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Everything posted by Iliac

  1. Any chance of getting the ability to stop the @#%@# $#*&$ crew skill mission complete window from poping up when in combat?
  2. I have also noticed that there seems to be an increased drop rate if you quest with a group. So, get to know people, group up and all benefit from faster kills and more comms.
  3. It seems some of the problems we are having with community in SWTOR is the fact that it appears that Bioware has done everything in its power to limit the community. No Global chat, only current planet. No Individual Server Forums. Inability to chat with opposing faction Each of these items, and more, only serve to increase difficulty of players working together to achieve a great working community.
  4. ok, well, it's still worse today than yesterday.
  5. So, is it just me, or has has crashing and the lag actually gotten worse on Ilum?
  6. Per Gabe This is a per bag chance. So it will be the same on your first bag as it is on your 100th bag. What you received previously has no effect on the roll of your next bag.
  7. Can we expect a fix to the exploit that causes extra people to join a warzone anytime soon?
  8. Some wishful thinking there Tux. I expect a patch note saying its fixed in a week or so. We'll log in and it will still be broken. Then no communication from Bioware ever again on the subject.
  9. Truthfully, they should just remove all of the BoP crafted items from all crafting classes. Crafting should be a part of the economy and not just to get what is best for yourself, everyone else be damned.
  10. You might try the Flurry check in thread. I know alot of flurry players have landed on Helm of Graush on both the Republic as well as the Imperial side. We have members from several guilds that have joined up in Flurry United on the Republic, including WoJ, NME, THEM. We have the likes of DFR & DD on the imperial side.
  11. It is used for disassempling matrix cubes that you make with the shards you get from datacrons.
  12. When looking at the big picture of the state of SWTOR and what will hold back the games longevity is a serious lack of community. Players don't really feel a connection to other players. Say we want to run an operations group, how do we contact friends that are playing on an alt of another faction and see if they want to join us if they are part of the other faction? Where is the rivalry that can lead to friendships & give people a reason to log in. SWG was always a so-so game. It was the community that kept me in the game for about 6 years and still playing with a large part of that community in SWTOR. This is what Bioware needs to promote. With the pre-release guild placement they allowed you to try to setup on the same servers as friends of another faction, but no way for us to talk to said friends except in /say. I understand Bioware doesn't want to deal with griefing of hate tells and such. But, we need to be able to send tells to friends, even if they are of the opposite faction. Another option would be to allow players of different factions to use the same custom chat channels. Personally though, I think there should be a galaxy chat channel that allows everyone to chat together. Both factions, Same faction of different planets. This should be the general chat. Then have planet specific chat for your current planet. & include LFG channel. We also need seperate server forums. There are many threads with this suggestion. Just do it.
  13. The biggest issue with this change is it makes things even harder on new lvl 50's. At this point the bags need to be changed. Someone else pretty much suggested the same thing, but what we need are 3 bag types. Centurion, Champion, & Battlemaster. Each should have commendation/chance at gear for that level. Also, the quests need to give the appropriate bag depending on your valor rank. Have the gear have a lvl 50 requirement to equip. But depending on valor rank allow a player to accumulate gear. I would suggest valor rank 1 to 34 Centurion, rank 35 to 59 Champion, 60 & up Battlemaster. This should allow a new level 50 entering the 50 brackets to have several Centurion pieces as well as possibly some Champion pieces. This would give a more even starting point at level 50. Make things more enjoyable.
  14. I can't tell you how many times I'ved died in 3 seconds and about all that comes to mind is "*** did they hit me with?" I don't care about sharing a combat log with others, I want to know what I can do to be better. This means I need to see the damage each of my abilities is doing against different classes along with what shields and such they are putting up. A combat log can also help in avoiding possible unneccessary nerfs. People die fast to a single player, they cry for nerf & devs give it to them. But, the person crying for the nerf never saw the ranged person behind and out of their field of view. Oh, it was 3 people that killed me in 3 seconds not just one. Ok, that can be understandable depending on crits and such. But, you may never know without a combat log.
  15. Just a follow up email. Give the companion gift to a companion & move on with your story.
  16. Actually, I saw a body type 4 (fatso) go through with no problem. Had to pull the room naked and die at the door to have a guild mate revive me on the other side. There is also a +4 presence datacron on Correllia that Body type 3 can not get to for the same reason.
  17. Yep, I tried using it for awhile. But, it should at least provide the same AOE damage that sticky grenade has along with the higher damage on the target.
  18. This. They have not been nerfed, yet. It is still currently on the test server.
  19. This. In the long run it is Imperial vs Republic. By voting you are helping your own side by helping your team obtain better gear. Get the vote out!
  20. I've had this thought too. Hate loosing sound when I do something on my other monitors.
  21. It's great that a total player cap was put in place for Ilum. However, this needs to apply to the battle zone only and not the planet as a whole. Also, it needs to be a per faction cap not a combined player cap & the cap needs to be dynamic to help maintain faction balance for the zone. Another option to help maintain faction balance would be to allow companions for the minority faction only. This would be limited to the number of companions needed to provide even numbers. i.e. 40 imps vs 30 Rep would allow 10 Republic companions to be used.
  22. I'll give this an /agree with everyone else.
  23. Looks like a little late, but here anyway. Alot of WoJ can be found on the Republic side on HoG. Guild name is now Flurry United.
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