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Everything posted by Aryzyra

  1. Are they dying out of combat? If not, your strategy here doesn't make a lot of sense. You'll tell them you're a "combat healer" and they'll tell you "heal me in combat then", and hurp durp. Regarding this thread, at lower levels it's often faster for players to use the self heal than for the healer to heal the damage out of combat. Especially if the healer is using the self heal to regen. If players want to move faster, they'll save time by self healing.
  2. Learn to keybind, and accept this game has ability bloat. They will probably end up condensing abilities the next expansion, if you stick around.
  3. Hey, it doesn't say "all fans". Or even specify human fans. The way it should be read: If there were a ceiling fan able to pre-order this game, it would now be able to play.
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