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Everything posted by TrifKaylon

  1. Or a few dollars. I don't know how much the fob costs, but it's less than $10 including shipping. If you want it, then shell out. A security key will always be a good investment in an MMO. You're not being gimped though - there are still a ton of customizations available elsewhere. It's the same as getting the little core hound when you got the WoW authenticator.
  2. There is no indication anywhere in the extended lore that color crystals are restricted in any way. There are plenty of lightsiders wielding red blades and plenty of evildoers rocking blue blades. Besides, there was no such restriction in KoTOR. Don't start me on the blaster bolts. Having the color crystals restricted in any way to alignment is stupid, and they should remove that. Also, /sign for losing the stats on color crystals entirely. I'd prefer if they were solely cosmetic.
  3. No. You continue to gain and upgrade base class powers. You'll be super gimpy though. You won't have any healing or tanking ability either.
  4. Signed. My Andronikus looks like the Prince of Space.
  5. Just voted. A solid 75% (roughly) in favor or apathetic. Hopefully sends a message to the fun folks who sit there, constipated with rage, deriding the "casuals" who are in favor of this eminently necessary feature.
  6. Mostly agreed, but we really do need a working auction house post haste. Making it more user friendly has to be a priority. It can't be a hard fix - I don't know how the present GTN even made it into the live game.
  7. Ditto for a GTX 560. I know the problem exists with the 560 TI as well. It's annoying, and it seems like it isn't always even restricted to cutscenes.
  8. No search function, unfortunately. The orange gear has no base stats, excepting the difference between light/med/heavy armor. What determines it's level is the primary mod - for lightsabers, that's the hilt, for blasters the barrel, and for armor...the armor. So sticking a level 50 armor mod into an orange will make it level 50 armor. Note also that there is a multiplier for the different types - so, for example, a Resolve armor 13, when slotted in a heavy armor piece, will grant more armor than it would when slotted in a light piece.
  9. Willing to bet that we'll see something like this available with the Legacy system. An on-demand character re-customization that will not extend to name, sex and (probably) species that you can use whenever you want. Sort of like the Black Emporium DLC in DA2. THis would be the ideal solution here, I'd say.
  10. [Nitpick] General Grievous wasn't a Sith. [/nitpick]
  11. Putting this back to the top. And hopefully soon. This is a big oversight.
  12. THinking about this... I'm guessing that they will have a character re-customization option available to use at any time (kind of like the Black Emporium in DA2) that will let you change your features (barring sex and, possibly, species) at any given time.
  13. I should have clarified this - I am experiencing the same issue in the fleet. It doesn't bother me because, well - it's the fleet, it's crowded, I expect some FPS issues. Beyond that, my CPU (core 2 duo) is the weakest link in my build. The wife has a brand new i7 to go with that 560 TI, and she's having zero issues on the fleet. C'est la vie.
  14. You may want to get that warth checked out - it sounds kinda nasty.
  15. People are already doing that with peripherals like the G15 keyboard that allow for macros outside of the game. You want an even playing field? Allow macros and addons. People who can afford expensive peripherals like that now have an edge. This sort of functionality should be built into the game and freely available to everyone who is already paying to play the game. Besides - it's easy enough to implement a macro system that plays by very strict rules, as determined by Bioware's developers. You don't want people mashing one-button DPS "rotations" (not that those people *ever* succeed or play at any sort of competitive level)? Don't allow it. But making me click my relic before attacking, when I *should* just be able to macro it to my Thrash, is just annoying. And mouseover macros don't make the game, or the healing role, *easier* - just less annoying.
  16. I run a single 560 - my wife has a single 560 TI. Neither of us have run into any technical problems to speak of.
  17. I run that same card with 4g of DDR3 ram - the game runs a treat. No complaints whatsoever.
  18. What are you spending your credits on?
  19. It is not remotely fraud by any definition of the word.
  20. Come on, man. Name one game that advertises with the in-game engine. Every developer is guilty of the same "lie." I'm not saying that your complaint is ridiculous, and I hope they add the high-end textures - I'm sure they will when they iron out the memory leak issues and other system problems. But the "Bioware lied!" response is a little crazy.
  21. They used to have a patch history on the official site before they changed the design for Cataclysm. I looked there first, but couldn't find it on the new interface. That's correct though. That said... It may very well be that WoW added that stuff after release, but that doesn't change the fact that they added those things years ago. I love the crap out of this game. I can't think of anything that would stop me from playing with it. But releasing a MMO game with no UI customization and no macro support in 2012 is something that I would consider a big mistake. We might be waiting months for these fixes, not to menton character customization options like a barber shop (and to a much lesser degree dual spec - I think it's necessary, but the free weekly respecs make the system far more manageable than WoW's was at launch). Not something that will prevent me from playing this game way more than I should for the foreseeable future, but still - a big mistake.
  22. http://www.wowpedia.org/Patch_1.3.0 Patch 1.3 in 2005. I don't know of any chat bubble addons - I certainly didn't use one before they added it. I agree with most of what you say, but the absence of some features on release really is mind boggling. No, WoW didn't launch with chat bubbles...but it implemented them 7 years ago.
  23. [Nitpick] Chat bubbles were added way, way before this. It was sometime in vanilla - I honestly don't remember. But I had silly macros made for chat bubbles when Burning Crusade launched. [/nitpick] But yeah, as far as releases go...this game kicked the crap out of WoW's release. The first few months were brutal. TOR is gravy in comparison.
  24. 8. Believe it or not, every one is filled - one of each base class. Granted, I can delete some of them and re-roll them, but if I start playing one and get far at all, it will be a big pain to have to delete and re-roll. The alternate species/customization options carrot is honestly making me afraid to do any serious alting right now.
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