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Everything posted by Pairaka

  1. That's not a bug. It's supposed to work that way.
  2. And I would say that you're 100% wrong. Hard modes are NOT just for gear and comm grinding. Flashpoints, story mode and hard mode alike, are as much part of the story of your characters as anything else. And there are some FPs that are almost impossible to get a queue for story mode and can not be easily soloed.
  3. Interestingly, I received the name Nox on my Sorcerer. When I recently leveled an Assassin the name given to her was "Darth Imperious." I was wondering if it's related to the Advanced Class (Sorcerer vs Assassin) or is there a handful of names that get used randomly?
  4. Hmmm... I remember Revan specifically saying that the Emperor gave him the name Revan. But still, it does apply.
  5. We've already gotten news that some of the existing NPC outfits are going to be non-class/faction specific and drop from the "gambling boxes" available at the Cartel Coin store. This will help a bit, but it's going to be very expensive to begin with as I'm sure people will be selling sought after items for outrageous prices. As for wanting to keep Republic and Empire appearances separate, it really doesn't make much sense. With the ability to have LS/DS options, there are people who would consider themselves "Light sided Sith" or "Dark Jedis" and wish to dress appropriately. After all, both Anakin and Luke wore black. Heck in RotJ, Luke didn't even wear robes; he wore something that looked more like normal clothing. Sort of like how you'll see people get a token for the Agent Tionese/Columi/Rakata Agent jacket, replace the mods and equip these on their Marauders (because the Agent jacket looks sharp).
  6. I don't think anyone would disagree that more story content concerning companions, especially the ones we can romance and marry, would be nice to have. Daily and or weekly companion missions have been suggested on numerous occasions. Being able to have some sort of mission where you can meet and talk to all of your companions at once, would be a dream. However, since it is so expensive for them to do VO work (boo!), BW has said they want to do this, they have plans for it "in the future" but it's not something we're going to get any time soon. I'd settle for more love letters, personally. For the moment at least. Or... companion missions that you receive in a letter randomly. Like: And then you receive a mission to go to Nar Shadda and zap the bad SIS agents who are picking on Andronikos... Or something. Talos could send you a piece of an artifact and you'd have to go find the rest...
  7. Yeah, the suggestion I made was an alternative to dyes or being able to recolor gear ourselves. If they'd offer items, like for example the Elegant Gown (and even the suit for guys, with different colored... tabbards? Is that what it's called? the sashy thing that goes over the shoulder and then down to form the "tail" of the men's formal jacket) and dancing outfits (even the Imperial and Republic ones), it would present at least some nice variety.
  8. I would settle for them simply removing class/faction restrictions on what's already there. Half the stuff you can't equip on your companion because of class restrictions, and the rest has two appearances based on whether you're Imperial or Republic. The best thing I can come up with for my Sorcerer is the Dark Acolyte top with the rest of the Columi/Rakata stuff she's wearing to create what looks like an elegant, simple black gown with no hood (my characters have hair, I want to see it). There is some really lovely stuff that can make a nice looking outfit for the Republic (I have a set of greens that my consular wears around the fleet simply because it's nice) but because the Empire insists that females show their tummies or everything has to look like you're a walking life support system, we don't have those options. I'm quite sure there are some Imperials that would love to be able to wear the Traditional Brocart set if it looked the same on the Imperial Side as it does on the Republic simply because it's the same robes that the Revanites on Dromund Kaas wear. Oh, and pants for Inquisitors/Consulars, fer crying out loud. My Sorceress is tired of trying to jump on things and fight in a dress.
  9. The only place I can think of where something would be nice are some of the cutscenes in ops. I would just like to be able to hit the spacebar once to skip the entire thing instead of 4-5 times. Not remove the cutscene (our guild actually encourages new raiders to watch if they have never seen them before), but just make it easier to skip the whole thing. Although I'm going to be watching the final cutscene before the Terror From Beyond for a while. That one is just cool.
  10. The problem is that you did not start out being constructive (contrary to what you state). Your post is inflammatory from the get-go starting with the title. The mindset you display is one of condescension and anger at people who simply want to experience the game the way they want to experience it to the point of wanting to make people conform to *your* way of thinking. If you'd wanted constructive remarks, then perhaps you should have simply stated what you saw as a problem, offered some solutions, and asked for opinions without alienating a good chunk of your audience by calling everyone who watches the cutscenes "noobs." I have run these HMs countless times and granted most of the convos get spacebarred through, there are times when I want to watch them. I *like* talking to Revan. If I were to start doing HMs on my consular, I'd probably watch the cutscenes in Maelstrom and Taral V simply because it's been a loooong time since I've done those and because being able to taunt Kilren is just too priceless. And as for assuming that I did not read your post, you're wrong. I did read it. My most constructive suggestion was that you simply calm down, realize that it's not going to kill you to have to sit through a few cutscenes and stop ruining your health with so much negative energy. There's another, simple solution, which has already been posted, and that's just to calmly and politely ask that people spacebar through. I have people do that all the time and it doesn't cause a problem. Same with things like skipping trash and bosses that can be skipped, including the bonus bosses. And if someone speaks up and asks not to skip, it's never been a problem.
  11. This is actually a cool idea. That way if you find something you like, you can make is moddable. Adaptive, of course.
  12. Yes, it would be nice to have some outfits in different colors. I've seen the formal gown in the white you can buy at the vendor, a sort of seafoam green (Twi'lek mission giver on Corusant), this pinkish one, and I believe the Social Vendor on Nar Shaddaa is wearing a recolored version. Different colored dancing outfits would be nice, too. Right now the Slave Girl outfit is bugged and shows up as white on some people and it's proper rose color on others (I'm one of them that doesn't get the bugged version and I personally hate the color it is). Making them available in different colors would be a very nice addition.
  13. Oh please. It hardly does that. It takes a few seconds for each convo and if someone wants to watch it, then let them watch it. Learn to be a little more understanding and calm down.
  14. How would that be a problem?
  15. Well I'm not in campaign gear, but mostly BH with a few Rakata things left, and my companion is in mostly Columi and Rakata. And yes, I have timed myself because I was curious as to how long it took. It takes 15 mins as a Sorc healer and Andronikos (DPS companion). And I'm not healing, I'm DPSing as much as he is. And while I try to get them done in the early morning, it doesn't take me much longer during a peak period. With the advent of 1.4, there is no need to camp boxes any more. They respawn so quickly you are wasting time if you sit on one.
  16. Please, for the love of the Emperor, not gangnam... I'd perfer a longer loop for companion dances and/or being able to do a slow dance with them. And something sexy for the guys to compliment the female Club Dance.
  17. I guess I'm one of them that actually likes having my name displayed as Darth Mera Virai. Yeah, I would like to be able to be Darth Nox as the Council dubbed me, but to my character her family name is just as important.
  18. Seriously? I doubt it... Doing a daily HM gives 5 BH comms per day. That's ONE Hardmode Flashpoint. In my experience, finding groups using the group finder is simply not that hard. And yes, I've had some bad PUGs, but for the most part they haven't been that bad. Most of the people have been friendly; only very rarely has someone been either mean or nasty, or just plain incompetent. Yes, I know you said you like to do things solo, and I'm one of them. Almost all my characters got to level 50 with no social points. That said, the only one of my characters that has anywhere near to significant social points is my Sorcerer, who is my main character for doing ops, and she was maxxed on SP quite a while ago. So, yes, I do understand what it is to play solo. When leveling an alt, I'd rather just go on through doing missions for XP rather than try to get a group (after Black Talon). But, truly, you will not dry up and blow away if you find it necessary to group with people for long enough to do one of the Tier 1 HMs. Just be polite, friendly and do your best. No one can fault you for that.
  19. /signed. Also, I would like the individual slot toggles to stay toggled on even if I switch chest pieces. I have two outfits, currently: The gear that has all my good mods and a set that I just wear around the Fleet. I'm constantly having to retoggle the pieces I want color matched when switching. It would be nice if you, say, toggled your gloves they would simply stay toggled on no matter how many times you switched chest pieces.
  20. Er, how? It takes me 15 min to do Black Hole (not including Torvix, which I only do once a week for the weekly). Belsavis takes me 45 minutes at the most (with the caveat that I do not do Heroic quests unless I'm in a group, which is very rare). Ilum is also in the 15-20 min range when I bother to do them. Might need to look at how you're picking up the quests, and your travel patterns. It shouldn't take you nearly that long.
  21. There already is an orange-black saber crystal in game. It is level 50, has +41 stats and is found in chests in Explosive Conflict.
  22. Or simply have some shorter "leg" pieces. The long robes are nice for some, but it would be kind of nice to have some "skirts" that don't come down to one's feet.
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