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Everything posted by Parthis

  1. I wouldn't worry about it being gone; unavailable would be more accurate. I'd guess it's a client issue and we have copies of the "old" fleet, meaning new Guild Bank access point.
  2. Not just the guild bank; new tier gear vendors and the new raid have "gone" too. It's like the fleet has been reverted to pre-1.2. /facedesk. Getting bored of this crap now tbh.
  3. I once spent six weeks on a moon where the principal form of recreation was juggling geese. My hand to God. Baby geese - goslings! They were juggled. 3 lvl 50 players on at 3:30 in the morning on a work night is not odd.
  4. They have sprint as an on demand buff so they can control in-combat movement and out of combat movement; adding sprint into the base run speed would lead to a ton of rebalancing and reworking of Warzones, Flash point and Operation bosses.
  5. They may very well have said it a while back; they also say it would apply to rakatta gear. I'm sure i'm not alone in seeing only one of those messages. Secondly, re it being odd; someone logging in for the first time is supposed to know what it looks like how exactly? People don't have any level 61 mods, and as a result I don't know what a mod with an attached set bonuses looks like in the UI. Should they simply be left to assume? Secondly I (and I know others too) had already moved alot of mods out of these pieces and into their desired gear in anticipation of these changes. The reality is, as far as I and many other people were told we could move our set bonuses, which isn't actually the case. That post I linked to above should have been a blog post, promoted to the front page for all to see. Communication on changes is woeful, and it doesn't help when forum dwellers such as yourself turn up to twist the knife. You can clearly see from other replies and threads that this isn't a well known limitation.
  6. Hmm, mixed feelings here. For example; I still can't wear what I want to wear. I've just spent hundreds of thousands of credits moving my mods, armorings and enhancements out of my rakatta and PvP gear and into a set of gear that i've spent a lot of time acquiring only to find that the set bonuses aren't copied across. This is the complete opposite of what was stated. So, credits wasted I've moved all my mods back... I look the same, wearing gear I hate. Come to the forums and find a thread (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=399000) posted two days ago alluding to it. It's crap like this that leaves a sour taste.
  7. This is useful, insightful stuff. You should write a blog.
  8. Mandalorian Raiders drops a set that is VERY similar, but doesn't have the shoulder pads. There is a chest like that in game, I have it iirc, will check when home from work.
  9. Keep in mind that you can still avoid and mitigate incoming damage while channelling (unlike that other game), it becomes immune to interrupts and it does excellent threat. I personally don't like channelling either; it doesn't fit my mental model of what a tank is, but that aside it's an excellent talent. Wither, Shock, Wither and pop it. The healing is nice, but don't depend on it.
  10. A justifiable one. Be all you like.
  11. Terminology clash; I didn't mean mitigate in a damage reduction sense, more in a "counter against". It's easier to lock out/counter a channel in melee range with positional elements ("Run behind them!", knockback, interrupt (assuming not spec'd for 1.2's immunity), local stun, force push, etc) than it is to lock out/counter a large area of effect ability invoked at 30 meters.
  12. Valor ranks never meant anything. They're not a measure of skill, simply time. They're not a measure of ability, simply participation. You shouldn't be rewarded because you have more time than other players. Valor ranks are a glory metric and nothing more. A way of giving you titles, etc. Excellent PvPers don't need better gear than poor PvPers to be excellent PvPers; cosmetic gear is a way of saying "I am awesome, and my appearance proves it". Skill > Gear is the mantra everyone likes to throw around... now the system backs that up.
  13. Sure, but Pulse Cannon/Flame Thrower requires close range, positioning and is very easy to lock out in PvP (melee interupts, knock backs, pushes, close stuns, etc). DFA/MV can be popped at 30m, is considerably harder to mitigate, has (on live) a much larger area and still does considerable damage. It may not do as much as another ability, but it's still enough to warrant the attention. The most important point however is this; Pulse Cannon may do more damage, but it's not an either/or decision. A BH/Tr can open with DFA/MV safely at range, toss an Explosive Dart and then move in for Flame Thrower/Pulse Cannon. That is a silly amount of AoE damage, even in PvE.
  14. Dear OP; calm down. You haven't stumbled on a conspiracy and whatever original design you think you've found is irrelevant... MMOs change based on performance and monitoring. The AoE range on DFA/MV was overpowered. I say this as someone who plays a PT tank and i'm also in the process of levelling my second Bounty Hunter (a lovely healing Merc). It. Was. Overpowered. Whatever the reason BW state in their patch notes the change makes sense. Animations, regardless of live, will be changed too... and stop trying to compare it to other classes, it makes you appear foolish as not all clashes are created equally, comparing one tiny facet of their gameplay, ignoring the rest and claiming foul-play is stupid.
  15. Guild website. Vent/Team Speak. etc. This is not a new "problem" that BW needs to fix; their resources are better served elsewhere. If your guildies actually like being part of your guild make a republic/empire mirror guild and an alt of your own to keep in touch with them. If your guildies are rolling alts, not joining your guild, rarely logging into their "mains" or visiting your guild website then perhaps they simply aren't that interested it in... and no amount of Bioware dev time is going to fix that.
  16. "Because you've never played the class no doubt." - Wrong. The mistake you're making is believing that "force management" and "health management" are two different things; they're not. Non of our raiding Sorc healers have any problems with force management in the live game. Non of them. At all. Not only that but they're far and away the best healing class at the moment. Try doing some of the NMM stuff with 3 sorcs and then try again with 2 Mercs and an Agent. Here's the kicker; if you manage to get yourself completely OOF you have a way of getting more force, at a cost. That cost is something you should care about otherwise it shouldn't be in the game period. "Why should we have to worry about both when no other class has them inextricably linked in this manner?" Because it's a mechanic of your class, just like variable regen rates for Mercs/Agents. Every other class in this game has procs to track, resources to manage and more importantly consequences should they become completely OOF/OH/OOE; so should you. Sorcs have the largest resource pool of all the healers with the most reliable regen and a way of gaining more. The nerfs are justified and long overdue; grow up, cowboy up, shut up.
  17. With respect, you should have to worry about something. Sorc healing force management was really rather good. Ask a Merc about managing a much smaller pool and then take a look at their nerfs in 1.2. As it stands 1.2 fixes some bugs in Sorc healer and makes your resource management a more important part of playing the class... which is as should be really. I don't understand the outcry.
  18. It's a nice idea... but tbh, a surprise attack on what? There is absolutely no open world PvP in this game. At all. No capitals to invade, no worlds to conquer... nothing.
  19. There isn't a single piece of content in the game at level 10 that requires you to be a tank. By the same token getting a tank stance at 14 doesn't make you a tank; it just prepares you for slightly harder content that from time to time may require you to take a beating. As content gets harder you get more abilities... ... put another way; you don't need it at 10, so you dont get it at 10.
  20. Uh-oh... looks like someone has found the effects pane. Sorry chap, I couldn't watch it, just found it too heavy on the eyes. Sometimes less is more, you know? I get and applaud the desire to create videos that aren't the usual "lolz heavy rock fist pump lolz lolz" variety (because they're terribad), but by the same token you need to tone down the bleeds, blooms and colour overlays IMHO. That said, personal preference is personal; if you like it, keep doing it.
  21. Unless, of course, mechanically the encounter requires tank switching and taunts to be used for a specific purpose. The reality is that taunts in this game currently serve inconsistent cross-purposes; is it a threat building mechanic, a button to push then things go wrong, or something to be used as part of the encounter's design. Tanks can hold threat without taunt spamming, and some encounters do have tank switches built into them, which leads me to think that it's a mechanic that was overlooked... and if it is by design, over-tuned (free 30% on your own threat every 15s? OP). I would like to see clarification on this, because tbh, it's just not that fun. Shame we can PM Georg anymore
  22. QFT. Pyro is stupidly OP at the moment. The advice is sound though; roll a BH or Trooper. They're a very easy class to play (as all survival is passive). The Jugg/Knight and Assassin/Shadow are more complicated.
  23. I'm not convinced they're going to fix animation->proc delays on one ability by introducing it to another. Shock's implementation is fine. There's no reason why Project couldn't simply apply it's damage on being invoked. It'd look a little odd at first, but who cares; it'd be predictable and balanced.
  24. Honestly, I don't care at this point. 1.2 just has to deliver and BW need to stop screwing over EU players; finishing work, carving out some time only to find that they're taking the servers down at peak to please a load of new people and avoid disturbing the US. BW would do well to remember the players who are still paying for their game.
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