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Everything posted by Sangiban

  1. Some of these are serious, some are not. Also I'm grouping some companions together to make it easier. Kira, Ashara - Either with the Jedi helping them recuperate, or fighting in resistance movements. Nadia - Trying to keep Sarkhai out of the view of the Eternal Empire (think of the Raloi in ME3 destroying their space telescopes to escape the Reapers' view). LS Jaesa - Trying to help the Sith recuperate on DK or Korriban; possibly working as an Overseer. DS Jaesa - Carving a bloody path of destruction through Eternal troops to avenge her master's capture; I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up being captured herself. Vector - Likely with the killiks. Xalek - Undoubtedly a Lord by this point; probably same thing as DS Jaesa. Risha - Likely cut a deal with the Eternal Empire so that Dubrillion is part of their territory, but has minimal oversight. Guss - Conning someone out of their money and making Jedi jokes in the process. Gault - Same as Guss, minus the Jedi jokes. Temple - With the Chiss, who are probably out the Eternal Empire's view. Key word: probably. Lokin, Kaliyo, & Scorpio - (Probably) Sold you out. Doc - A bartender, adult film director or star (that mustache), or an alcoholic. Malavai - Undoubtedly planning strategies with what's left of the Imperial Brass. Vette - I like to think she reunited with Risha and they're BFFs. Mako, Akaavi, & Torian - I figure Akaavi and Torian meet, and Mako probably tags along. Tharan - Him & Holiday are probably doing some sciencey thing. Zenith - (Almost) Certainly sold you out. Aric - Some last stand scene out of an action movie. Tanno - Same as Aric, just with more explosions. Alternatively, he could've cut a deal with the Eternal Empire. Elara - Still with the Republic Army. Yuun - Probably wandering around in some shamanistic... thing. Pierce - Back in Imperial Black Ops most likely. Him and his team probably face new missions all the time. Skadge - Hopefully drifting in space after being thrown out an airlock. Blizz - Looking for more stuff to scavenge, or he could be with Mako, Akaavi, & Torian. Iresso - With the Republic Army, of course. Qyzen - Wandering the galaxy, earning lots of points by killing Eternal troops. Rusk - Finding a character for himself. Treek - Finding a mute button. Broonmark, Khem, & Bowdaar - See DS Jaesa Scourge - Laughing maniacally at the Jedi Knight's capture, or killed by the Sith Warrior. Ideally the latter. HK-51 - Defending you to the death. C2-N2 - Went down with the ship. 2V-R8 - Giving you a foot massage and hot tea (or whatever you fancy) upon your return to the ship. M1-4X - Giving a great & hilarious speech that sounds right out of Cold War propaganda films. T7 - Finding a use other than crafting. Tell him "The Lannisters send their regards" while you're at it.
  2. If you spare her parents, when Baras calls you, he says he intends to torture them for information and to make Jaesa suffer. You can then let him, encourage him, or stop him. I let him, in which I got a letter from the dad afterwards saying that they were going to meet Baras the next day. I then proceeded to feel pretty bad for them. I don't know about sparing Karr (pretty sure he's dead on my neutral run), but thus far Jaesa hasn't mentioned her parents being tortured. And the only thing that determines her alignment is yours. If you're DS, she's DS; if you're LS, she's LS; and if you're neutral, you get to choose whether she's LS or DS. Personally after having 3 DS Jaesas and trying a new LS Jaesa, I like DS Jaesa better.
  3. Since appearance will be so much more flexible for companions, I say grab some of the green Imperial Officer stuff on Impside and have fun!
  4. I figure the reason they weren't on Corellia or Ilum is because they were trying to regain their strength, reconnect to their powerbase, ensure their followers know they're alive, etc. And by the time they were finally ready, they lost their connection to the Emperor and decided that no one was worth following.
  5. I have just one question Which of Starkiller's outfits are you talking about? This doesn't look like any of them that I could think of or find with google, it's just a skimpified version of low level green gear. The only Starkiller set I can think of in-game is the Tulak Hord set which is preincarnated Lord Starkiller gear.
  6. The orange set isn't adaptive, it's restricted to heavy armour. The only way to get around that is with Outfit Designer. And what do the greaves look like? If they have a lookalike on the CM, that should help.
  7. Perhaps you didn't read the part where they said, " The Jedi Knight’s Master Strike ability has been renamed “Blade Dance” because Soresu Form reduces the Focus gained by “Strike” abilities (Strike, Sundering Strike, and Warding Strike), but Master Strike does not generate or cost Focus – so its name is out of place with the conventions of the rest of the class." Personally I'm indifferent to the name change and it seems to me like people are just flipping out because change is scary. If it makes the naming conventions more logical, ok.
  8. That's one of the sets from the progression trailer right? Looks like it, at least.
  9. This is probably the hardest question I've had to answer in a while. I have so many in use and so many unlocked it's so hard to pick... But since I'm going to pick, I'll go with the regular purple (purple outline and derelict purple work as a nice backup before 50) or black-green.
  10. Lucky for you I have a character where I do just that You can be so mean to Lana and Theron regardless of faction, but personally I think doing it while the same faction is even worse. Since as opposing faction they can boil it down to, "Well of course they wouldn't like me." Basically you question his every decision, openly call him out when he messes up, insult him quite a surprising amount of the time, and after Ziost you can say that you'd fire him were you in charge. For Lana it's pretty much the same, and you can tell her to step down as head of Intelligence. Though I suspect we'll find out soon whether she actually does or not.
  11. The impression I got (dunno if it's it the case) is that the Emperor moved the field projector thinking or knowing it would separate Theron and the PC.
  12. I recall a line (pretty sure it was said by Lana) about them retreating to their temples or something. So basically just picture the Jedi right before TOR and apply it to the Sith. Some trying to hold the frontlines, but most recuperating. Also I have the sneaking suspicion Marr will be a temp companion.
  13. I try to make this point most every time I see one of these threads. Most of the old PvE and PvP sets from 1.0 & some from 1.2 have returned, though usually with some tweaking. Some of them are hard to track down, but they are there. Personally I'm counting how long it takes for them to add the Verpine & Oriconian stuff to the CM, seeing as how the Black Market, Campaign, and Artifact gear is still in-game. My guess would be in within the next 2 years or so.
  14. Diverting from KOTFE for a sec, I think I managed to recreate what I'm calling "Concept Theron Shan" - the guy in the character, guild, and legacy rename pics on the CM. The one who starts as Nikomedes Malcolm of <Jedi Order> and becomes Theron Shan of <Strategic Information Service>. I like to think this was a reference to the early ideas (and likely early name) back in whenever his character was thought up. Anyway, I think I managed to recreate him in the Appearance Designer and made a quick little toon to test it out who got trashed soon after because I need to save my precious, precious slots. Keep in mind, the skin tones in both pics are the same, but the lighting is frustratingly different. Face Code for those who want it
  15. I stand corrected then. That makes me wonder just how long they've had this expansion planned and how long they've been working on it to have nine chapters worth of content done on launch.
  16. The animations the Zakuul Knights used in the livestream looked just like Jugg animations. Which is a bit weird since if there's one place I could see the Guardian's baseball bat grip actually being used, it'd be with these pikes.
  17. Pretty sure the two superpowers haven't fallen, it seems to me more like they've suffered a heavy beating and have dug in around their core worlds. And I'm also pretty sure that the first 9 chapters will come out in that episodic pace. ie they'll come out with Chapter 1 in Oct, 2 in Nov, 3 in Dec, etc. And honestly it just gets confusing since we're at Act 5 in-game, meaning the first bit of KOTFE would put us as Act 6, then Act 7, etc.
  18. I feel like they should do one of the non-Force classes for the next trailer; for variety's sake if nothing else (I nominate female Trooper or Bounty Hunter). And having T7 show up wasn't too surprising (even if it was a bit disappointing). Though that makes me wonder if he's there just for the Knight, or if he's there for all classes. In other words, will we have our starting companion be there when we're sprung free or is it always T7?
  19. That's the Noble Commander chest piece from the CM dyed black/black by the looks of it. The set has 1200 CC price though, which is a bit pricey if you ask me. And you can get Nihilus' mask from either the Black Market or Crime Lord pack OR get legend rep with the Contraband Resale Corp (slot machine is good for this) and buy it for 100k and 10 Certs.
  20. http://tor-fashion.com/orbalisk/ Have fun champ
  21. Most likely she's the one in command of that particular part of Korriban. I highly doubt she's leading the defenses of the Academy or anything.
  22. I'm a bit of a perfectionist who loves to dress up my companions (well the ones I like anyway), and so thankfully I've already come up with outfits for Lana and Theron. I'm not sure whether or not I should come up with one for Koth, since we don't know much about him. I think he's an ex-Eternal Empire cop? I still need to make one for Nico, which'll probably just be late midgame Smuggler stuff for Pubside, and the Emergency Responder coat for Impside. Plus the Bounty Tracker hat because you can't have a Smuggler outfit without a big hat
  23. Speaking of dorks While I haven't looked at whatever's on reddit, can you tell me what gifts to stock up on? I've got at least 1 toon with maxed diplomacy and another on the way, so I'd like to know which ones to stock up on. I'd like to "have these things on hand" shall we say.
  24. I'm fairly certain all of them would laugh in his face for a full minute before stopping to say, "Oh. You were serious?"
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