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Everything posted by Iliac

  1. Can we please get an option for first available warzone when in the solo queue? I'm at a point I don't really care if I get put in a ranked warzone or not. I just want to avoid as much downtime as possible. I would like to just be able to get back into the next warzone as fast as possible.
  2. While your at it. Change the shotgun barrels to just be offhand barrels instead of shotgun only.
  3. Yeah, the primary color seems to be several shades lighter than should be. Black or white as the primary color works ok. However, anything else is awful. https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRMGxIS0tETWJPNXM/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRRDF5QkdYaGJyd1E/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRSjhGYmxuR0k0bTA/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRTWh5TnNuRGE2aGc/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRWVN5eWRqSVN1S2M/edit?usp=sharing https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9v4K0-RUwLRb2hDZmtCcGZXbG8/edit?usp=sharing
  4. This is an issue with all colors except black and white. It is a lighter shade no matter what color the dye is.
  5. Gotta love how this says coming soon for a release date, but they have already issued at least 1 press release giving Oct. 1 as the release date.
  6. Hate to break it to you, the chicken dance has been around longer than from Arrested Development.
  7. The star forager belt's appearance is not working correctly. It appears to be broken in the back. the bottle that is on the back of the belt appears to be floating off in an odd direction. You can see it on my body type 3, chiss trooper in the following image. Link to image
  8. In order to help free up inventory space, I would like to see many of the toys that exist in game to be converted to abilities. Some examples of toys to convert (just the ones I have) there are more: crate-o-matic pocket sarlaac remote control starship ball toss carbonite chamber galactic party bomb music therapy probe party jawa rythem augmentation droid all reusable jawagrams Satele Shan holostatue Dr Oggurobb hutt holostatue Republic banner Imperial banner Hero's banner Glowing eyes - RED Glowing eyes - gold portable holodancer holocamera CE flare gun MGGS Hydrothinner Burma siesmic excavator/scanner
  9. Not really, I play an MMO because I want massive epic battles. 4v4 does not satisfy this. Single player games have bigger online battles than this. Of course I wanted huge open world battles, even the slide shows we had in swg were better than what swtor has. I wonder why an ops group can hold 24. Lets see some 24v24 epic battles instead of these piddly skirmishes. This is war after all. Right?
  10. Part of my problem with this is that there really is no "high end PvP" or low end PvP for that matter. In PvE, people can choose the difficulty of PvE they take part in. This isn't possible in PvP. So, you end up with fresh 55's that have only PvEed to level up going up against full optomized conqueror gear. Just having a recruit set doesnt solve the problems of this system.
  11. It's a pain to sort out the different levels of crew skill missions on the GTN. I would like to suggest that the names of these missions be changed to indicate what grade they are or include the required level in the name. This way we would have something along the lines of: "Mission Discovery: Scavenging (340)" or "Mission Discover: Scavenging (Grade 6)"
  12. As a commando, this was my first thought.
  13. I never said they instaban anyone. They would respond within minutes. They would load into the area invisible and monitor the actions of the player. They would then be able to actually view the exploits in action and then take the appropriate action based on what the CSR actually saw. Again, I did not say the other MMOs that I have played do not use copy/paste (or pasta as you prefer) However, Almost every time in SWTOR you will receive a canned response. You will NOT be contacted by a CSR while other games I have played more often than not you would be contacted in game by the CSR responding to the game and only if you were not online would they send the canned response. They also would not close the ticket until you had verified that the issue was resolved.
  14. This is one of the reasons that the EA/Bioware customer service is a joke. These sort of actions as well as other exploits should be actioned within minutes. Every other MMO that I have played had a customer service that was able to respond to high priority issues within minutes. They would also always contact the customer for non-bug reports instead EA/Bioware chooses to close the ticket with a copy/paste statement that it has been forwarded to someone else. All non-bug reports should remain open until the issue is actually resolved. This way you can get accurate ticket times for resolution instead of giving a false stat showing a quick turn around.
  15. It just continues to amaze me how much could be done in certain games 10 years ago that can't be done in this new one. Someone really needs to have a look at their database optimization when a simple quest log causes latency issues. This has to be one of the top complaints I hear in game from people that are running pve missions.
  16. They could have punished them if they acted on it right away after seeing lvl 55s within minutes. However, since they waiting, they can't really do a rollback without pissing off a bunch of people that have been leveling the legit way. In the long run it really won't be an issue, just gives these players a headstart. BioWare does need to fix the exploit before they add any more levels though.
  17. They turned them in without accepting the reward. This removes them from the quest log and allowed them to have more than the 25 waiting.
  18. I'd like to suggest that you re-enable the earning of rested XP for level 50's before the expansion hits. It would be great to start the new planet with a full rested xp bar.
  19. Again, no they did not say that it wasn't an exploit. They said they aren't considering it an exploit. All that this means is that they will not be taking action against peoples accounts for doing it. By definition, it is very clearly an exploit.
  20. And therefore, by definition this was an exploit. Some people need to just get over that. Bioware may not be taking actions against accounts for it. But, it is still an exploit. Several of these arguments would not have happened if you had just said that Eric.
  21. Re-read the quote you posted and my post. From Musco "First, we are not considering this an exploit " What I said "bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit." So, again, how does that change anything that I stated?
  22. And how does that quote change anything that I stated?
  23. No, bioware said they aren't considering it an exploit. They did not say that it wasn't. From Wikipedia: "An exploit, in video games, is the use of a bug or glitches, rates, hit boxes, or speed, etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner not intended by the game's designers." It was never intended for low level players to be able to gain XP on ilum with the bolster mechanic. It is an exploit. What they should have said in that original post that you quoted is that they are not considering it an actionable exploit.
  24. They are trying to fix an exploit that was supposed to be fixed in last nights patch. QQing will do no good.
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