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Everything posted by DarthBubba

  1. No, they would never ever do that. It wouldn't happen in a million years after all SWG is still alive and......oh wait, sorry I was living in fantasy land again. It would be rather ironic wouldn't it if a Force Awakens Star Wars mmo came out and they closed SWTOR as a result like they did with SWG wouldn't it? Not that SWG didn't deserve to die a horrible death especially after the whole NGE but seriously SWG was dead the moment they allowed players to build stuff pretty much anywhere. Player cities destroyed all the spawns on Tatooine as well as everywhere else. Nothing like riding around for hours only to find people's stupid shed's dotting the desert where all the mobs used to be. And honestly I'd probably play it. Give me a millennium falcon any day. Just as long as it's not another wow clone.
  2. Ok, thanks so much for the information. I didn't even think to check the hangar. Sorry it took so long, I haven't been able to get online in a while. I appreciate all of the info everyone.
  3. I was just wondering what happened to the ships for Starfighter that were in the Cartel Market? I haven't played since KOTFE first came out. Been too busy with the holiday's and everything and I'm just getting back into it and went to buy a ship and they're gone. Where did they go? Or are they just giving subscribers the bonuses now that you used to get for buying one? If anybody can let me know what's going on I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
  4. Actually that is perfect and answered everything I was wondering. Thanks so much. I guess I was hoping I could make a certain race on republic side and hopefully have it unlocked since I'm automatically sixty but it really makes sense that it doesn't work that way. Wouldn't really be fair to everyone who worked hard to unlock all of that stuff. I'm going to save my token for a bit longer until I can decide on what I want to make. Thank you.
  5. Okay, I'm an idiot. Obviously if I haven't unlocked a race yet then I can't create a bounty hunter of that race. Well, does it unlock that classes buff at least? I'm leaving the OP up there just so everyone can have a good laugh. I don't mind taking one for the team. So laugh away. To be fair I'm still not awake yet and my cat kept screwing with my shoe laces. Sorry that's all I have. They're not the best excuses but it's better than nothing. I guess I'm just going to have to level up a Mirialan and why is that freaking word so hard for me to spell. Gah!!!!!!!
  6. I was wondering. If I used my lv. 60 Token to create a new character and use a race that I haven't unlocked will it unlock that race for my legacy? I really want to create a Mirialan Bounty Hunter but haven't unlocked that race yet so I was wondering if I used my token and created a fresh lv. 60 character and made him/her a Mirialan would that then unlock that race for my legacy? How do these tokens work on legacy stuff like that? Does it also unlock your classes buff? Or not really? Does it even show that you've completed those first three chapters? I'm still trying to decide what class I want to make using my token but I'd really like to know if that even effects your legacy. If it does unlock race and buff then that's awesome. If not then no biggie, I still get a free lv. 60 lol. Hmm, I wonder if they even give you any gear to start out in? I'd hate to create a naked character. I don't want him/her getting a cold. - Zoom, Zoom. Pew, pew, pew. I added some nifty sound effects this time.
  7. I get you but can you heal? If you have some healing then just go in and help people. don't fire a single shot lol. If you don't want to hurt others then that's your right. You could also just run from node to node and play decoy like I do sometimes. Sometimes it's fun just to get a bunch of people chasing you so your team can cap everything. Who cares about winning. Just go in, do some healing, fire a few warning shots to make it show you did some damage and then pick some flowers until the match is over. They can force you to pvp but they can't force you to fight if you don't want to. Others may get angry but hey, you just want a companion. You like pve, not pvp and maybe if enough people just run around in circles in warzones long enough they'll realize that's not a good idea to force it on people. Just have fun and play how you want to play.
  8. Yes and oldtimers cry and cry that they're no longer the most specialist in the universe. Get over it and just be happy that others are able to get a chance to also stand out. It's not like you don't have to still work hard for those items. As it is the only one's who can usually afford them right now are still the old timers. I have yet to do a rakhghoul event since I've been back. I did it once before I left and don't have enough of anything to buy those items so unless you've played for a while you're still not able to get them. What I don't get is this narcissistic joy of keeping others down: of being special and how dare anyone else ever be special like me. Why wouldn't you want everyone to be able to enjoy the things you have? As long as they still have to work hard for it then it shouldn't bother you.
  9. I think I taught Ashara a little too well. She doesn't even need me anymore. I'm a little afraid that she may decide to just do away with me and take my place on the Dark Council. At this rate I'm pretty sure she could easily take the Emperor lol. I think it's kinda funny and I'm enjoying my Godbots while I can. We all know they're going to get nerfed eventually. They sure made The Bounty event super easy this time. Take that evil non-stop stun guy on Dromund Kaas.
  10. Well it appears you now have the most unique companion in the galaxy lol. Hopefully they'll get that fixed soon. I'd send in a ticket. I don't know if that's freaky or cool. It's definitely different.
  11. Oh, how about there are NO more gear vendors for pre 60 or 65 weapons or armor anywhere. Not on the planets and not on the fleet. I'm a sub and don't know much about free or preferred but aren't they limited by how many coms they can get? If so then they're going to have a very hard time since you can't buy any gear anywhere anymore. That's just one of the many things that are now missing. Good luck transferring those new crystals between alts. They took all the artifact boxes out too so now you're left with NOTHING but mods and orange armor and no way to easily get gear or mods even though you're alt is sitting on max coms and has nothing to spend them on. But hey I'm sure all those once free green items will be appearing in the Cartel Market soon so all the free players who can't afford or don't want to pay for a sub can not afford to buy them there also. Seems counterintuitive to me. And to the OP I completely agree. F2P players are the blood of this game and without them it would be a very empty galaxy. Thank goodness for free and preferred players. You're right, not everyone can afford 15 dollars a month and kudos to those who choose to spend that 15 dollars on what's truly important: bills and their kids. People are having a hard time making ends meet and their entertainment should never make them feel guilty about not being able to fork over more money.
  12. They'll probably be giving hilts to Cybertech eventually anyway. Might as well at this point.
  13. So basically they state they want to make SWTOR more solo friendly and more like a single player game then turn around and say BUT.....we still want to force you to do group content so no good crafting unless you run ops. Which is it? If you want to make this a single player mmo then DO IT already. I have NEVER understood how any mmo will use crafting or any other thing that can be accomplished solo to make you group. I don't run ops, I don't like ops and I don't ever want to look at another op. I like to be self sufficient....plus I do stuff in the real world, like work and stuff so what little time I get to play online I prefer to spend just having fun. I just left a different mmo for punishing it's players for actually having a real life and I'd rather not leave this game so soon. I guess I'll have to wait and see but it really irritates me that I've spent SO MUCH TIME AND EFFORT working on my crafting just for it all to be flushed down the tube like this. So basically my lv. 60 gets NO benefits from this. I can craft the same crappy gear that everyone else will have and put up for sale. I can RE it to the next "not as crappy" tier but will always be behind the curve unless I dedicate time to running ops which are something I do NOT want to run. I don't enjoy them any more than I enjoy Huttball which is why I don't do them. Why make it so you need group content to complete solo content? Imagine if you couldn't complete your personal class storyline without an item from an ops. Do you think people would enjoy that? You know these items are going to sell for millions in the AH because it's prices are insanely bloated and that's no fun for anyone, especially not new players. But let's take a look at some of the good things: •All crafted armor is Adaptive Okay that's awesome right? Now I can totally gear all of my companions so they can all have good stats...........Oh wait, they're removing the need for gear on companions so what exactly is the point in this again? I mean is this just so my sorcerer can run around and look like a bounty hunter. If so that's awesome because there's totally no other way to make my character look like he wants to look. Maybe if we had some type of appearance designer or something but since we don't......... I've already got a set of adaptive armor, so do all my alts. Heck they all come with five different sets these days. Maybe if you'd make it Legacy I could get excited. This sort of, kind of, possibly benefits new players but not so much old players. •Enhancements can no longer be crafted by Artificers, and are now exclusive to Cybertechs. •For these specific examples, these Crafting patterns have been completely removed from their respective Crafting Skill. Wow thanks so much. I really enjoyed spending years re'ing all my enhancements to get them purple just so one day I couldn't ever make them. That's why we all spend hours and hours doing this, just so you can take them away and make us regrind something new. Hooray for having to re-grind stuff and for losing weeks and months of my life. So Cybertechs gain ONE more thing that they can craft. I mean don't you think they do enough already? They make everything. Do cybertechs really need one more thing to craft? Way to go and get rid of nearly the only reason everyone loves having an artificer. The ONLY reason I chose Artificer was so I could craft Enhancements and my Artificer is the ONLY character I've worked super hard on. What the heck happens to all of my Midlithe Crystals now? Are they going to be turned into something else? Should I just sell them why I can. I've spent months gathering up as many as I could. I'm going to be very unhappy if they're exchanged for some common item that's not worth the same amount. And finally: •Harvesting Nodes can now be harvested regardless of your skill level. • Harvesting Nodes will now grant Skill Increases regardless of the Node or your skill level. • Harvesting Nodes grant different amounts of materials based on the player’s skill level. Players that are below the skill level of the Yay because the One thing SWTOR lacks is a ton of bots. This way all the lv 10 bots can just harvest high end materials from nodes. Think how much fun this is going to be on Yavin. Seriously who's even coming up with this stuff? I don't mind most of the other changes and I'm actually open about wanting to try them but why open up any gathering node to any level? I mean how many of you just sat there wishing, "Man I sure wish I could go gather stuff on Makeb with my lv. 2 Bounty Hunter". Also they do realize that there is a skill node every two inches on Yavin right? Why bother to hunt them down sporadically in other zones when you can hit max level in one hour on Yavin? Unless they're going to add more to other planets and take a few away from there. I get they want and need to make it more accessible to new players but don't make the same mistakes that Star Wars Galaxies made. In their attempt to wow (pun intended) the new players they revamped everything.....and it sucked. They then lost all of their old players without gaining any new players and the rest is history. I hope this stuff works out better than I'm thinking but for now I'm a bit worried. I like some of it but surely there had to be some way to change things without taking away? It just feels like being slapped in the face at this point to lose all that hard work I did. If I was gaining something in the process it wouldn't be so bad but I just don't see how any of this is going to help my character. If nothing else it's more restrictive than what we had. No enhancements, all the items I re'd are useless. Do you know how many crafting components I've used trying to re some items? If you're going to take something away from a crafting tree then please add something of equal or better value to it. I wouldn't mind so bad if they had made my enhancements Bind on pickup or traded them for some augments or just something that my character alone could use. I've had this character since before day 1. I've left and come back and he and his crafting have always been here waiting on me. Like I said the enhancements were the MAIN reason I chose Artificer and now that's all gone. Imagine if Armormech could no longer craft, you know armor. Or if you suddenly took the ability to create ship upgrades away from Cybertech and gave it to Synthweavers or something. A Cybertech can already make augments, ship upgrades, speeder bikes, mods, armor, ear pieces, gear, grenades. I mean really why not just take it all and give it to them or better yet just get rid of every other one and keep Cybertech and Biotech? I really hate being forced to play a certain class or to use a certain crafter because you'll want me to. I avoided Biochem and Biotech when everyone loved it but now I'm going to have to do Cybertech just so I can make......heck anything I guess. Really makes me beyond grumpy.
  14. I edited my post because I finally found the answer I was looking for. I didn't know what ship mastery was and was wondering if you bought a ship in the Cartel Market if it came with everything fully unlocked. I just found out that Mastery is like an xp boost of 10% so I'll probably still buy one. Plus I want to get any more xp bonuses unlocked via Legacy before I begin. So my new question is which ship would be the easiest for a beginner? Does it matter? I was thinking about just getting the basic ship that goes faster. Seems like speed may help me out more in the beginning than anything else. Plus I like the idea of having a fast ship to harass people. I figure I can start there and then decide once I'm more familiar with everything. I know it's pretty brutal and I will die....a lot before I ever start getting the hang of it....if I ever do that is. I look forward to getting blown to pieces by you all.....over and over and over lol. I don't mind dying one bit Sometimes it's fun just to harass an enemy. A lot of times in pvp I just run interference and try to piss off as many people as I can. The more people chasing after me, the less there are doing the actual real objectives in pvp. I don't know if that will work here but I'll have to find out. I think I'm going to start on my new Bounty Hunter. I think the role fits him pretty well.
  15. Petition to the Dark Council on Sith Naming Policy: Fellow Sith, a grave danger threatens the very existence of the Sith Empire. A danger far greater than the Republic or any Jedi. Something worse than Revan or any other third faction that may one day totally come and wipe both of our idiotic sides out while we're fighting with each other. That's right, you guessed it, the Sith naming policy. An up and coming Darth should be able to choose their own name. No longer should we have to wear the shame and humilation of having a master that gives out dreadful names. Take my lord and master for example. He is strong with the dark side and the known galaxy has come to fear him, but.....he's completely off his rocker. He freaking named me Darth Doodlebug. How am I suppose to spread the Sith cause and strike fear in the hearts and minds of my enemies with a name like this? I know exactly what you're thinking. There's nothing scary or evil about a rolley polley. They're actually kinda cute but for some reason my master seems to think that Doodlebugs are the dark force personified. How exactly am I supposed to strike down our enemies with a name like this? For every Darth Bane there is a Darth Dandelion. For every Revan there is a Doodlebug. Together we can change this. Together we can reshape the galaxy in our image and no longer suffer the ridicule of our fellow sith and those mean ol' Jedi's. Just the other day I was on an important mission and couldn't even get the Jedi to fight me. He was too busy laughing at me. Then his buddies came and they all made fun of me so I took my datacron and I went home. I'm not playing with them anymore...I mean I will destroy them all....stupid jerks. Help me. Together we must petition the Dark Council and the Dark Council naming committe. This injustice must be stopped. I know that through passion, I gain strength and this should make me stronger but come on now.....Doodlebug? This name is a lie and only through petition will our chains be broken. Together we can break these chains, together we are strong. Please? Pretty pretty please help me. ......Quit laughing at me. It's not funny!
  16. What this person said. I'm building my next one. For around 700 dollars I could easily build what they're trying to sell me online for around 2k lol. And it would probably work a lot better too. Of course if you don't have the knowledge or the time you can always go look on newegg or Ibuypower. Newegg is great for parts especially if you have the time to catch some really good sales. You can also wait till Cyber Monday and take advantage of those sales. NEVER, ever buy a pc from a retail store like Wally world, They can play games, especially if you change out the PSU and put a real video card in them but they'll never be a gaming pc and you're way better off buying an actual gaming rig or making your own. There's a lot of great tutorials online and it's not that hard. Also check out making a gaming pc for under 500, 700, 1000, etc, whatever your price range is and I guarantee you'll find a really awesome computer that's better than anything you can buy in a store. Some of the builders get really crafty with it. I've been eye'ing one for around 400 that's a thousand times better than what I have and it costs half as much as mine did lol. Good luck with it. Really great advice from the person I'm quoting. I'm going to check some of those sites out myself. Currently saving up, I'd love to hit the 2k range for a pc. If you do it yourself you can make one that will last you for years to come plus it will be upgradable for the future. You mainly need a good case and mb and you're set.
  17. Or better yet just introduce some sort of Alternate Advancement System at 60 and you won't have to add new abilities or push back old disciplines or anything like that. For the life of me I can't understand why no mmo since Everquest has ever utilized this system. If constantly gives you something to work towards without making you supremely OP. I can remember some of them just being like a 1% increase of certain abilities. Of course EQ took forever to level up in compared to SWTOR but you could make them such small increases, maybe like .25% power gain with a total of 3% in all once you've maxed out that particular one. You can add anything from run speed, buffs lasting longer, increased healing, better crafting chances, etc. Really the potential is endless. I'd rather work towards that then keep having to wait longer and longer for key disciplines that just a few days ago I had at a much lower level. Not a fan of watering down skill systems in mmo's then constantly pushing it back to accommodate higher levels but I'll wait and see how it goes.
  18. If it's too much for you then stop paying for it. I'm not saying this to be mean but practical. It's only a game and if you can't afford it and have more important priorities then take care of those first. I'm sure 15 dollars a month isn't a lot for a company when they have to pay developers, staff, programmers, etc. There's a reason a lot of game companies go bust. But let's face it, a lot of countries are struggling right now, including one's that used to not struggle so much and while 15 bucks might not be much for some people it can be quite a bit to others. You can always jump over to preferred for a while and while I'll admit it's sort of a pain going from sub to preferred because of how many restrictions there are that's still an option. Take care of you and what's important to you in life first. It's only a game and is meant for entertainment. If you have trouble putting food on the table then get rid of the entertainment for a while. I know that makes for a dull life but this game isn't going anywhere. It'll still be here (hopefully) when things improve for you. Here's wishing you future success. I wish everyone was rich.
  19. I heard we're finally going to get the Sarlac Enforcer class that they promised us way back on April 1, 2010. It's been a long time coming. I've been waiting on this class for five years now. But the wait is nearly over. Took em long enough. :/
  20. That sucks. To be fair they did extend the time for him by quite a bit because I just rejoined and it had originally said you get him by a certain date if you are a subscriber but then later that date was changed and pushed back even more which doesn't really help you if you're just now coming back to swtor and didn't know about it. I'm sure they'll release him somehow for you in the future. I mean if you take a look at every single thing swtor has released, all the special editions, special items for buying this or that, nearly all of them have been made available in one form or another for people who missed them. I think it would be foolish not to put them on the Cartel Market for everyone who missed out. It would be a money maker that's for sure. I know this is a huge longshot but if you are just coming back and didn't even know about this and missed it by a day or two then maybe you can contact customer support and see if there's anything they can do? Probably not but you never know. On one hand it would be nice if they did but on the other if they made one exception then they'd have to make one for everyone. If nothing else you might be able to find out if they're going to give you another opportunity in the future to purchase him. Sorry it's not much help. I just returned to swtor maybe a week or so after they announced these items so I was pretty lucky. I also ended up getting the Amazon Bundle for 40 dollars which was an amazing deal especially since I didn't have SOR and my sub was nearly due and it comes with 60 days game time plus cartel coins and other goodies. I also did that to make absolutely sure I would stay subbed up until KOTFE comes out. I'd be so pissed if I accidentally overdrew my account or something the day my sub here was due and missed out on anything lol. Now I don't have to worry because I'm good for 60 days.
  21. Haha, it looks like we've found your pet peeve. You can expect even more turtle like stuff on the backs of Troopers and an even uglier gray thing on their chest pieces. Once we have found a weakness we like to exploit it, to watch it fester and grow until the dark side runs strong within your veins. Your anger makes you strong. Give in to it and join us, only then will you be powerful enough to destroy all ugliness and turtleness in the galaxy. And turtleness is too a word.
  22. I just got the 500cc. Literally two seconds ago they popped up so either I had the 30 days a day or two off or just calculated something wrong. Thanks everyone for all your help. I could have swore that the 31st was 30 days but I probably got mixed up somewhere. Even if it didn't give those 500cc I still would have been super happy. That bundle was a great deal Even better with the extra monthly cartel coins. I'm saving up for......I don't know, something. I'll know when I see it
  23. A week or so ago I went ahead and bought the Amazon Bundle Pack because I didn't have SOR yet and my sub was about due and the two of them would cost 35.00 so I figured an extra five dollars and I could get 60 days sub plus 2400 Cartel Coins and some other goodies. It was a great deal and I'm very happy with it On the 31st is when my sub that I had paid for ran out and that's when those 60 days kicked in and I opened the Cartel Market to see if it had given me the 500 Cartel Coins for that month for being subscribed but it didn't. It's been a few days now and still no 500 Coins so I was wondering if those 2400 coins that came with the Bundle take the place of getting those 500 Coins for the next two months? It didn't say anything about that on the page where I bought the bundle. Is this normal and supposed to be like this? I just assumed that it would also give me the 500 Coins for each month I was subscribed no matter the method of subscription. Has this happened to anyone else and is this how it's supposed to be or should I contact Customer Service? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
  24. Ahh the sky is falling! The sky is falling!........again but this time it's for real. Always with the doom and gloom. There is a simpler explanation you know. Like maybe they don't want to ruin it for everyone. Plus there's the fact that most developers worth a darn aren't going to publish a crap load of details because then everyone will be screaming and throwing a fit if one tiny single thing they mention gets cut or isn't like it was expected to be. There was a really good post by a developer on some site a while back that explained why many developers are so tight lipped. Fans tend to think that anything posted is a promise when anything and everything talked about concerning a mmo can and will change so it's just better for everyone if they don't give out too many details that way everyone won't scream how they were promised this or that. I will judge the details of the expansion for myself when it comes out. There's plenty of info out there about KOTFE and I don't blame them one bit for not wanting to put out more info only to have it later thrown in their face if god forbid they have to make a change at the last moment.
  25. Hello all. I just returned to swtor and I'm still running around in my lv. 50 pvp gear. Centurion Force Master and Mystic, two pieces each I think. I heard someone mention that it's better to just take that armor off because everyone is now buffed to lv. 55 or something like that if you're below 50 but if you are wearing old expertise gear you won't get that buff and you'll actually be worse off. Is that true? If so what should I do. I was also pretty much using that gear to level. Should I just wait till 60 to pvp? Or should I just get some regular gear or update my old orange gear with some current mods and use that? It sounds like pvp gear is no longer a game breaker as it once used to be. When swtor first came out people in high lv. pvp gear just face stomped those without any. They even started giving a starter set out for credits which I have: Force Recruit armor or something like that. So is my old pvp armor worthless now? Also how is the matchmaking system these days? It used to be really really bad and would basically put your pug group against premades over and over again. I quit pvp'ing after spending two weeks not being able to complete my dailies/weeklies because I couldn't win a single match. It was like I was put into the same bad group over and over against an elite pvp guild or something. That sucked. I hope warzones are different now and don't require x amount of wins to complete. It should be x amount of games played....especially if their matchmaking system sucks so bad. Any other tips for a returning player? I've been looking at those color crystals, gems, whatever they are in the market that give you like 41 power or expertise. Should I get one with expertise for pvp or not really? How long does it take to get geared up at 60 now? And what exactly are ranked pvp matches and should I even bother? Am I going to constantly get my face melted if I do them? Should I wait to try them until I have some decent armor. I mainly play a sorcerer on the Empire side so I'm going to try and look up which gear I should be aiming for. Any other tips, tricks or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
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