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Everything posted by oredith

  1. O_o to be perfectly honest, and blunt, i haven't seen any stellar performances by people in WM. it might just be me being in the wrong groups though?
  2. there's never a bad game with Aridius. even when we lose, i'm laughing the whole time..
  3. Aridius is awesome - i don't know about his pvp skills, but his verbal skills have caused at least double handfuls of people to rage quit. I am continuously impressed by his ability to type out taunts in game, cackle in vent, while dps'ing at the same time.
  4. what do you mean? 1.4 = slingers at the top of the food chain.. that's balance, right?..
  5. borderlands 2! i'm still waiting to get home to see how f'd i got by the renaming. -_- interesting idea: pvp duels for the rights to a name.
  6. oredith

    Huttball & pull

    yes, it's bioware's way of saying F U to the "tanking" type AC. our gap closer is heavily effected by resolve - (basically only works if they have no resolve) while the dps AC all have leaps that don't get impacted by resolve.
  7. oredith

    Huttball & pull

    your best bet for pull is used on a ball recipient. This is usually because in huttball, the retarded pugs generally fill up the ball runner's resolve right as he's about to hit the last 2 fire traps, so that you can't pull him anymore. pulling the recipient is kinda tricky though, you have to anticipate the throw. you can generally tell if there are 2 people from the same team on opposite sides of the fire. anyways, check out this video for reference.
  8. this is not as much of a pyro problem, as it is a HORRIBLE targetting problem. the tab targetting in this game is absolutely the worst i've ever seen. and to couple with the worst tab targetting system, is the absolute worst click-select target system. oh, got something in the foreground, even though it's not in your screen, because the camera's clipping through it? yeah, no selecting for you. wanna pick our your teammate in the middle of 5 guys? can't click through the other guys because their bounding box is HUGE. oh, not to mention you can't select by their name plate either.
  9. pretty much this. with 1.4, snipers will be insanely tough for a pyro, but that's actually ok. i prefer the lines to be more solid on the rock/paper/scissors, so people aren't QQ'ing about pyro being the rock without a paper.. -_-
  10. ok, i think i've figured out the problem. i'm the one tanking him from ~90%, until ~58%, we don't swap tanks AT ALL during that time, so i'm 100% sure I have the savage wound on me when I'm getting Touch, which results in me dying, but the damage being attributed to arc.
  11. ok, still not working. kinda frustrating. seems to be very luck based. anyways. went back in last night, cleared the others and was left with ~35 minutes on kephess. got 3 tries on him, and died 2x the same way as before. the OT is an assassin, and I'm MT'ing him (so the assassin is taunting after the first knockback). per the suggestions in this thread, i have made the following changes: after GOTM, I stand in place and wait for kephess to run up to me (i'm standing in the middle of the room, plenty of room to get knocked back without being stopped). I get knocked back, and am already running away from kephess the second I land. before Kephess even starts casting BOTM, i'm dead from a 26k savage arc slash. My OT swears he taunted as soon as he saw me get punted. I saw from this thread, around 6:50, you can see the MT actually tanks him with his back right up against the wall, so that when he gets punted, he goes nowhere. is this purely a problem with my OT not taunting fast enough? i mean, i'm not standing over his shoulder and watching him play, but he swears he's taunting right when he sees the punt. is there another queue to watch for?
  12. it protects against 50% of the damage types. i guess you're a "cup is half full" type of guy.
  13. yup perhaps you need to hover over the death field ability? i comment did not say anything about "all force attacks", perhaps this is a issue for you, but words like "all", and "every" have meanings, as well as the lack of those words. they make a difference. for example: ALL posts on the pvp forum are troll posts posts on the pvp forum are troll posts they carry different meanings.
  14. why bother ss in game when i can just link in torhead? http://www.torhead.com/ability/fAylTmX/death-field
  15. there's actually only 4 damage types: internal, energy, elemental, and kinetic. There are 4 attack types: Melee, Ranged, Tech, and Force you are mixing up your terminalogy, and/or choosing to misread mine. i didn't say "force damage", i said force attack. if you want to be more technical about it, armor only defends against energy and and kinetic damage - ie, the 2 types of damage not done by most force attacks.
  16. the leap back is more for positional purposes. when we do it in storymode, we are able to keep kephess pretty much standing in the same spot, with small deviations everytime we taunt/transition. if i waited for him to walk up, we'd have to continuously adjust the positioning. my casual guild doesn't do too hot with movement..
  17. this actually confused me a bit when i first started playing the PT (i leveled him to tank, surprisingly). I would have figured that taunts would only be available in the tanking form, similar to guard. doesn't really make sense to me why the DPS ac has taunts.
  18. I think it is you who needs to gain some basic knowledge of game mechanics. interestingly, light armor is EXACTLY the same effectiveness as heavy armor vs. force attacks, because armor does not mitigate force.
  19. people will finally start realizing how much dmg snipers / gunslingers are doing, and will start QQ'ing about them on the forums, making them the next class to get nerfed.
  20. haha.. i'm not. i'm leaping in after the GOTM, at which point, he punts me back. I haven't been running away after the punt, but i'll do that now.
  21. yay, again we have the "heavy armor" argument! please remind me again how helpful that heavy armor is against force attacks? woohoo. with 20k HP.. that's a.. let me use some toes to count here.. 300 HP per second! WOOHOO!!!!! except the stealthers can see the area you're probing. .. oh, you mean the ones that are already in combat with you? yeah, stealth's not much of an issue, but mostly because they only pop stealth long enough to use their shoot-first type ability.
  22. saw this last night in a voidstar. it was kinda weird. there were 4 aoe on the door, and the sorc's cast bar just kept on going. not sure if it was a graphic bug or if it would have actually capped. never found out since we just killed him before the timer finished.
  23. "no challenge" is fine. i manage it *sometimes*, but i would really depend on having a friendly healer. the greater point is that most pyros can NOT do this, because they're busy tunnelvisioning .
  24. i was with you up until this point. 10s = 6 GCD. lets say 7. even giving you a freebie up front, 8 abilities. you will only be able to use thermal detonator once. so, you open with: incendiary missile thermal detonator railshot (assuming you're in range now)rocket punch railshot assuming all 5 crits, and you're in WH gear, vs. a recruit, it is possible that you just killed him now let's review where you're at. you've now used up 5 of your 8 GCDs, with 3 to go, no thermal detonator, and prototype particle accelerator is now on cooldown, and won't be up again within the time you have. so now, you have no rail shot, no rocket punch, no thermal detonator. explain to me how you're going to kill the 2nd guy in recruit gear with 3 abilities? gross exaggeration only makes your entire argument less credible.
  25. if you're able to survive more than 2 seconds with 3 PT, 2 Maras, and 1 Jugg, sorc are in a serious need of a nerf - with like, a 2 ton hammer.
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