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Everything posted by Nyla

  1. Because Jita crashes with 2k people, because there's more than 2k people on Dromund Kaas/Coruscant on all TOR servers, because comparing the graphical load of Eve with TOR is silly, because comparing the amount of exchanges with a server with 50k people or 1M is stupid.
  2. Sorry to be off-topic but I'm surprised to see you still here considering all you wrote before launch ! While I could agree with most of the list, I still have a problem with it. Sometimes you want something more convenient, sometimes you want more consistency with the lore, sometimes it's the gameplay that seems more important. I don't see how to make all thoses things coherent which seems to be one of your request. To make the game more consistent with the lore, it would make some other things 10 times more annoying and/or they would have to make class-specific content for world/side quest (to continue about the way NPCs talk to Sith). I don't know, I feel that even if all thoses changes were made, you would still complain it's not coherent and that it's not normal to be able to make appear your speeder ouf of thin air or that players should be able to buy anything considering they have a ship that probably cost 10+M credits or more.
  3. You don't know how much money was used for the voice acting, you don't know how many people use spacebar to skip content or how often. About alts, I do remember some things but not everything. Also, it's not exactly the same dialogue as I'm not using the same answers (I have characters from 100% light to 100% dark and in between) and some dialogue changes based on species/classes. It's the first MMO with that much voice acting, I think it's great but not perfect. I agree that in the repeatable part of the game, less talk would be good (but I'm not using spacebar as soon as you wrote, maybe because English is not my native language).
  4. Thx but I don't like coffee Dunno I'm just trying to find your opinion on the OP which would be more useful to this thread than your preference for endgame over leveling but anyway, have a nice day
  5. The OP is complaing about leveling being too easy and too fast. Any changes in the direction the OP wants would make you hate the game more as you would level slower. I don't understand how the fact that you like endgame and don't like leveling relevant as noone wrote about endgame before you and you still haven't said anything about the OP.
  6. Sure it's true but what ? You want more diverse and complex characters with less stereotypical personnalities ? There's a big problem between your wish and the people playing their games. Lots of people need help to find which answer is light or dark, why being mean as a Sith Warrior doesn't appeal to Vette or anything like that. If they include more complex NPCs with more blurry personnalities, how all thoses people will be able to play the game ?
  7. Maybe you are all playing the wrong game. I understand it's not everyone's taste but it's how it's designed and it's known for years.
  8. The OP is complaining the leveling is too easy and that we get too much XP. Any answer Bioware could make to the OP would slow the way to 50. What's your point as you say you hate leveling and want to get it done ASAP ? You hate leveling but want to spend more time leveling ???
  9. The amount of XP required to level is this way to let players choose the content they want to do. Noone forces you to do all the quests + space combat + flashpoints ... it's your choice. Sure if you like all thoses, you will overlevel BUT many people don't. They don't like space or they don't want to do the bonus series because they feel it slows them down, they want to solo to 50 without doing hc quests and flashpoints... For the gear it's the same, you can level with purple gear, you can do it in orange gear using the commendations to fill the mod slots, you can level in blue/green from quest rewards... It was designed to appel to different players with different playstyle. Again, I agree that if you're some sort of completionist, you will overlevel (an XP toggle would have been nice) but you can also choose how hard the game is by choosing how you get your gear and how much content you do. I have played a tank assassin to 50 by doing all the content except flashpoints being 4-5 levels above. The sniper I just started, I will do class and world quests skipping the side ones, I will try to level without companion as much as I can and won't spend my commendations. It's a choice, like many games you can change the difficulty by expanding the game and adding your own rules.
  10. So you want to use less HS and more your other abilities ? To do that they would have to reduce the damage of all thoses abilities or you damage output would increase too much. It would means lower burst damage and less solo capabilities. Vanguards aren't the only like this, it's the same with the other tanks. They need to use basic attacks to have enough ressources and Bioware can't let them go all out with their more damaging abilities without making them OP or having to decrease their viability in leveling/solo/PvP content.
  11. Everything is wrong the way it is. The stats total value rewarded by the datacrons is not negligible which means it's mandatory for players that want the best for their characters. It's not like space, an optional mini-game as there's no alternative to get thoses benefits. Fixed locations don't reward exploration. Players use the most easy mean to get what they want. In this case, most of the players searched on Internet to get the locations instead of exploring the worlds. The design and difficulty to get to the datacrons is completely random, with no learning curve. Some are really easy, others really hard. One missed jump some times forces you to go back at the start for 2min of speeder/running/jumping you can't fail. For hitting the space key 0.1s too late, you have to go back through 2min to try again. The fun factor of some of them really eludes me, especially when it goes in hand with bugs (jawa balloon + its random despawn 1min before the sandcrawler, reported as a bug for months). Mixing platform skills with unique stats rewards is a design flaw. I don't mind content with platform skills with their own rewards that don't interfere with normal combat gameplay but the way it is now is wrong, like it would be if space content would give access to battlemaster gear. Back to the drawing board imo !
  12. Sure IF they make helmets for Togruta, it will need more work. BUT there's already a Togruta companion in game and she can wear the same gear as player.
  13. Not so much the dances (at least not for me as I don't use /dance often lol) but yes seeing a character with a different body shape, different animations, different emotes makes way more impact, at least for me, than being called alien in a few cutscenes. It's the same with what we already got, if I make a body 3 (muscular) female, I will feel and play her differently than if I make a body 1 or 4 female. Animations, emotes, ... all take part in defining a certain identity to the characters.
  14. I hope they never allow that because it doesn't make sense to me. Your faction is your country, just because you disagree how it's ruled you don't change of nationality. A Dark Side Republic character is not against the Republic as a Light Side Imp is not against the Empire.
  15. I hope too for more species/customization. The worst part of what BW gave us about species is they don't feel different. Sure there's a few lines of VO that change here or there but I never felt I was playing different species. The lore that shows they are indeed different species is not in the game or at least not well shown. Star Wars experts might feel the differences but I don't see difference between playing a Chiss or a Zabrak. I'm definitely not a fan of WoW but Blizzard made it way better, the different body shapes, the animations, ... make more impact than being called alien here and there. Sure, it costs time and money but I thought Bioware was aiming for quality, having bland species and a bad character creator is not the right way. About technical difficulties, it's silly, there's already plenty of NPCs of more alien species that are wearing the same armors we can currently wear or ones that have been made on purpose. Just look at our companions, except droids, they can wear the same gear (visible or not) than us, why not have them as playable species (for thoses that could speak basic) ?
  16. No, they just need to expand the current moddable gear system they already have, there's no need for another system.
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