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Everything posted by DarthBubba

  1. Actually merc is alot of fun. I use tracer missle but it's not all I use. it has a 1.5 sec casting time where unload and alot of your other missles are instant. It doesn't have a stun so it's situational. I use it but not on every mob all the time. I think tracer missle spam is more pvp than pve to be honest.
  2. When Palpatine was telling Anakin I can't hold it any longer I think he was actually referring to his illusion and not the lightning. Notce how much stronger he was against Yoda? I do believe that Windu did in fact beat him but I also believe that Palpatine played his role perfectly and took a chance at gaining Anakin. The whole battle he's beating Anakin down with the force. They don't just say "hey join the darkside" They overpower their will with the force and sometimes datacrons. Windu was a master swordsman who studied both light and dark techniques. If anyone could have beaten Palpatine it was him. I think keeping his illusion up took alot of energy from him. Even yoda stated that their powers to use the force was diminished and the shroud of the darkside has fallen. Once he was free to let that illusion drop he became his true self.
  3. First of all I love this game and want it to succeed but this last week I've realized that something needs to be done. I've watched my Server - Kaiburr Krystal go from a somewhat healthy Standard server to a Light server with very few people. Our Empireal Fleet went from have anywhere from 40-90 people to usually less than 30 and each world went from 14-30 people down to 3 - 10 tops. I was doing my dailies each day and having no problems but now the only Warzone that pops up is Huttball and joining solo is a instant loss. We fight the same premade all day long. I haven't been in a match with the Republic since early last week. So now I've moved to a higher pop server but I miss my lv. 50. I liked my server. The people were friendly and I had alot of fun but I can't ignore that the server is slowly dying. I know you'll don't want to merge servers becausee it will feel like defeat but you'll are going to have to do something before even more people leave out of desperation. At least allow a one time free character transfers or something. SWTOR has well over a hundred servers with 75% of them now being light. Even the Full server I joined a week ago is now light/standard during the day and barely hits Heavy during peak hours. I love this game and truly don't udnerstand why so many people complain and or quit over such little things but I think the golden age of mmo's is over. Even wow is losing most of it's players. The mmo kiddies have grown up and more and more kids nowadays would rather play free games or sit on facebook or whatever. Steps really need to be taken. Don't look at it as a defeat but a restructuring. You'll need to regroup, take steps and try to retain what players you have while allowing the game to grow so players will come back and or join.
  4. Read through your post a 2nd time Coramac. Some very good advice. I have no idea why I havne't set anything up with my alt and ctrl keys. Gonna do that today and then I'm gonna have to practice alot to remember where all my keys are. Yeah, I feel very situational. It's not bad but I think I'd rather go for consistant. I don't really care for tank classes which is why I picked the Trooper. I was hoping I'd have good survivability and decent dps in the bargain and I think I will. Just gonna take alot of practice to get it all down. And yeah, anything above the 6 key for me means having to look away from the screen, not to mention trying to find all my relics and less used abilities that are very situational but still help in a bind. I so want a good five button mouse. Gonna have to buy one soon. I actually kinda like that mouse/keyboard on that insert that came with the game. Gonna look it up and see if it's any good. It looks pretty cool. Thanks again.
  5. TY so much for posting. Actually I'd already dropped the colto recharge and have 1 pt on shock absorbers. I would like to get the 2nd pt in it and will probably do what the second poster said. I'm gonna stick with Tactics for a bit. I think the reason I do so bad or well does depende on the team. In a good team I seem to shine while with a bad team I stink lol. I do appreciate all of the advice though and will probably try all the trees out soon. I think I'll see how tactics does at 50. I know it's gonna be rough with no good pvp gear. I don't pvp that much, at least on this character I haven't. I'd planned on leveling valor as I went but got caught up in the storyline and put pvp off. I do want to try assault soon. It looks pretty fun. The only thing I absolutely don't like is feeling like I'm so dependant on a variety of skills to be effective. I will probably need to change up how I have everything situated and hotkeyed just for pvp. I don't think I'm going to be very effective until I do that. Ok, if anyone else has any advice I will be grateful for it. So far I'm really enjoying the Vanguard trooper and I'm very glad I didn't go commando. I kinda like moving around alot and had enough of sit and shoot with my sorcerer. Thanks everyone.
  6. Oh wow, ty so much. I've looked at the codex and read a bit but never noticed that. I feel like a moron now lol. Ok, still want some more titles : )
  7. Hello. I'm running a Tactics Vanguard and have been enjoying it alot in pve so far. I'm at lv 46 and was wondering if this spec will work as well in pvp as it does in pve? My spec is http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/specialist/#::e7fe7fe2fe2f2ef8ef10ef13: I love the fact that I hardly ever run out of ammo. I have noticed in pvp that I either do extremely well or extremely poor. It seems very situational. Huttball I'm either in the top three or near the bottom. I'm not sure why I have such an extreme difference between some matches. I will say though that I get a little bit frustrated at times because I feel i have way too MANY abilities. There's just so many fights where Im like if I had only just used this or that I would have won and I know that comes from experience and time but It's still a bit frustrating. Should I just go to assault or tank spec for pvp or keep going with what I'm doing? I really enjoy the fluidity of Tactics but it's much harder in pvp. I am no stranger to kiting but still have a hard time doing it especially when I need to jump/turn and shoot and the ability I want to use is on my number 9 key or some crap. I have most of my good abilities hotkeyed but still there's just so many I need to be able to use to be successfull that feel so frustratingly out of reach when I need them. And I've learned that it's a very bad idea to just stand in place and try to out dps people. I'm at my best when I have obstacles to mess with people's los or when kiting them. Anyway, sorry I didn't mean to turn this into a rant about keybindings and crap. I'm just wanting some advice from people who have done Tactics and how they held up in pvp. Do you'll do just fine or not? I'd also like to hear from someone who's tried tactics along with assault and or tanking spec and can tell me if they thought one worked much better in pvp than the other and why. Thank you for reading.
  8. While zooming around Belsavis yesterday getting all of the areas on the map I stopped and wondered why I was doing it. From the very first day I've thought we need some kind of achievement system where you can gain titles or just bragging rights by unlocking certain things such as exploring each zone, how many kills, higest damage, healing, etc. Warhammer has one of the best achievement systems ever and I'm kinda suprised that SWTOR doesn't have one especially seeing as how Bioware is sort of in charge of War. People like to accomplish things in mmo's. People enjoy collecting rare titles, pets, mounts etc. I was sort of shocked when they took out alot of the titles in the game. My Trooper was really looking forward to the Paladin of Aldaraan title but it's no longer in the game. There can never be too many titles in a game. The more the better. I change titles like I do gear, almost on a daily basis. So Bioware if you read this please give us more to accomplish. Achievements would go a long way in helping with this. If you would like to see some sort of achievement system then post below. If this has been covered before then my apologies. I searched for a while but didn't find anything. May the force be with you.
  9. Yes it's very annoying. I hate finally finding what I have been looking for in the Galactic Trade Network only to have my crew window pop up and get rid of it. The Crew window gets rid of any and every other thing you may have up. It should go into the queue like items do when you're inventory is full instead of overwriting all other windows.
  10. Making casuals happy is a bad thing? Who do you think pays their wages? The casuals do. The elitists make up maybe 5% of any mmo population and that's propably a generous percent. That's like saying pizza hut put more cheese on their pizza to make people who like pizza happier but it's a bad thing because I go there for the salad lol.
  11. You sir are a moron! Love how people like you thinks they're so much better than everyone else. His topic was valid and you starting acting like a child then try to be all grown up pointing out his grammar mistakes. We don't take lip from school bus drivers!
  12. I used to stay to the very end but it's gotten so bad on my server that I can't even get my daily within a week much less do the weekly. I play about 15 to 20 matches a day and I'm lucky if I win one. Finally I just gave up after one bad session of Huttball. Basically it went like this: Everyone was off fighting well away from the ball and down in the little pits and a sage would get the ball run up the left and score then go get it and do the same thing. I was the only one after them but butween her and another sage they just cc me and score each time. Nobody would come help or quit chasing that one guy who made them mad. The sage went up the left five times in a row and when it was 5-0 and nobody was helping I had to leave. During that match after another score we had four people in the middle and not a one of them went for the ball. I was omw over there when the sage beat me to it and goes to run up the left again. Those same 3 people were too busy trying to kill someone else and nobody but me chased her again. And how about everyone fighting well away from the doors and one lone person just walks over and places a bomb and still nobody even tries to deactivate it. Obviously it's more important to have everyone attack that one tank who's being healed by their commando budy. Sad thing is they never think to attack the healer, not that they should even be out in the middle at all mind you. These are some of the reasons why I will quit. I don't mind losing a fight whether we're outgeared or outplayed but I do mind losing because nobody will even try. I'm not there to let the other team farm me over and over again.
  13. I too liked Jar Jar. There was nothing wrong with his character. I saw Ep 1 a dozen or so times at the theater and I can remember everyone laughing and cheering in all the right moments. I've told everyone time and time again that people liked Jar Jar when the movie came out. What turned people against Jar Jar had nothing to do with the movie but the fact that people seemed to like him so much that they went around imitating him and everyone got sick of that. Mesa gonna die. That's why people don't like Jar Jar. The movie was made for a younger audience just like the original three. Yes all films had adult subjects but come on, wooies, jawas and ewoks. These were for the kiddies.
  14. Episode 1: Anakin saying "Boonta Eve" That boy should never be allowed to EVER say that again. I forget the whole quote but he said something like "I'm going to be in the race on Boonta Eve" Something about the way he says it makes me want to club seals : / Also when he yells "Yippie!" ***. Who does that.....Yippie!!!!! They should have gone with the other kid who was a good actor but just didn't have the look. Young anakin destroyed that movie. Oh yeah I forgot "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick" Look what you made me do. Now baby seals everywhere must live in fear!!!!
  15. Funny, I thought the exact same thing in wow. Got to the highest lv and went in and dead dead dead. Ok, let's try warhammer, got to the highest lv went in and dead dead dead. Hmm, gotta be one mmo that's not like this, let's see Anarchy online, oh wait no real pvp there. Actually wow was the worse. Try going into anything without the gear, not only do you die in pvp but you get kicked out of raids that you need to go on to get the gear so you can advance to the higher raids. All mmo's have this problem. At least swtor doesn't have that stupid /kick vote crap like wow does.
  16. Hello. I've just started a Vanguard and wanted to go tactics for pve. Eventually I'd like to try and Use Ironfists build for pvp which is: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GRGozRroMZMcrroZb.1 So I'm wondering would this build be viable for pve and some early pvp: http://db.darthhater.com/skill_calc/trooper/specialist/#::e7fe7fe2fe2f2ef8ef10ef13: I know Assault is probably better for pve but I'd like to kind of get used to Tactics for when I hit end game and can try out the Ironfist build or something similar. I don't see alot of posts about tactics pve so if anyone's gone that route I would definetly appreciate any advice. Thank you.
  17. Please stop with the whole RIP stuff. If you enjoy a different game then good for you but that doesn't mean SWTOR is dead or that others shouldn't enjoy it. You're not right and you're not wrong. Play what you enjoy and let others do the same without declaring false statements. Too many times I find myself drawn into the whole this game is better than that game and I really don't want to do it anymore. Play what you like and have fun. That's what games are for but don't declare something dead because you're moving on. When you leave one girlfriend or boyfriend for another that doesn't mean that they're dead. Maybe they're dead to you but really they're still there lol So too will SWTOR still be here along with EQ, EVE, Warhammer, etc.
  18. I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Actually thinking about it I guess I liked SWG more than I realized. If I hadn't I wouldn't be so upset over its ruin : (
  19. I see so many forum posts comparing WoW to SWTOR. Everyone keeps raising all these points about how WOW has so much more to do than swtor and how much better the pve and pvp is which is debatable. But to be honest I don't believe it's fair to compare a game that has three expansions and ten years worth of content to a game that's only six weeks old. There is no way that Bioware could make a game with that much content in one go. That takes time and honestly nobody would have been happy waiting another ten years for them to do it. The game would have been outdated by then so I want to have a discussion on WoW vanilla vs SWToR vanilla. PVP: Wow No batttlegrounds, no world pvp hubs. The only pvp that existed was defending Crossroads from all the jerks who would zerg it and try to gank the lowbies and kill the flight master/quest givers. I can remember logging off for hours to go play an alt just because I was unable to continue questing in the area. That's not very fun pvp in my opinion. SWTOR 3 Battlegrounds, Ilum, PVP hubs in Alderaan and Tatooine. Yes the pvp needs some tweaking but it's there and I actually enjoy it. Sure the high end armor is a bit of a pain but so was wows in the beginning. At least with SWTOR you get to keep your gear once you earn it if you stop pvp'ing for a bit. Remember in WoW when you had to keep your ratings up in order to be able to even equip your gear and that was over a year after wow had been out. PVE WoW: Some fun quests and a few storylines at least when you actually take the time to read them but honestly unless it was a major story and maybe not even then most of the time I just hit accept went to where it was on the map and did it. SWTOR I love the storylines. Yes even the one's I've done before and grouping makes them more enjoyable. Nothing like playing a LS character only to have that Sith kill the captain that you wanted to spare or vice versa. Gives it alot of replay value. UI WoW Yes wow has a better Ui system with mods but it's kind of nice not to constantly have to wait for mod updates or bugs caused by the mods. At the same time I do miss being able to customize my UI to my taste. SWTOR No customizable UI or modding. Good and bad. BW is working on it and we will soon have customizable UI and more hotbars hopefully. I'm not sure about mods though. But mods have their own bad side such as bugs, spammers, identity theft, etc. Of course they have their good side to such as damage meters, better maps, etc. Ok I'm tired of typing. If anyone has more to add please do so. It doesn't matter if you're for wow or swtor or both. I'd like to see the differences whether positive or negative for each side in SWTOR vanilla vs WoW vanilla.
  20. Changed up my wording. Your'e right I shouldn't speak for everyone. Alot of people left and it's a shame the game was ruined as a result. I forget that there are some people who stuck with it no matter what. Personally it wasn't worth it for me but I do understand that not everyone felt as I do. I apologize.
  21. I hate to say this but I'm so sick of SWG talk. SWG failed - yes even pre NCU/NGE because alot of players left it for wow. You left them with no choice but to try and change to get their players back. If it were so great you all wouldn't have left in mass to join wow. That was why swg failed and NGE/NCU was just a result of that. Honestly, SWG was getting bad before NCU. Hardly anyone could run it when it was brand new. It was the first mmo to use Hardware shading and most video cards that normal people could afford coudln't even run it. Even with a high end system it didn't run well. It was made "Future Proof" so much that it wasn't playable in the present. What truly ruined SWG was a handful of people - one guild mainly who had the developers ears. I remember them and many of us were vocal about opposing their "Ideas" for the direction of the game. They were a large guild, maybe one of the largest and the developers listened to them and as a result we got the NGE. But that was only after everyone left for wow. The first thing SWG did wrong was Player cities. At first there were only supposed to be a few cities that people could control but it escalated and the developers then decided to let everyone build everywhere. Tatooine went from a thriving desert with hostiles everywhere and turned into a barren ghost town due to buildings everywhere. You could drive around for hours and never find a single mob because everyone's stupid buildings destroyed the spawn points. It was so lame driving for hours only to find someones shack with some darth vader armor in it. And after those players left their crappy shacks were still there. Players ruined that great game by abandoning it yet continue to talk as if it was the golden egg of mmos. It wasn't so great that you all could refrain from leaving it for wow. After player cities and rage of wookies hit I personally didn't care much for it and was happy to leave for wow. Sandbox + SOE = Failure. Everyone seems to forget buying an expansion only for it to be given to everyone for free a couple of months later. SOE and a dying player based killed SWG. Even without all of that I doubt it would have been that huge.
  22. All of your points are invalid because WoW Vanilla had none of that. YOu cannot compare Wow with three expansions and 10 years of content to swtor which has only been out for 6 weeks. Swtor has more pve and pvp than wow had at vanilla. Vanilla wow pvp was defending the Crossroads or Tarren Mills. And when wow finally got Battlegrounds it was the SAME 3 over and over again just like SWTOR. WoW had 1 raid, I remember because I did it over and over again till I was sick. Within a year things in wow hadn't changed. People were complaining and begging for the developers to find a way to stop mass gankings and questgivers or flight masters from being killed so wow came up with their battlegrounds. WoW vanilla had nothing compared to what SWTOR has and it's unfair to compare the two. After ten years I'm sure swtor will have as much or more than wow does.
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