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Everything posted by Carter_Mathis

  1. Guardians- Force leap and Guardian leap Sentinel- Force leap, Force Camouflage, Transcendence Sages- Force Speed (and anyone not bad takes Egress) Shadows- Force Speed and Phase Walk Vanguard- Hold the Line Commando- Hold the Line Gunslingers- 18m invincible roll Scoundrel- 12m roll x2 (potential perma-stuck leading to getting kicked from the wz) Those are the base movement buffs of every class. In no way do Scoundrels stand out as having far too much mobility. Just because they finally got some is not justification for QQ'ing Cool, so you've had Force Speed since launch, whereas Scamper is the 2.0 scoundrel ability and Phase Walk is the 2.0 shadow ability. I'd personally rather have an instant, massive range teleport, but that's just my logical thinking kicking in.
  2. Not necessarily, there's any number of methods that Bioware could have done in order to keep factions apart. It's almost impossible to speculate without any look at their code
  3. No it isn't. Opposing factions can only converse through /say chat. If you're seeing general chat light up in your wz while you're fighting the opposite faction, that is a player of your faction speaking in general chat while in a different instance of that warzone. It's never an Imp talking to a Pub, or the reverse. Seriously, the game has been out for more than 2 years now. It's silly when someone tries to call out the enemy faction in gen chat in-game, but it's just plain stupid for a person to bring that incorrect notion to the forums.
  4. The leap bug is barely even comparable to the roll bug, since at least you can continue playing the game after you fall short of your target. It's a hassle but it isn't as bad as a bug that removes you from the warzone.
  5. ^We just got the lowbie opinion out of the way
  6. So yeah, healers aren't invicible, some pugs are just too underskilled to win matches. That is appropriate without the implementation of a better matchmaking system.
  7. 7k sab charge But still, focus fire doesn't require Teamspeak, it requires a brain.
  8. None of my deaths were the cause of a lack of pre-2.7 Emergent Emergencies, since playing thoughtfully can generally keep you out of a situation where you would need to rely on it. My teammates, however, did definitely die more since I didn't have the luxury of Emergency Medpac spams to carry their poor positioning or defensive cooldown usage. While yesterday I didn't hit a situation where EE would have been useful, I can definitely think of several. Yesterday wasn't horrible since I think 700k damage was the highest I had taken, with it usually in the 3-400k range. If the enemy team was more intent on burning me, I easily could have been getting 1-1.5 mill damage taken and really missed the old EE.
  9. No. If one of the random people you're grouped with is hitting a target (that isn't just the completely wrong guy to hit), turn to that target and hit it. Take some initiative.
  10. 12/10 Already looking to preorder tickets for the movie adaptation
  11. Really? Bioware didn't see faction imbalance coming? Did they even know faction imbalance was a thing? They were probably too stupid to look at all of the other MMOs where faction imbalance is an issue. They obviously assumed that it would never be an issue in ToR. Of course they expected one faction to be stronger. Everyone did. This isn't a new problem and it isn't a problem unique to ToR. The devs saw it coming, but there aren't magical fixes to it.
  12. There is a decent population (at least on my server) that play GSF more than they raid or PvP. I've done one match ever, so it's a wasted resource for me, but it definitely isn't for them.
  13. Consumers should have informed expectations. Anyone in retail or service industries can tell you that the customer actually isn't always right
  14. You, along with roughly 7 billion other people, have some form of currency. That does not make you special or entitled. Having money doesn't give you power, having control over a company's earnings does. The small, highly entertaining, and demanding faction that continually tells Bioware what they need to put into the game or else they may unsub does not have significant control over EA's earnings. That faction, and I guess by extension you, do not have power because that faction is an incredibly small portion of the population. There probably aren't even enough people who frequent the forums to dent the game's revenue. Just because you can find $15 every month does not give you the power in that relationship.
  15. If a player backfills into an obviously losing warzone filled with names that they either do not recognize or know to be terrible, they cannot be faulted for not wanting to waste the remainder of the warzone watching people make horrible mistake after horrible mistake. When they queued, they wanted to be put into a new warzone, ideally with a semi-competent group, not be backfilled into a predetermined, painful loss. I don't know anyone who queues for the sole purpose of being backfilled into warzones, and as long as players have no control over whether or not they get backfilled, they cannot be blamed for not wasting their time.
  16. No, consumer are able to ask for what they want. However, they are not able to throw a fit and pretend their requests are as simple as they have deluded themselves to believe. At that point, they have an unjustified anger spawned from ignorance.
  17. Unless your moderate sense of confidence is supported with a Masters degree in Software Design, then you're in about as justified of a position to judge updates in this game as you are to build an airplane.
  18. Deal, I'd rather take a long duration 50% defense increase than that short cd any day
  19. Because that would kill pvp on the servers that people transfer from, while not necessarily solve the issues with ranked pvp in ToR, and most likely cause a large number of the transfers to quit the game after they become disillusioned with the pvp servers (like what happened after transfers first came out). If this was meant to be multiple choice rather than free response, my answer is B. B is the new C
  20. That's always been a thing
  21. That's just so... I don't even... Watchman is okay for duels, but rarely gets out of the ramp up phase before the fight is over. Focus is about to be gutted in come 2.7. There are so many fights where combat is not the appropriate spec to go, especially since it sustains lower than Watchman, and both of those specs sustain and deal with downtime worse than Dotsmash. Don't give blanket statements.
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