearly as hard as a rage jug did pre 1.2 but with stuns and ****.
  9. Right now I'm 31/6/4 and I'm thinking I'm liking this even better then the hybrid I posted. I havn't tried the hybrid yet, but the Ravage damage is still amazing regardless. Charge for the vindicators bonus + adrenals/relic.. I had 2.5k, 3.2k, 5.2k ravage on a sorc earlier. Ravage is NUTS. Oh Also, you wanna do some funny stuff to a trooper healer, get a marader friend, do one of your stun,s then both ravage at the same time and watch the guy die instantly.
  10. Since War Hero gear is a strange combination between a clown outfit and Sauron, I've decided this looks much cooler. http://i.imgur.com/ihUo0.jpg
  11. Being unable to land the 3 hits from ravage is the fault of the player.
  12. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop making these ridiculous claims that pocket healers are some sort of exception. You are still absurdly powerful if you know how to play properly and know when to disengage from a battle.
  13. As a juggernaut you can earn 13+ medals easily before 1.2 while in a losing game. You are doing something terribly wrong. So pretty much your argument boils down to you not being aware of how bad you are.
  14. None. For PvP atleast. Matrix Cube still gives the best benefits and offers the best, consistant DPS for the duration of PvP fights. The damage procs are unmitigated and it is intended for purely PvE. I would not use this at all in PvP for a juggernaut. We do not hit often enough to get full benefit of the proc rate and the small hits it does do over the course of a PvP fight would be outweighed by the stats on the matrix cube.
  15. I don't get how you can't use it all the time? Spam grenades, Spam Shatter across several targets, Spam snipe on a Target w/ clusterbombs, spam poisons, etc. When I play, granted only lvl 31, I try to make sure to use EMP every time it is up and try to get the CD rolling ASAP just so that I can maximize my potential adrenal probes. If you also get the talent for the 6% healing, then you could use the skill just to help top yourself off. I don't understand what you are doing with all your buttons though if you are not popping AP all the time. Unless there are some abilities that cost no Energy.. But one thing I've noticed so far, in comparison to MM, I feel that while this build takes a little longer to drop a target, you never run out of energy, so you can continuously use your best abiltiies over and over while moving onto the next target without having to wait for energy to regen.
  16. I havn't looked at much of the sniper changes for 1.2, I'll have to check them out, thanks. And yes, this build is purely in terms of PvP, cause slaying dragons is pretty boring.
  17. I'll start this off by saying that my Sniper is only lvl 31, so I am not sure how the class fleshes out once you are 50 and in atleast full Champ's gear. But I've got a pretty good handle on this class' mechanics thus far and I am really curious as to why I see so many people shunning Engineering? I've played and tried to popularize uniqeplaystyles on my jug and it worked out quite nicely, like the thread in my signature, so I thought I would take a stab at trying to see or make some good out of this engineering tree. My question is Why don't people use it? Maybe I'm playing Marksmanship wrong, but I am able to get good combos on making sure to cast exploding probe right after ambush to squeeze out more burst and then follow up with a followthrough -> snipe, but even though I burn through a single target really fast, I run out of energy and then I'm done for a while. As I said, maybe I'm not playing the skill points properly, but currently, I do way more damage while in Engineering. So should I expect things to change when I am 50? cause right now I am blowing people away and NEVER running out of energy as an engineer. The spec I really want to try out when I am 50 is the following. 0/21/20 http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400ZrI0bRRboZGbbkrbh.1 Is this build just going to fizzle out into nothing when I hit 50? Because right now I see alot of potential in having AoE zone control and the ability to just spam mid-high damaging abilities all the freaking time. Also both tree's feature abilities that buff AoE and DoTs, and add lots of slows as well. Granted lowbie warzones mean nothing, but I've burned down lvl 48 bounty hunters super fast once I apply all my dots and then start to lay into exploding probe snipe spam. Anyways, get ready for more unorthodox ****, cause I'm going against the grain once I hit 50 and going to piss off this forum just as much as I did to the jug forum.
  18. You use your brain. Every time they use a defensive or offensive cooldown you either use your aoe incapacitate, force choke, or force push. As a rage jug, it should be very easy to drop a Marader. Especially when you hop into Soresu. If you are having a hard time with the class then you are not playing a Jug properly. You have to deny the marader their ability to actually make use of their best abilities. Beyond that, like if a marauder kills you while you have no CD's, then you have to stop crying and realize you shouldn't live in a situation like that anyways 1v1.
  19. Lets not forget that marauders have to expend something like half their health to use the other one in which they take like 98% reduced damage. And they are nerfing force camo to no longer make them immune, so Jug defensive CDs WILL be better then maraduers in 1.2
  20. One of the best Rep Sages on my server, getting blown away. This person, Seria, is Rank 100 btw. so you can't use the excuse 'hurr hurr her gear is ****, hurr hurr' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_y_Jx3Ug4& You are just a bad player if you don't think that rage is just a tad bit ridonkulous. nonstop 5-6k smashes and 3-4k force screams against full BM sages. Yup, not ridiculous.
  21. Jugs > Marauders in any situation, you are purposefully gimping yourself if you roll marauder.
  22. OMG VEEIUS Master of theory crafting, you were right, look at how I am unable to land a single smash, and how everyone I try to kill just seems to always be topped off by healers immediately after my smashes. Look at these people in full pvp gear in heavy armor!!! Dang!! I am just so weak! You are right, this is definitely the weakest build in the game and it needs to be buffed one hundred billion times http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mgiGjSyBqs recorded in the last 2 random games I just queued into, obvious jugs need to be buffed.
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