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Everything posted by Tourne

  1. Well, of the few non-Huttball matches that I end up in...republic seems far better geared than my mixed Columi/Cent gear comrades sporting 70'ish expertise. I just hang my head and buck up to the incoming beating.
  2. Having to exceed the daily wins by multiple amounts counts as a gamebreaker- most of us that do the pvp daily are hit with this every single day. There is no continued fun after having to win 20 times in order to get a quest done that requires THREE matches won...period. My comment to the devs...get your act together- I had more faith in funcom after the botched Anarchy Online launch than I do with the engine and effort placed within the coding of this game. I love the voice/story...I do- but the lack of REAL communication on certain issues happens to be astounding poor...even by mmo standards.
  3. I'm not rerolling to play in a 1-49 bracket...I can understand how it may be of an appeal in (other games) there is no such need to do so here except for laziness or ADHD. You can easily compete on the same level as "geared" opponents with only the slightest of time consumption...it's beyond lenient atm. The only reason that I would play in a 1-49 is if I had no other choice...being lvl 1-49.
  4. Sadly, this would be the case...we would just be giving up one borked quest for another.
  5. How much time should it cost us to complete a daily...that by all accounts we have met the standards for completion over and over again in the course of a day? I'm calling it a rest for the day- for the first time since capping lvl 50 and doing PvP dailies...I'm sick of it. I shouldn't have to play "just another 15 minutes" hoping that the next win will count...when it doesn't. That 15 minutes becomes 3hours before I check the clock again... So here I sit with 7 wins today...still hanging at 1/3 matches won. Overall I feel good though, there's chores that need done and I will actually get to them...but there is a serious bitter taste in my mouth towards my subscription. I don't mind the classes- nor, the lack of any sort of content...who is OP and what is UP. I just mind completing a said task as assigned and the quest telling me that I have not.
  6. Tourne

    nerf friends!

    100% pure and true... Awesome post. Everyone needs to make a sig outta the OP code/coda...
  7. Tourne

    Remove PvE gear

    It also stuns, roots, snares, impregnates your sister and soils the underwear as well...
  8. Tourne

    Remove PvE gear

    I think all the PvE gear should be removed as well...it is not proper that I have to obtain such since skill should be greater than gear. We all should be on an equal footing based on the complaints of certain individuals...progression is evil....yadayada and all that jazz. I'm all for it- all those complaining to have it done in PvP would quit the moment that PvE gear progression is tossed out the window.
  9. ...forums, that's the problem- such a miniscule amount of players actually voice their opinions via this medium. Only the VOCAL minority...which would entail those who enjoy social media/networking, specific Myers-Briggs personality types, those with certain expectations and the ever popular constant complainers. I've played some mmorpg's that I spent at least 3 years without even visiting the forums...it didn't mean that I was happy with everything- it meant that I had other things to do elsewhere. If I took a Poll among a class of art students on how much art impacts everyday life...I'm pretty sure the consensus would be one sided due to my method of delivery.
  10. You just listed them but are saying they have no stuns- just because you don't agree with the implementation of them. I can do so with the Sorc stuns FORCING me to spec into them and away from HEALING. All with a short duration and breaking on damage (on a Dot based class you can't take back the Dot you cast 20 seconds ago so that the stun doesn't break NOW when you really need the opponent held). So, in reality we have one decent stun... The grass isn't greener...
  11. They don't need any adjustment- 1v1 they do exactly as they should do...run away from tougher opponents or fail and die. They have an even chance in all 1v1 battles to win or lose...so do you, unless you can burst- which gives you much higher chance of wiping the pavement with the Sorc. "but what about MULTIPLE Sorc stun/lightning until eminent death!!!" What on earth makes you think you have the right to go up against 3 or 4 other players when solo and WIN? What 3-4 OTHER classes can you go up against and WIN? ...people these days have zero common sense. The key ingredient that people fail to mention is expertise- of course the guy with ONE Cent piece feels like that guy with almost full BM needs a nerf.
  12. You don't speak for mmorpg pvp'ers- just a niche group of mmo/fps/tps pvp'ers wanting no effort involved. PvE/PvP mmorpg's need items as an addiction to leveling- to give a sense of progression and doing something with you character over a long period of time...growing stronger. Without such, you would be the same on day 379 as you had been on day 1...that's not cool for the majority who play mmorpg PvP. You are on equal terms here- BM Sorc versus BM Sorc is as equal as you can ever get. There is virtually no time investment to reach adequate gear to fight- not nearly to the extent that "I"...as a PvP'er have grown accustomed to over the years. There's skill based full loot games- if you are so hardcore then I haven't a clue why you aren't currently enjoying one of those atm...
  13. This is not needed- we have the option of going dps for those medals and can bang out some healing medals on the side. Only a true dedicated healer suffers from lack of medals...an incentive to ditch being just a healbot and doing something more on the field.
  14. 4k damage per second lightning- wow, there is exaggeration and then there is being down right delusional. You may dislike the class but making things up is down right counterproductive for the game.
  15. You just need expertise...and not a little of it either. You will have to watch out for burst damage...but as long as you stay mobile and have good positioning you should do fine. It's not an OP class nor is it a weak class...they did a good job on the balancing us (except that some think we should ALWAYS be a free kill).
  16. They put up that shield to prevent from being 1 shotted, the stuns are incredibly limited with the majority breaking on damage/require specific spec placement that disallows other survival specs or have a pathetic duration to begin with. Truth is they are light armor with no burst- there are numerous anti-kite abilities in place, interrupts, knockbacks, resolve/cc breaks and stuns available for everyone. Blow up the shield with burst, they can not replace it again...no matter how much you FEEL that they can...they can not do so after burst of any sort. Expertise makes a huge difference- of course you are going to be frustrated when at 120 expertise fighting a 680 expertise opponent.
  17. Pretty sure it goes "all your base are belong to us" but kudos on the comment.
  18. Read up on Resolve- that is this games version of DR...sometimes it doesn't work quite correctly but overall it functions unless you have multiple opponents on you. Pre-expertise is better off to dps...sure you can still heal but trying to be a dedicated healer at lower levels will just mark you as fodder.
  19. What you choose to play is what you are comfortable with...however, Wrath is essential to what little "burst" we have. You worry too much over the procs- it's a steady rhythm that causes no more offset than casting pure Dots. No amount of points spent to make Affliction better could replace Crushing/Death Field/Chain Lightning casts while on the move. The whole point is jabbing the initial ticks of Force Lightning and keeping on the go while popping off your insta casts. Affliction you just place up to get the Barrage and hinder whoever isn't going to cleanse...not for dps. Still, your build is what YOU want to play...not how others say you should.
  20. Problem is I've had to win over fourteen matches at some point for the wins to count...I had gotten frustrated after sticking at 2/3 on my seventh win so I reset for it to continue to bug out at 1/3...relog....reset again. Yes, it took from 10:30am-5:00pm to do my one daily...I'm sure my "winning team" would stick with me through this utter idiocy of a broken win count.
  21. Dude, you are playing poorly and you know it...that is certainly how you wouldn't play if you are going to showcase off to your guildies or such. This is a case where you intentionally put yourself in bad situations to gain some sort of sympathy...and you expect us to buy it. Go fraps something that legitimately shows you playing your class actually TRYING to do something and not running around like a stoned clown.
  22. Yes, please...good idea to help the state of me constantly joining these already lost matches because of people abandoning after they aren't winning.
  23. It's really irritating- I've abandoned, relogged and the like...I've just come to realize that I'll need to win 9+ matches to get a 3 win daily done. It's not a well spent consumption of my time at all.
  24. Whoa Silver, calm down...we are in the same boat with ability delays even though certain abilities like Project may make you feel otherwise. My Shock is not always instant- in the same case as your above...it may fire 1-2 seconds after I hit the button. I do understand that you may suffer from the animation without recourse while Imps do not- but everyone's abilities are broken with the ability lag. Chain Lightning is the one that infuriates me the most...taking 3 seconds during it's insta cast proc to cast while my Sorc runs around with curled fists at his sides. I may as well have casted with it's normal cast time...luckily, this is sporadic and not always the case.
  25. Yeah, this isn't like Rift where healers are God...SWTOR healers can be killed with ease unless you are trying to pug against a well stacked premmie.
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