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Everything posted by TrifKaylon

  1. And again - maybe in this time period, it's not. There is nothing contradictory about it in the slightest. Jedi can and do use red blades. Aaaaaaaand again - player characters aren't lore characters. They are just a bunch of individual Jedi knights who are choosing to use red blades because they want to. Again, I don't see a problem.
  2. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber_crystal There are many naturally occurring red crystals. And Luke's green saber had a synthetic crystal - there's nothing stopping them from making them, and meditating on them to infuse them with lightside goodness.
  3. I didn't even call anyone a name. I just said the thread was stupid. Look at what it's degenerated to. In any event - mission accomplished OP.
  4. And that doesn't matter. None of the player characters are lore characters, and it's not as though they're prevented from doing so (which is why alignment restrictions in this game are so stupid). It's an MMO, with a fluid, unfolding narrative, that describes a distinct period which has not yet been exhaustively described. For all you know, it's one in which Jedi commonly use red sabers.
  5. This looks like an admission of trolling if anything. As many have pointed out, the lore allows for Jedi and Sith alike to use whatever color lightsaber they like. Furthermore, assuming all these Jedi players are *Jedi* actively choosing a red blade, what's your problem? You say that there's no time period in the EU with large numbers of Jedi choosing to wield a red blade. It looks like now there is. What's the problem?
  6. At the end of the day, this is a really stupid thread, Spymaster. It doesn't matter that "most" Jedi don't use red crystals. All that matters is that they *can* and some *do.* All we need is a precedent for non-"traditional" saber colors - Leia, Lowbacca, Exar Kun, and many others, but you only really need a couple - to say that it's open season, and people can use whatever damn color they want. Personally, I think we should have more, crazier colors. Because it's fun and looks nice. This is a Star Wars MMO. Character customization is important, and one of the best ways to improve character customization would be to allow lots of freedom with saber colors. Of course, this is my serious answer, presented with my serious face, under the assumption that you are seriously concerned with this. It's just as likely - probably most likely, considering how obtuse you're being - that you're trolling us good.
  7. So you can't read or count. Your dedication is impressive though. Long story short, there should not be any sort of limitation on color crystals. So saith my blue sabered Assassin and my red sabered Knight.
  8. It's bugged. This is seriously broken for a lot of people, and I would go as far as to call it seriously game altering, if not game breaking. They are supposedly aware of it, but there's a huge thread in the CS forums that has been ongoing since early access. Nothing has been done, and no substantial dev posts either. I hope they do something about it soon though.
  9. I find that I can duel in pretty much any spec, though granted some are better than others.
  10. I know. I'm super happy about that. I just think it's funny that people seize upon things like this that are in WoW (not to mention several other games) as "gimmicks" just because... they're in WoW. It's just good design.
  11. Boom, this. I played WoW from launch through the first couple of months of Cata. I re-upped a month or so ago to make a figureprint of my character now that I was done for good, and played around with transmoging. Simply put, it was one of the nicest things they could have done. Not enough to bring be back to be sure, but I sincerely raged at the fact that I couldn't have used it when I was actually playing. Big games like this need to make character customization a priority.
  12. It's a hell of a grind, I agree. The worst part is that it's one of the only reliable ways to get a pair of pants as a consular/inquisitor. I do recall some rumbling about them implementing versions of the social gear for all three armors eventually. Supposedly, this was how it worked in beta at some point.
  13. RE the "clone" issue - They've actually acknowledged this and a fix is in the works. The armor mods and set bonuses will be fully transferable to any orange piece, with a small limitation. The set bonus will be tied to the armor mod in a given piece, and that armor mod will be restricted to the armor type - IE, you get a high end set chest piece, that armor mod will only be able to be slotted in another chestpiece. But it will bring the set bonus with it.
  14. Agreed that this is needed, except... It's silly to implement all sorts of functionality like this into the UI, when all we need is the ability to create macros. So, as ever, /signed for a macro system in TOR.
  15. Actually... http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Rainbow_gem Personally, I think a rainbow double bladed lightsaber would be so intense.
  16. March is what people have been whispering about. I haven't seen a source. Level 24 though? Hot damn. You'll have quite a head start.
  17. I think you're misreading him. He doesn't watch that kid's show because he's obviously a mature adult. This comes through very clearly when you re-read his post.
  18. Didn't we even get that if we sat through the credits of Phantom Menace? Maul laughing, or a flash of his face, or something? I haven't seen the movie in about ten years. Granted, I DIDN'T like it that much, but it's been such a long time that I'm actually sort of excited to see it in 3D later this year.
  19. I'm pretty sure it's all canon. Or are you rejecting reality in favor of your own?
  20. I'd be as annoyed as ever at losing a roll, but I don't think I'd shout ninja. Not with custom armor of a type that the person could use.
  21. See my previous two responses in this thread for reason and positivity. I think you're just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. IE, trollin'.
  22. So cancel your subscription for the most ridiculous reason ever, I suppose. I think you trollin'.
  23. They recognize that this is an issue - and an annoying one at that. Thankfully, plans are in place to allow all endgame pvp and pve set mods to be fully transferable to orange gear - including the set bonuses, which will be tied to the armor mod.
  24. I suspect we play for the same reasons. I dig the customizations and actively seek them out. But you're only missing out on a couple for any given character. And buying an authenticator is just good sense. It's good sense for you to get it to protect your account, and it's good sense for Bioware to incentivize it with bells and whistles - in the end, more people protecting their accounts means less time the CSRs need to spend restoring hacked accounts and less stolen accounts spamming and credit selling.
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