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Everything posted by DarthBubba

  1. I believe if you are the actual class that has Qyzen as a companion then you can skip all of that. If you're another class then you have to do their quest. And you don't have to kill world bosses. There are creatures on Hoth that you can kill to get what you need. Doesn't take too long. Just look the quest up on Dulfy or something. But if he was one of your original companions then there should be a dialogue option to skip the quest and have him join you on the spot.
  2. Yeah, saw this the other day. R.I.P. Erik Bauersfeld I don't know if they should hire another voice actor who sounds similar or if they should just use sound bytes. I imagine they probably have enough sound samples from him to keep his voice in the movies especially since he never gets a lot of screen time. Or they could go the whole heroic dedication route and just kill him off while doing something major that saves the day. That would be a fitting send off. Either way it's still a huge loss to Star Wars and it's fans.
  3. I believe they said there was going to be NO jedi or force users in this tale. Although I wouldn't be surprised if Darth Vader shows up. I believe in an interview they talked about how it was just a group of ordinary people who undertook the dangerous mission. Not that any of them are ordinary mind you. We all know that the rebels lost a lot of agents acquiring the plans to the Death Star. Princess Leia says as much in A New Hope so we can probably expect most if not all of the characters to get wiped out. Regardless the trailer looks awesome. I love the tone of it and the At-At's at the end were just icing on the cake. Looking forward to it.
  4. Nah, it wouldn't mess up anything at all. Just pretend the smuggler is doing a job for the Imp's. I mean Count Doodoo, uhm, sorry Dooku was a jedi who ended up being a traitor. Or they could be undercover for the Republic but having to help the Imp's out in a Warzone so they don't blow their cover. Just use your imagination.
  5. Just everyone create a sage/sorc and pvp with them only. After a few months of 5 vs 5 sorc/sage people will get sick of it after a while and start playing other classes. If you can't beat them.....then join them.
  6. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsy pop? It's just one of those mysteries that will never be answered.
  7. Yep, story wish it all makes sense and an operative can do it.
  8. I wonder if fat characters can now get the datacron on Alderaan. You know the one through that crack in the wall? Used to be that fat characters couldn't fit through it. LMAO. I sort of hope they didn't fix that. It was hilarious to see a fat character trying to squeeze through that little crack. But as to answer your question. It's just fun killing stuff, especially other characters with a fat toon. It's even better if you dress him in pink and name him something like Muffin, Fluffy or Princess. It just ads insult to injury. Plus it's funny watching fat people do flips through the air. Fat Jedi's rock.
  9. Not cynical enough. The answers should be: 1. Yeah right 2. As if and 3. LMAO
  10. Sorry, this is NOT a population problem. This problem has existed since day one. Back when the game first came out they had of over a million subscribers within the first three days alone. Even back then this was a problem. Within the first month people were hitting max level and pvp'ing and there was a major problem on all the servers of pugs being thrown against premades, over and over again.....sometimes the exact same premade. I quit pvp'ing a long time ago, back when they had those weeklies that required so many wins. The reason I quit is for two weeks I tried to get my wins and never even won one match. I played at least 20 matches a day and 95% of the time I was thrown into Huttball. My team changed nearly every match but I noticed that most of the time we were constantly being thrown up against a couple of premades. Every match was low geared pugs vs premades with the best gear. There were three teams in particular that the game liked to throw us up against. One of the teams we fought probably 50% of the time. This has been a major problem since the very beginning and a lot of people wondered if the game automatically threw the lowest geared players up against the highest geared because it constantly seemed to take newbie pugs and put them against the most elite pvper's. I would even take long breaks, log out, log into another toon and try it or change to my Republic toon and play but the same thing happened no matter what class or faction I played. Pug vs. Premade for nearly 95% of all matches. It was ridiculous and got so bad that many people just quit outright. It was the reason i stopped pvp'ing also. I never did get those wins.......actually I never even got a single win. Two weeks of nothing but pvp and not a single win. That's not a L2P issue. Nor was it a population problem since this was at the game's peak population when it had millions of players. I counted the servers one day and there was well over a hundred back then.
  11. When people start throwing the word fraud around then Bioware should pay attention. Everyone knows these are "chance" packs or "gambling" packs and nobody minds gambling on getting some items they already have or don't need but when you give people NOTHING but old crap then that defeats the whole purpose and it starts to feel like fraud. If Bioware won't listen then speak with your wallets instead. Boycott the Cartel Market and do NOT buy any packs. People keep shelling out money in the hopes that they and they alone are the exception to the rules and that they will be the one to win. This isn't the lottery and there are NO winners right now. I love the idea of getting old stuff from packs but they are going about it very poorly. Just release a retro pack or better yet bring back the gold, silver and bronze mount, armor, weapons packs so then people can get what they actually want. I love how those permanent packs only lasted for a month or two and then they pulled this. It almost feels like a bait and switch and I really hope that Bioware will listen and correct this. This has been one huge disaster so people stop rewarding them. Stop buying them and it will change.
  12. Hello everyone. I am not sure where to post this. The help forums section is read only so I guess I'll put it here. After this last maintenance occasionally when I load the game I'm getting nothing but a giant Orange or Pink screen. It's usually orange. I login, then it just turns to a big orange screen. When I alt-tab out and then click back on the game it shows that splash screen or loading screen for a few seconds then goes right back to the orange screen and I end up having to ctrl-alt-del. and shut the game down that way. I have also been having some trouble with getting the game to exit properly. About 50% of the time the game just hangs up on exit and I can't even ctrl-alt-del to get out and have to end up just holding down the power button on my pc to make it do a hard reboot which really isn't good for it. Sometimes it hangs up and I can ctrl-alt-del and get out that way. Even when it does close properly it's VERY slow and slows my pc down for a good 10 minutes or so. On the orange screen I read a really old post that it sometimes has something to do with a dual monitor setup but I don't use dual monitors. I only use the one monitor and pc to play on. I have not done anything new lately, no updates, no new programs and nothing that should cause this. I don't go to any bad sites so virus aren't an issue. Does anyone have a clue on what's causing this or how I can fix it? It's just really annoying to constantly have a giant orange screen when I'm trying to log in and play. Also if anyone has any advice on how to help me get SWTOR back to shutting down properly all the time that would be extremely helpful also. Is anyone else having these issues? Thanks in advance everyone and may the force be with you.
  13. Okay, closing game down and restarting got rid of that odd pink screen. Phew, I have NO idea what that was. Restarting pc got rid of unspecified error.
  14. Okay, apparently the bitraider client they use sometimes get stuck so all you have to do sometimes is just restart your pc. If that doesn't work you can also perform a clean boot and try running the patcher. If you're having the same issue then just try restarting the pc. It worked just fine for me. Best of luck to you. Hmm, I could log in just fine but now it's going to a giant pink screen. ***? Let me try to somehow log back out and see if I can try it again. Weird.
  15. Okay, I played this morning and everything was fine and then they ran maintenance. I've been checking since around 9:00 am to see if they did a patch or anything and nothing ever downloaded so about 30 minutes ago I opened up the game once again and I logged in just fine and got to the character screen but did not log in because I had stuff I had to do and I shut it down thinking everything was fine. Now when I run the game I cannot log in and I keep getting this error message: This application has encountered an unspecified error. Please try this patch again. This site shows that the servers are up. Was there actually a patch today? If so then why wouldn't it download for me when I've been checking every 15 to 20 minutes and nothing has once started to download. Like I said I got to all my characters a bit ago and it showed the servers were available but now I can't even log in. Is anyone else having this problem? If anyone knows what's going on please let me know. Thanks. Edited: I found the repair tool, it's before you log in. Should I try that or is everyone else having this issue also?
  16. Try the technical forums and ask for help there. They do read those. Also I would NOT give up on sending in Tickets and would keep sending in a ticket until this matter is resolved. I have NO idea why it won't let you play KOTFE. Are you the appropriate level? Are you a subscriber? Is there anything you're supposed to have done before starting KOTFE. Have you played SOR yet? I would look into each one of those and keep trying to get some help. Not being able to play the game you are paying for is a huge thing and someone needs to be looking into it but with the info you've given it's impossible to tell what exactly may be wrong. Have others reported this problem? If not maybe there's something on your end that you're missing?
  17. Honestly I think the reason for the Emperor's so drastic change isn't because he has anything super big planned. I think he's just grown bored and in the Outlander he's found something that amuses him. I think Revan kept his attention occupied for a long time and now with that over he's found something new to have fun with. After living that long you'd get bored eventually and whatever plans he may have once had has taken a backseat to something that has gained his interest.....you. But that's just my take on it. Oh and I think that playing a God must be lonely. After all what's the point in it all if you have NO one to share it with.
  18. Is there any way to get the security key if you don't have a cell phone? I don't own a cell phone and don't want one so I guess a security key wouldn't really be feasible for me. I would like that extra 100 CC though lol. Plus added security wouldn't be so bad but having an authenticator on the same pc that I'm playing on would probably just defeat the whole purpose.
  19. If all of you would learn to speak with your wallet then they'd listen to you. I can never understand why people will keep throwing money at something when it's not what they want. For some reason everyone seems to think they're the exception to the rule and they and they alone will get lucky. The drop rates are beyond abysmal and people have been saying this for a while but you all keep throwing money at them so why would they even bother to change if your just going to keep rewarding them? I wouldn't, that's for sure. Stop buying them and they'll change it. It's very simple. Let your money or lack thereof speak for you and they will listen. It's like a parent who keeps complaining that their kid won't listen and throws fits but keeps rewarding their bad behavior with toys and candy or TV because they just don't want to listen to all the screaming. That's no way to teach someone how to behave. All your doing is giving them your blessings on these new packs and encouraging them.
  20. What this person said. While I agree the maintenance times could probably be adjusted a bit for everyone you really can't expect Bioware to do all of that just for you. I really don't get this whole ideology these days where people feel that they and they alone are somehow special and deserve special preferential treatment. I'm not saying your like that at all but your post comes across that way. There are a couple of other positive ways to go about this. Talk to the community and realize that so many people are on different time zones and in different countries all over the world. While 1 or 2 am might be great for you that could be primetime for someone else. Maybe make a thread, learn about the time zones and see what everyone thinks would be the best time for them to do the maintenance but remember even with a million people all agreeing a certain time may be best that does not mean Bioware will actually listen. At the end of the day they're going to do what they feel is best. The second better option is just to hold off on your download until that time period that is good for you. I know it sucks not to be able to play but if you have such a horrible cap then that would probably be the best thing to do. That way you don't use up all of your data in one go and can actually do stuff online if you want. This is what I would do. The maintenance installation always takes me all freaking day anyway. It usually goes really fast until around 90 something percent then it takes 12 hours from there to install it so if your patches are anything like mine then there may be no point in bothering to try and rush it anyway. Regardless you have that cap on your internet usage so I would do it during those hours where you have NO cap. Don't be in such a hurry. Changing your schedule is a much more feasible option than asking some company to do something to accommodate you and you alone.
  21. There's nothing wrong with him asking to see which characters they might can romance. Some people like to plan ahead and if they know who they can romance then they can save up the appropriate gifts. Besides that's hawt! It's a fantasy world so you might as well add a bit of fantasy back into it right? Nothing wrong with checking. Sorry but I don't know if she can be romanced or not. I'm still waiting on Azshara to come back to me. She didn't send me a "You jerk" letter so I'm hoping she'll still like me. I never cheated on her.....at least I hope I didn't. I miss my companions being on my ship and they need to put someone other than a droid back on my ship. It just feels so lonely and cold in space now.
  22. That's up to you. Just play how you want and have fun. I haven't even started the new chapter yet because I have other things I'm still working on. Just play at your own pace. If you're going to just blow through the content on day one and complete it super fast without reading anything or taking the time to enjoy the settings and surroundings then obviously you'd be disappointed once it's all over. Just because a new chapter is out doesn't mean it's a race to the finish line. Play the story when you feel like it. If you just take your time while doing other things then there's always something to do. If you want to go through it fast that's okay too, that's entirely up to you. The main thing is to have fun. There's still enough for me to do that I don't just sit here and wait for each new thing to come out then fuss once I've done it. I still need to do Warzones, ops, finish my stronghold, get my alliance members reputation up, work on alts, do dailies, etc. So I'm in no hurry.
  23. Yeah so do I. Nobody is happy with these new crates and the drop rates for new items are nearly nonexistent. I have yet to find a single person who is happy with their purchase. Everyone gets that they're gambling crates and there's a chance they won't get something they really like but there's usually some point in which the return is wroth the investment and it's just not happening with these crates....period. They've done something to the drop rates and there is virtually no chance to get any new items now. Those cubes sure do love to drop though and they're rewarding really old worthless crap too. People are not happy to say the least and most of these people don't mind blowing through some money and having poor odds but the odds on these are way way way below average and have crossed the line into the realm of unacceptable. People normally get something they want when they spend 50+ bucks. That's not the case anymore. Most people who have bought them are boycotting them until something changes. The best thing you can do is NOT buy them and speak with your wallet.
  24. Yeah, definitely do this. I'd run Malewarebytes along with an antivirus scanner first though. No point changing the password if you have a keylogger or some other maleware on your computer that's just going to steal your new password. If you have another safe computer that's not on the same network or access to one I'd definitely use that and change your password asap. Use your AV and do some thorough scans. Use whatever premium antivirus you have. If you don't have one and are using free antivirus protection I'd really look into paying for an antivirus program so you can get some protection in real-time. I use Norton because I like the identity safe on it but there are plenty of other great alternatives out there. Norton does have a free online scanner that works pretty well and so does ESET online scan which actually seems to find more than Norton does, I actually like that one better. You can also try Bitdefender Quickscan, F-Secure Online Scanner and Kaspersky Security Scan. All are great. You may need to do more than one scan and use multiple scanners and it never hurts to do a scan in safe mode with Networking either. Then use Malewarebytes. Only after you're sure your pc is clean then change your password or use another pc which you know is not compromised to change your password now. It sounds like someone is trying to access your account. Putting a security key on your account would also give you more protection and make it harder for hackers. The main thing is just to NEVER go to suspicious sites. Do NOT use the same password for more than one thing and have good protection on your pc. There's also some really good sties out there that will assist you in cleaning up an infected computer. Even after an infection is removed or quarantined you'd be surprised with how much junk it leaves behind. Sometimes it leaves stuff behind which will re-download the virus again or even bring more viruses into your computer. The last virus I had made it so that I couldn't hardly search anything online even after my antivirus had removed the virus and I had to get help with removing the rest of it. I've used sites like: Bleepingcomputer in the past to help me remove infections and they've always done a good job and seem trustworthy. Good luck to you. I hope you're able to get this matter fixed quickly.
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